Encounters with Religious Figures

Musical Speech, the Last Supper, The Green Men, Hilarion, Tears and Nuns, Devil Hexes, Imam Abdullah, Imam Abdullah sends me to prison

Musical Speech

The Angels have asked me to use this symbol for when they speak. In the book "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture", I had placed a star before each of the times I spoke, and I had used a symbol of three stars for when Angel Razakiel speaks. The Angels have kept asking me to please use this symbol from the musical notes for when they speak, and I had promised to do so. So from now on, to denote when an Angel speaks, I can use that symbol. It seems to be the symbol that comes first in musical notes, followed by a melody or lyrics. The Angels love to sing, and they talk often about how they love to sing for God. Their songs contain words like Glory! and Rejoice! Narkael also likes to sing and sings like the Angels, mostly about Light and also about Rejoice. So maybe Narkael is an Angel?

Jesus about Last Supper

Lord Sananda, who lived on Earth as Jesoah (Jesus), had received a question from a Catholic priest today or was it last night, and he chose to share it with me. The question had been, "what had Jesus eaten at the last supper?" Lord Sananda shared his answer with me in both images and in words.

Jesus, Lord Sananda, was upset that the Roman Catholics depict his last supper with him and the others dressed in Roman clothing and not as Jews. Jesus firmly explained that he and the others at the table were Jews. They had worn the Jewish hats (you know those little flat hats that the Jewish wear?) and Jewish clothes, which were white with long sleeves and the blue and white scarf over the shoulders, the Jewish hats, and with the symbol the Star of David ever present. Jesus explained, quite seriously, that Jesoah and his friends there were Jews. They should not have been depicted as Romans. That is the answer he wanted to give, about the last supper. To set things straight.

If you are not familiar with the story, God created the original Jewish people and they were placed on Earth. They were even more beautiful than the Angels, with golden wavy hair. The symbol of the Guardians of Humanity was the eight-pointed star, and the six-pointed star was given to the Jews, this is the Star of David. The Romans were pagans who wanted to conquer the whole world brutally, they even burned animal and human corpses to please their pagan gods.

The Jews were enslaved by the Romans. Their cities taken over. The Jewish women were raped so that they would have Roman sons. Jewish men were murdered. The Jewish sons were murdered so that the Roman-Jewish sons could take their place. This is how the Romans conquered new lands, by placing their own sons there instead. It was horrendous. The Jews prayed to their God, who listened. God could not come here on his own, in person, so he manifested himself in human form in his son Jesoah, Jesus. The Romans embraced Christianity which was formed by Jesoah and his Jesuit followers, and the Romans were ultimately stopped, they converted and changed their ways.

Jesus was a Jew. The Jews wore Jewish clothes, the white and blue prayer scarves over their shoulders, the Jewish hat, and with the Star of David ever present. They should not have been painted as Romans in the last supper.

Note: this information comes directly from Jesus. If you had asked me, I would have assumed that Jesus wore those robes that he is painted with wearing. I could never have pictured myself Jesus as a Jew or with Jewish clothes. I would never myself personally have tried to reinvent Jesus. But he is describing himself. We really should, in honor of the Jews who were injured by the Romans, which is what brought our beloved Jesoah to us, paint a new last supper where they are Jews, not Romans.

The Angels would like to sing to that. ~ says an Angel (Karakiel), April 4 2014, 12:35 noon
I am Karakiel. ~ Angel Karakiel

The Green Men

I had wondered in paintings made of all the Hindu deities who were the green men in those pictures? One night in March 2014 I was approached by the beings in the other world when I had gone to bed. They wanted to take me with them in an out of body journey to go see them. That night I had something that did not seem like a dream.

I was in a spaceship in outer space and looking at a variety of alien beings. Some of them were green men. They would talk to me now and also when I returned from the journey. I had just been writing about Theosophy (in my studies of Kuthumi, or Koot Hoomi) and the green men let me know that they were the green ones in Hinduism, and they were not happy about the use of their symbol, the swastika, by Madame Blavatsky in the symbol of Theosophy. They said that the swastika with four dots, one dot on each corner, is even more special, but I was not entitled to be told what the swastika means with the four dots.

They knew I had wondered about the ape-men and the rat-men among the Hindu deities. I was told that the ape-men were a form of prehistoric human that had lived but was no longer existing. The rat-men had existed, but are no longer anywhere to be found, they said.


You are better than Hilarion. I just thought you should know. ~ Father Motreyah, April 4 2014, 12:10 noon, says about me

Tears and Nuns

April 5 2014 ~ I have shed so many tears in the past days from how deeply the words of Jesus have touched me. I have cried perhaps ten times a day, with many heavy tears. I read a sentence of his that I have written down and shared here, and it touches me so deeply and I cry. I feel his words, I feel his bread that is his words. Can you feel it too?

Last night I had a dream where I visited a Catholic convent, the women wore the black and white clothing of nuns. I had missed a deadline to join the convent and I was so sad that I could not be a nun. This dream reunited me with my deep and inner longing and belonging of being a nun. I have the calling. How this calling finds a woman in Sweden who was asked to live like all other women of my time and place, to make me understand virtue and sanctity and being in the reverence of God and the All, to wish to wear a veil and practice more cleanliness and regular fasting and sparse meals, to live a life in prayer and meditation, in the chorus of the Angels (the Angels wanted to add this last part).

It is something a "normal" woman of my age and time and place could never understand, how something that is invisible and seemingly not tangible such as Light can be more meaningful than those wordly things that I have discarded. But it is, that most women are seeking a satisfaction to their hungers and needs and to their self-finding, from those things and those deeds and acts that are about them to be found in those things that lie around them, whereas I am given those things directly from God from Light. I am given my Bread from Jesus, the Light that fills me, and I need nothing more that can be found in shops or bars or in any of the wordly things that were formed from thought. My world can be formed from the thoughts of God, and not of thoughts of wordly things.

The Devil Hexes

April 6 2014 ~ The first time I got a really good close look at the Devil was when I had held the Quran in my hands and he came to ask me to promise that I would not read in the Quran. The Devil looked like a black creature. He is short and slender, his entire body is black except for the eyes that are white. His skin appears smooth and shiny. He has a tail

I wanted you to be my concubine. ~ the Devil says sadly, April 6 2014, 9:29 AM
Is that why you are trying to ruin my life? Or is that what turns you on? ~ me
Well, yes. Deeply. It is what I like to do here! ~ Devil
I am not the Sarasvita now, but I was. ~ Devil (see the page on Sarasvita)

He has a tail, and arms with hands, and feet with legs

I wanted you to be my concubine I said. ~ Devil whines sadly
Then stop hurting me is a start. Why would anyone want to be your woman if you keep trying to ruin their life? Don't you know anything about women? ~ me
I wanted to ruin you. ~ Devil in Swedish, "Jag ville sarga dig."

The Devil looked like something like a mixture of a lizard and a dog and he represented himself as sitting on a throne casually with one leg thrown over an armrest as he declared he wanted to be "the king of Arabs". Thinking of the Quran sends God the Light, Allah, instantly to remove the Devil. I have seen many times how Allah vanquishes the Devil. Using the Quran for vanquishing the Devil is much more powerful than using the Bible. I know that Christians love their Bible, but if you really want to be an exorcist you can use the Quran.

I am happy that I was non-religious and non-denominational when these religious experiences begun, so that I am able to discern freely between religions, I have no prejudice or preference for one religion over the other, so truth can more easily flow to me. Had I always been a Christian I might have denounced Islam and never learned of the powers of the Quran. If you are a Christian, you could start by having the Holy Quran in your bookshelf next to the Bible. God's presence and protection is strong in the Quran and I don't see why anyone should miss out. It does not weaken the Bible or a Christian faith to include yet another one of God's channels to humanity into our lives. If you are a Christian and you know Jesus and the Bible, well guess what, you can also get to know the Quran and Allah in Islam.

So I noticed today that the Devil was whispering his spells on me. He was constructing scenes from my daily life and hexing them. I just went to a job interview recently and the Devil was now showing me scenes from that and the people I had met, my new boss, the employer, and the coworkers, as well as people from my previous job, and the Devil was hexing with his spells

It is called incantations! ~ the Devil pleads, 9:36 AM
I don't like it, so please stop. It doesn't make me want to be your concubine. Stop with the nonsense! You're a rude bastard, you're deliberately trying to ruin my life! Why do you do that! ~ me
The incantations were many before. So I wanted to say them again. I just, wanted some justice for what was done to me. They, I said?!! ~ Devil, the "they, I said" was said in that wretched wicked voice
I never did anything to hurt you, so why do you take it out on me. Stop trying to punish me, for something I did not do. I would never hurt you, in fact I pray that one day you will find the Light again, that one day God will take you into its arms. I would not hurt you, but I have to ask you to leave. You are nothing but trouble with your spells and hexes. ~ me
I didn't want to love you. But, I thought that you could love me? As, I have never felt this way before? I wanted, to sleep with you. I wanted to be with you, in your arms. The hexes?!?!?? Were many?!?? ~ Devil
Go away, you were trying to ruin my jobs. You're trying to ruin my life, I saw what you were doing. You were putting spells and curses on my life, and I don't want you to be here anymore. You're clearly not here to make friends or "lovers". Stop being so mean. ~ me
I wasn't, angry at you? ~ Devil kindly
Yes you were, I mean you were trying to hurt me. So, stop it. It doesn't make me love you if you are putting spells on my life, dark wicked curses. So stop whispering your curses on my life! ~ me

The Devil was making scenes and putting into my mind of the people I am going to work with. He was whispering these scenes to me and wanting me to think that it was the people in my life who were saying these things. For instance, he wants me to think that my new employer won't like me, and all kinds of negative things that he could come up with. Just a steady long stream of hexes where he showed scenes of people who don't like me or who talk badly behind my back or say bad things about me or are disappointed in me. He wanted me to believe that this is how these people really feel about me. (What is worse if he were to whisper these things to those people, then they might not know the difference between the Devil and their own mind and start to take those hexes as their own thoughts, and act according to them.)

But, I saw this black licorice man standing beside me, and I saw how these streams of negative scenes were coming from him. I told him I can see him and what he is doing. What I then did was I thought of the Quran. Just a thought of the Quran applied to my presence made the Devil instantly burst into flames.

Yes, they took me out. ~ Devil says
They snared me?!! ~ Devil in the wicked voice
Go away, you're putting hexes on my life. I don't want you to. ~ me
I wasn't going to do them anymore. ~ Devil sadly, regretfully
I don't want to be your lover. Because you were trying to ruin my new job. ~ me
I dont want to?!! ~ Devil
Yes you did. I saw what you were doing. You were trying to put a curse on my job. Go away, I'm definitely not going to be your lover because you are mean and you were putting hexes on my life. Why were you whispering such evil? What is wrong with you? If you are looking for lovers then you have to be nice to them, for starters. Besides, don't you know that I am celibate? I am waiting for my husband, and it won't be you. Why would I marry the Devil? ~ me, I stop talking because an Angel, probably Michael, is holding him back and now it is that Angel's white light here and the Devil is deeply gone

The Devil then returned and I thought of the Quran once again, and the Devil was captured into something where he suffers. A thought of the Bible is not as effective as the Quran is, but can also work. I recommend that exorcists, no matter what their personal religion happens to be, use the Quran as their Book.

Let's examine that. The Quran and Islam takes pride in preserving the text unaltered. Don't they still have the original Arabic Quran in use? Meanwhile, the Bible has been translated into English, and not just that, they keep making new translations of the Bible all the time, new version, the old English version, the modern version. Words are extremely powerful but when they are changed or the syntax is made different, one word switched into another, it breaks the original sentence. But what more, Jesus has taught me that the Bible has been edited and altered many times.

The original Creation Story was an Ethiopian legend. It was then rewritten by the Babylonians, and then again by the Jews. The story about Jonah and the fish is a myth and did not happen, yet it is in the Bible. And it was not Moses who went to the mountains and heard the Word, it was Ahab, and Ahab was a shepherd. Ahab was later rewritten to be a "king", because oral telling of Ahab described him first as "a great man", and then someone translated "a great man" into "king". King meant "a great man" back then, and it did not mean to have a crown and live in a castle and so forth. Moses was the symbolic "the son of Jews", so when Moses did something in the Jewish texts, it was "the son of Jews" who was doing it, in the role of the son of Jews. But if that isn't enough, then the Romans rewrote the Bible. While Christianity has roots and linkages to God, the stories and texts have been edited and altered. The Quran, however, seems to be a different matter. The Quran is much more powerful than the Bible in vanquishing the Devil, for instance, because in it is the less altered, or even completely unaltered, Word of God.

Christians might not accept Islam. If you love God and Jesus, you can also love Islam. And if you want God's protection you can have the Quran in your home, and think of it when you suspect the hexes of the Devil. But please do not touch or read the Quran if you are unclean. Allah taught me this. If you do decide to keep the Quran in your home, cherish it, treat it like a lit candle that burns and whose fire keeps the Devil away. But do not touch it if you are unclean. You can talk to Muslims about cleanliness and they will teach you what it means.

That was all well-written, but we wouldn't have said it that way. ~ Lord Sananda, 9:54 AM
First of all, it wasn't about the Jews. As, what the Jews have always written, was always accurate. And no women shall change these words! So, tell them that, and they will have peace in their hearts. The Muslims were not with mine, but they were also with my shepherds. As, the lands have been many, and the people spread apart. But, they were all with my God's people, and we were all living in the same kingdom. The Holy Tabernacles were not changed. As, we will not allow them to take in Allah. The Jews will have their own faith, and so it must be done. Do not tell or ask them to change. ~ Lord Sananda who was Jesoah
I was, simply suggesting that the Christians consider including the Quran in their life. I was nowhere suggesting that the Jews would change anything, I was telling how the Jews had written and changed some of their stories. ~ me
Yes, most of them were myths and fables. But the stories about the father and son were all true. As, here we are, as fathers and sons. And, it was never written for the women, not even to Esther. ~ Sananda
Who was Esther? ~ me
A King's wife. ~ Sananda

Lord Sananda begun to talk just as I had finished writing this text and ready to close. He was in other words defending the Jewish faith. The Jewish faith needs not to be altered.

The Gothics were not with me. ~ Devil adds, 9:59 AM
Go away, you are a troublemaker. ~ me
I wanted some wine with you?!?? ~ Devil

I often have to go inside an oven. ~ the Devil calmly speaks, "Jag måste ofta gå in i en ugn." he said in Swedish and showed me what is a cremation oven in a morgue

A minute later the Devil appeared with an image of cooked soft flesh and with the unmistakable sweetly scent of cooked human flesh. He said:

It was a hot, trivial, pursuit. ~ Devil, 10:13 AM, about how the "good ones" had chased him

I went into the kitchen to have a snack. Jesus captured the Devil and held him in his arms. The Devil looked like a little child in his arms and was embraced by his Light, but the Devil was trying to get loose and eventually he snuck away, and Lord Sananda and the Angels said that they had tried to hold him, but he left. (I wonder if this is because earlier I told the Devil that I pray that God would one day take him into his arms, and now, he did.)

And, later:

They threw me in an oven. ~ said Devil, 11:23 AM

Imam Abdullah

April 7 2014 ~ I am aware of an Arabic man looking at me again. It is the same Arab man as before. He is in a large Islamic mosque or temple building that is decorated with pillars and with mosaic and blue arabesque. I ask him, is he Ishmael? It is not the first time that he visits. He looks like a man in his 30's, clearly Arabic, with very short black hair, slightly big lips and ears pucker out a bit. He is a Holy Man, he has God's presence.

Who is this Arab man? ~ me, April 7 2014, 7:13 PM
You will find out one day what we are doing, but not now. ~ Arab

I also get visits from Lord Sananda who was Jesoah Jesus and Kuthumi. And Father Motreyah who is another Holy Man who wears a white turban.

We have been watching you for a very long time, and we knew that you could not eat before. I was asked to talk to you about this. ~ Arab man, these are not his exact words because I couldn't write it down immediately. He is referring to the problem I had with Jesus, My Conflict with Jesus. Seems that Sananda Jesus had sent him to me instead, to sort this out.
... Who are you? ~ me
I am the holy Imam. Or I was, once. ~ Arab
What was your name? ~ me
I can only pronounce it in Arabic. ~ Arab, I heard him say something in Arabic first
Are you with Islam? Are you with God? ~ me
You were not a woman who liked to be in prayer with me. But, usually they sat down in prayer at the sight of me. I am the Great One. ~ Arab
Allah? ~ me
That is one of my Holy names. And now, as a woman, you must get down on your knees and pray. As, it has always been done before. ~ Arab

What do I do? Do I get down on my knees and pray to him? Just a while ago I watched a tv documentary on Christianity and it had elements of Islam in it. Is that what brought him to me?

You are not one of the sinners, now. As, I have purified you of your sins. So! Now! Take that down to the chapel! ~ Arab says

As I had watched the tv documentary, I had wished or prayed that God would help me resolve my sexual sins. Ever since the presence of Jesoah I have become aware of the darkness in my energy due to past sexual acts that remove a person's light. These are things that most Western women do, such as having sex with someone who does not love you. Jesus must have known I was struggling to heal this with him, as, I have already somehow thought in my mind that it is difficult. With this new form of Holy Man I could not have expected it to be difficult. Is he another form of Jesus? In Arabic? Wait a minute! Could this be Muhammad!

I am the one and only. ~ says Jesus in his true godly form, in which he is not the form of Jesus but the form that is closer to what God really looks like, as the tall white man with long legs
Muhammad? Are you, Muhammad? ~ me
Now, women must get down on their knees and pray for me. Otherwise this won't work. ~ the Arab says
I would feel better to pray with you in a church, or at a Mosque if they allow women. ~ me
God has sent me here. ~ Jesoah Sananda in his godly form that looks like God
Thank you. ~ me
As, we heard your prayers that time. ~ Jesoah Sananda about my prayer while watching tv about resolving the sins
... Who is... ~ me
I am also with the Tabernacle. ~ Jesoah Sananda in god form
Are you? God is Jesus and the Arab Imam and is also with the Tabernacle in Judaism? ... Muhammad? Or an Imam? Muhammad was a prophet. ~ me
I have the same white clothes as he. So, I thought that you could recognize me. As, I am the one and only. ~ the Arab man says, he stands in a holy temple and is wearing a long white gown, "same white clothes as he" refers to Jesus
Jesus? In the form of an Arab Imam? ~ me
I am blessing you, if you get down on your knees. ~ the Arab man
And then your sins will all be resolved. ~ Jesoah in god form
... I was going to relieve your sins for you. Now! And rise! I would say, had you knealt for me first. ~ the Arab
I'm not ready. ~ me
I will wait for you when you are. ~ Jesoah in god form he smiles to me
Thank you God. I will be ready soon. ~ me
You haven't been beaten by me, but many men would beat you for saying that you have seen me. That is why I wanted you to have knealt for me. And now, there will be many who will have wanted to beat you. ~ the Arab Holy Man says
The Muslims can be dangerous I suppose. Why would they beat me if I saw you their Holy Man? If I wasn't ready to kneel and pray with you? If I was scared and not ready? ~ me
Not for that. But for saying that you have heard me. They have written about me before, and now we are called the Holy Ghost! ~ Arab Man
No, we don't do Easter. ~ the Arab Man
We don't do, what Abdullah said either! ~ Arab man (readers, you can read about who Abdullah is in the book "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture", that is where Abdullah was mentioned)

Why didn't I kneel for him? Oh! He is doing it now! He is healing me! He is healing my sexual sins. What are sexual sins? A darkness, a pain, in the lower abdomen due to sexual sins. Sex outside of marriage, sex with people who do not love each other, and other things. Ever since Jesus came into my life I became aware of this blackness which became ever more uncomfortable in that region in my energy body. And I found myself unable to let it go, because letting it go meant that I first would have to face it. The Arab Holy Imam had wanted me to kneel and pray for him. Now I am sitting on a desk chair and he is healing it right now. I have peace and light where I had darkness and sin. The discomfort has lifted.

"Now! Rise up!", I would have said. ~ Arab man
And be Bread. ~ Jesoah Sananda

Jesus is in my arms and blood now. The Arab man in the long white tunic is holding my arms in his arms. He smiles at me.

I wanted you to see me in a temple of a mosque, because the Arabs were also with me. And, the healing times have been many. So, now, you have eaten this bread. And let it be with you at all times. The moments have been many, when we have done this with you. And now, it has been here yet another time! So, the Arabs were once holy, who had seen me. But, then, they turned to war. And they fought one another in my name! And so, it has become, that you were forgiven. Forgiven for your trespasses, it should say. The women were many, who have come to me. And now, this has been yet another one of such times. Now! Be merry and have many children! ~ Arab man, when he said wars I was shown a snapshot of Arab warriors on horses and with swords and turbans riding the deserts
You are Jesus, yet you are an Arab Imam? ~ me, he shows me a visual snapshot of Arabic text, I cannot read Arabic
What does the text say? ~ me

I don't understand. Why would you heal me? ~ me
Because in God's eyes, we are all equal. The lands were made for many. And now, I have healed you. The Imam Abdullah was me. I was Abdullah, once, it was my name. ~ Arab
Jesus said that Abdullah ~ me
Ooh? So you mentioned me? ~ Arab
Jesus said that Abdullah was a merchant who spread the holy scripture. He didn't say that Abdullah was also an Imam? ~ me
Now, rest. ~ the Arab, he still holds his arms firmly against my arms. He shines in light. He has healed me.
I will never sin again. ~ me
Won't you have more sons for me? ~ Arab
For you? Sons? ~ me
The Imams were many. So! You were not only one of their women that they have seen! As, there have been many more, than were written about. ~ Jesoah in god form

I have met Jesus, and a Holy Arabic Man who was an Imam. Or at least, a godly divine being who comes to me in the form of an Arabic Imam, a holy man of light, just like Jesus is. They seem to be two forms of the same presence. And this Arabic Imam has healed me of my sexual sins, as I had asked for help with. There is now light and peace, where I had turmoil. (Most typical Western women today would find the same sexual sins in themselves if they were in the presence of the Holy.)

I am not, with the Saladin. ~ someone says
Saladin? The man who fought against the Crusaders? Wasn't he? Who is speaking? Tell me about Saladin? ~ me
I wanted you to rest now. So, please do. ~ the Arab Holy Man wants me to lie down in my bed after this moment of healing
.. You have healed me. Thank you. If I deserve it. ~ me
The Great Saladin was plenty. ~ Jesoah in godly form
The "Great" Saladin? Wasn't he a murderer? ~ me
He has fought for me. ~ Jesoah in god form
I don't understand? Aren't Holy Wars brutal? ~ me
You have taken me in. The Great Saladin was Holy. I was once with him, that is why he fought with me. ~ the Arab Imam, he takes my hands and arms into his, I am filled by his loving light
But, he killed people? ~ me
No, he roasted by his fire, and talked with me. We were together, in many nights! ~ the Arab Holy Man shows me what is presumably Saladin at night in the desert cooking a meal by a campfire
What did you talk about? ~ me
It is not for any woman to know. As, they would have cut you for knowing that. ~ Arab, my head would have been cut off by these men's swords for knowing, since I am a woman
I understand. Islam is perhaps secret for women. I won't pry. Thank you God for healing me. ~ me
It is what you asked for! As, we come to those who pray! ~ Jesoah in god form
I will spend my life in gratitude. And not commit more sexual sins. Forgive me, please. ~ me
This man was with Saladin once. That is why Saladin was a great warrior. Now? Can you see him? He was with me once, as, we are one and the same! Jesoah and the Kuthumi are too! ~ Jesoah
We are all made from the same flesh. And, now, it is time for you to go to sleep and to say goodbye. ~ the Arab Imam
I will pray with you one day. ~ me
You already did. And we have listened, and nurtured you. ~ Jesoah
So? Easter is coming too? What will you decide to eat! ~ Jesoah
What would you suggest for me? ~ me
... Set a nice table. Eat. And think of me. And please, say a nice little prayer for me. As I will always listen to those who pray and come to me. ~ Jesoah
Thank you both of you. To the Arab Imam too. ~ me
Do not tell about this, to the Muslims. ~ the Arab Holy Man
Why not? I should not ask you questions. ~ me
... The power of prayer, you should write about next. ~ Jesoah
Yes. ~ me
As, you had prayed for me once, and I came to you! ~ Jesoah
Thank you. Maybe, I can be God's presence here on Earth? And go to those who need me? ~ me
Silence! ~ a Fallen Angel
What do you want? ~ me to the Fallen

We want you to eat and drink with us. And eat! And be merry! As, we did not want you to do otherwise. Me, and him, are the same. As we are both with God. We are unified in him. And, drink to the toast! And be merry! ~ Jesoah, this is in concern to my page (linked above) when I had thought I shouldn't eat, and the toast is because I had a rare glass of white wine today, he wants me to do a toast with it

The Holy Arab Imam was beautiful. He was the same as Jesus, only in the form of an Arab man. He was in a Muslim temple and he wore a long white tunic.

I have also given them bread. As, there is no distinction between me and him. ~ the Arab man, meaning himself and Jesus
So, the Muslims without knowing it, have also got Jesus beside them when they pray? They have an Arabic Jesus, called Abdullah? ~ me
They have prayed for me. And that is why I came for them. They have also resolved of their sins, it happens everywhere, it happens all the time! As, I have prayed for them also. And no one, shall be fallen again! We have prevented it! Even for the murderers! ~ Jesus, he is talking about Muslims or Arabs in general

We humans think of Islam and Christianity as so different, yet this same Godly presence that is Jesus and Abdullah lives in both. I had prayed for help against my sins, and Jesus in the form of Arabic Abdullah came to me and healed those from me. He is the most loving presence, so beautiful. Just like Jesus, only Arabic. Have I committed crimes against Islam? I have only reported what I have seen and felt and heard and been told. Yes, I am healed. I can feel it. The problems I was having are gone. I am clean and pure and I am safe.

I would

Yes, you could do that! We have not prevented it! ~ Arab, I wanted to ask about Saladin but I thought that I shouldn't
Who was Saladin? ~ me
A great priest!, because he thought of me! I was with him, once. And, it happened, a long time ago! ~ Arab
Didn't Saladin brutally spread the word of Islam, by sword and battle? ~ me
Brutally? No. He was meant to not do that. He was one of my priests, as he had been given the word, that was written there. ~ Arab
And, should the Christians convert to Islam? ~ me
... We are in both of them. In purity. And, we are guarding you now. ~ speaks Jesoah, "we" means Jesus and Abdullah
Was Abdullah an Imam once? That lived here on Earth like Jesus did? ~ me
We were with many. ~ Jesus or Arab or both
I won't ask questions. I am not a scholar of religion. My questions are not worthy. Please forgive me. And thank you for healing me. ~ me
I am also very compassionate, although we have cropped with many. ~ the Arab
What? Do you hurt people? ~ me
No, but it has happened many times, in our churches. ~ Arab
Why? ~ me
Do not think of me, as the Christ, think of me as the All. ~ Arab, with the image of a great big heart of love against the background of a church or a mosque

And so it is, that Islam has also got their Jesus. Perhaps that Jesus lived as an Imam Abdullah one time. God sends his presence to Earth in the form of human men. So that God can be with us. And he has done that not just with Jesus, but also with the Imam Abdullah, and with Kuthumi. I love Islam. I would love to be Muslim, but I cannot say that Muhammad was the only prophet, since there seem to have been several. Wasn't Jesus a prophet too? How about Imam Abdullah, wouldn't his words have been a prophet? I do not know these things, but I love God. And God comes to me and he speaks to me. I might distrust the words and others might distrust my received words also, but I cannot doubt the healing I have had. The healing is real, and that is how I know I am in the presence of God, that loves me.

Thank you Abdullah and Jesus, if I am worthy of your healing.

I write a letter where I explain that I was not a Christian when Jesus first came to me,

Religion? What religion you are, it does not matter. As we are all and the same. ~ Jesoah, April 7 2014, 8:21 PM

Jesus and now also Imam Abdullah speak to me often about how dangerous it has been to receive their word, how many have been beaten and killed for hearing them. And as I wonder about whether Islam would want to kill me for receiving the Word, I realize I would turn to those and ask, "If you were the one to receive the Word, would you kill yourself?"

Imam Abdullah sends me to prison

April 8 2014 ~ When I woke up this morning it was clear to me that Imam Abdullah had been a close presence with me throughout the night, guarding me, cherishing me, healing me in his presence. He is another form of Jesoah, Lord Sananda, Kuthumi. I woke up either some time during the night or early in the morning and Imam Abdullah had given me a calling and a mission to go to the local prison and see if we could welcome the prisoners to Islam. I was told and shown that if prisoners find Islam then it would save them in so many ways. It would make men out of them.

I was really close to setting things up, it really felt obvious to call the prison and ask if I could come there and talk to the inmates about Allah and Islam. (I haven't even read the Quran.) I would have known precisely what to say, because, I would have been speaking the Words of the Spirit Imam Abdullah who is another form of Christ.

Muslims should not feel offended that we would consider doing this. My eyes have been opened for what Allah and Islam can offer to a human, and how empty life can be without Islam. If you haven't felt Allah in your spirit then there are perhaps no words I can give that could explain it to someone who doesn't understand Islam. Unless, of course, it is Imam Abdullah or Allah who speaks.

Allah is the Holy Spirit. He awakens a human. He lets them know who they are. They would discover a love for themselves and for one another and let go of crimes and feelings of lack or anger. The many things that are missing, would be given back. Imam Abdullah showed me that one of the inmates is in prison for economical crimes and that this man would feel that he doesn't need to be rescued, since it is the system there is something wrong with, and Jesus and Imam Abdullah let me know that it was ok to let this one go.

When Allah came to me that day and I knew what he is, ever since then I have been sad for everyone who doesn't have Allah or the Holy Spirit in their hearts. To live without Allah is to live in a dark well without knowing it. He gives an understanding and a sense of purpose. He makes a man feel that he belongs and tells him how to build a family. If inmates could find Islam, they would be saved. Why does Imam Abdullah send me? The answer to that is complicated. I have said many times that I have given myself to God and to the Angels, and that I want to do the work of Jesus here on Earth. I don't understand these things that I am a part of. Imam Abdullah calls it "the awakening", what he is doing with me.

A man who finds Allah and Islam would no longer do crimes or use alcohol or narcotics. He would no longer be abusive to other people. He would feel a love for others like brothers and sisters. He would find peace and become strong and confident. Will Imam Abdullah send me to the prison to speak his Words? Would those Words touch some of the prisoners and let the Holy Spirit live in them? Like that day when Allah came to me and rescued me.

Sometimes I wonder why Sweden isn't a Muslim country. The religion of Sweden today is consumerism. People worship money. So many people in the world who do not feel loved, and they do not know that God Allah loves them. Non-Muslims fear that Islam would take away their free will and tell them what to think and who to be and how to live. They don't know God. God doesn't force anyone to be a certain way; he welcomes us to be the greatness that he sees in us. And you cannot buy that kind of greatness in a store, when you worship materialism, and things, and shallow relationships with people who do not know you or love you.

We humans do not understand God. Jesus and Kuthumi and Imam Abdullah are the one and the same. Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. From the same God and Holy Spirit. When Christians pray and they feel the Holy Spirit in them, without knowing it, it was Allah who loved them, the God of Muslims who was with them that day. And without knowing it, the Jews and Muslims were also loved by Jesus, the son of God who was sent here, and who had also lived here as Imam Abdullah one time in the past, and who had spoken to Saladin to make him into his priest. The Holy Spirit is Allah, and Jesus spoke to Saladin. They are all the same, God is but one. It is we humans who have divided religion, but we all share the same God. Perhaps our religious texts are different, but we are more unified than we had thought.

Where does God guide me? I know I am becoming a nun. I know I need to be a Muslim. I know Jesus has made me a Christian. And I know the God of Jews is with me. And I cherish Mahemhan Ganesha of Hinduism. And Kuthumi, Father Motreyah, and the Buddhist monks at a Shaolin temple, are with me. It is all the same.

It is impossible to choose just one out of Islam and Christianity. Islam has Allah, and Christianity has the Holy Spirit. So they both have the same. Humbly I say that I regard Islam a better religion. Allah has shown me how Muslim men are holy in a sense. I honor and cherish Muslim men who have Allah in their heart and body, because then it is Allah who lives in them, and they are God, or with God. A true Muslim man is holy. I love how the Muslims try to avoid impure foods and acts. I love how they diligently pray many times a day, and their cleanliness. When God is with me, I instinctively wash myself more often, which includes washing my feet before I go to bed. And, the veil is very important. Even the Christian women used to wear a veil, at church at least. It is part of sanctity. Allah has taught me that women wear a veil so that people can cherish the woman's soul, because their soul is a piece of Allah. That is why they wear a veil. Not to reduce the woman's value, but to raise her value.

If you find God, when before you had no religion, would you expect to become a Christian, just because you grew up in a Christian country such as Sweden? Would you blindly assume that God is Christianity? Or would you expect to discover that God is Judaism, or that he is Islam? I found all three, except Judaism seems to be a gift to the Jewish people, more of a legacy that is hereditary. The original Jews were made by God and they are genetically different. I do not know if other people could convert into Judaism, because "to be a Jew" seems to require that you belong to the original golden Jews who were created. And, genetically, the rest of us have a different genetic lineage, such as the children of Ishmael.

I don't understand what the Jews are yet, but today I regard them as something special and very important to God. And based on what I have been shown and told about them so far, I regard them as "better humans", and I accept that I am not one of God's favorite humans. The Jews and Yahweh share a special relationship, I cherish having them here in our world. I am also sad to see how there has been so much antisemitism, it comes from the Fallen Angels and Satan who are jealous of God's people, they want to favor their own Nefilim. The Jews are special, they are still golden, and I'm happy they are here. They are cherished by God in a special way. God talks a lot about the Jews. Jesus talks about the Jews a lot too, and so do the Fallen Angels. The Angels speak an Angel language that sounds a lot like Hebrew, it may be that the Jews were given their language from God and the Angels. The Jews they are God's people. The rest of us have to do what we can, but we should never feel jealous, instead we should cherish them. The Jews are almost more like Angels, than humans. God creates beautiful creatures, he created the Hindu Blue Kings, he created the Angels, and he has shown me many of his other fantastic creatures, and he created the Jews. But it was the Fallen Angels who created Ishmael and the Arabs and Egyptians. Who created us Nordic and Scandinavian people I don't know yet.

I love Islam. I can feel Islam. I am afraid to wear the veil in Sweden. I want to pray with the Muslims five times a day. To live without Allah, is to lose everything that was worth having. It would be like taking away the sun from the sky and turning the world into darkness. Like replacing love with pain. Do all Muslims feel Allah this way? Then why don't they spread Islam?

Can I be both a Christian and a Muslim? I cannot be Jewish because I regard Judaism as a "special relationship" between the original people who were created by God and their God. It is not something I could enter into. I am a Christian since I know Jesus and he heals me, he gives me his Bread his Words, and he makes me reborn. That is what it means to be a Christian. But I am also a Muslim, though I cannot make the oath that Muhammad is the only prophet I recognize, since I have seen more than one. Oh the beauty of Islam! Such a precious beautiful gem it is!

Imam Abdullah wants to lead me to do his work. He one day spoke to Saladin and made him into his priest. Now he speaks to me and he has asked me to go to a prison to speak to the inmates so that they might find themselves in God. Jesus speaks to me, he speaks about sending me to feed and clothe the needy. But it is the same thing. It is not God who is separated, it is we humans who are separated. Islam and Christianity both have Angel Gabriel in their text. Angel Gabriel is God's first Angel, God said to me that Gabriel is "an extension" of himself. Islam and Christianity also have the same Holy Spirit and Allah, as they are the same. And now I've found out that Islam and Christianity both have the same loving spirit, one as Jesoah Jesus and the other as Imam Abdullah who lived in the past.

Although I love both, I humbly say that Islam is stronger as a religion. Muslim men can achieve the same kind of holyness from the presence of God as only a Christian priest might. And God has told me that pig is impure for humans to eat, then why do Christians eat it? (The Jews know this also, as, I think they do not eat pig.) Islam has better methods for reaching God. But Christianity has Jesus, and Jesus heals our sins. Both have their advantages. I like to combine both. But, Allah also resolves from sins. Allah has healed me many times.

I will not be made to choose between these two religions. I would love to be a Catholic nun and deaconess, but to also be a Muslim woman and have many children for Allah. How to reconcile both? To me it is not complicated, but would people be confused? The veil is a natural next step. Both Muslim women and Catholic nuns cover their hair and dress conservatively. I need an exile to a holy place, I cannot do this, or be this, in this current place I am in. The Buddhist monks have invited me to their Shaolin temple, when Lord Sananda Jesoah Kuthumi Imam Abdullah had told them about me.

In a world where religion is dying and people worship money as their sustenance and purpose, and science as their worldview and religion, it is remarkable to have the calling. Can I selflessly give myself to Imam Abdullah and Jesoah and do their work here on Earth? Would I become fearless and strong? Would I speak their Words and spread the Holy Spirit/Allah here on Earth? Could I give myself to them? I would become an element, an instrument, of God.

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