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The Angels tell me it was they who whispered their melodies to the composer Johann Sebastian Bach, Bach then believed that he had heard the melodies in his sleep or in a dream and he composed them. The Angels say that God had given them the assignment to play the lyre musical instrument to humans to help them sleep, and Angels gave Bach their music so that it would save our world and help us sleep. We also liked it. ~ a Fallen Angel, April 15 2014, 12:49 noon
Here, the Fallen Angel reminded me that I have to be clear that the Fallen Ones do not have leprocy. Namely I had written a text (included in the Devil text that would not post on the Sananda page) that the Devil is himself afflicted with the plague and leprocy that he gives to people. So he wants me to make a correction that he himself does not have the leprocy on his body, which is true. But he is a carrier of the disease somehow, methinks. We don't like when they sing their songs at us. It makes us feel heavenly. So, we don't like it I said!!! So, tell them not to play those notes at us ever again. Or we might retribute??? ~ Fallen Angel
And, "We also liked it" refers to the Bach songs, the Fallen Angels like them too. That one was my favorite that they played to you. The Bachsongs are great. ~ Fallen Angel
"Tell them I don't have that" refers to the warts of leprocy. Ok let's now get back to the story. So around April 9 2014 I had been noticing that the Angels play quick notes It is like a charm, they say. As, it keeps us away from here. ~ Fallen Angel
So I had noticed the Angels play quick notes on a string to the Fallen Angels. To me the Angels had previ We also sung to them. But, they didn't listen to us. ~ Angel
So around April 9 I had noticed the Angels We also sing the harmonica if you want. As, we like the music! We like it very much. As, it sings our songs to them. And helps the restless sleep. ~ Angel, we have a harmonica here at home they showed me an image of it
Aha! There! The Angel made a string music again! I hear them clearly. But you know when you have a scary movie and things are getting interesting and scary they put those quick string notes to scare you with? It sounds a lot like that. With the string instrument they don't make melodies, just quick notes at the Fallen Angels. I have seen the Angels surround the Fallen Angels and play string notes at them, as if to contain them and keep them away, as a sort of weapon almost. The first time I got to experience an Angel playing music was one night when yes I was having trouble sleeping. An Angel appeared and I felt soothing waves ripple across my body from the Angel, then with a two second delay followed the notes which sounded like harp music. The Angel corrected me and said it was "lyre", not "harp". It reminds me of how light and sound travel at different speeds. When there is thunder you always see the flash first, and then after a delay you hear the sound. It is because light travels to you much faster than the sound does, even though both happened up there in the sky at the same time. When the Angel played its lyre to me, the ripples and waves came to me first, followed by the sound that traveled slower. The Angels sing a lot. My Narkael also likes to sing. The melodies are exquisite. It can be in an Angel language, or sometimes the Angels sing to me in English, often the theme of the song is Rejoice! or Glory!, or they sing Holy Holy Holy! to God. The Angels sing to God very often, they also like to sing to me. When I am in the right mood, my Narkael in me sings the Angel songs out loud. She composes her own also, which makes me wonder yet again if she isn't the incarnation of an Angel? But now the string music notes, very similar to what you hear in a scary movie. The Angels begun to tell me that they play a "backlyre", or "backlyra" in Swedish. They even wanted to tell that to the priest I was writing a letter to. I had to ask myself was I hearing nonsense and imagining this? I don't just blindly believe in everything I hear or experience, of course that I worry about the authenticity. I could find no reference to there being an instrument called the "backlyre", so I was concerned. But the Angels continued to talk about their "backlyre". (A note: if I were imagining the Angel conversations, at this point my mind would have told itself to stop saying "backlyre" because it was making me feel very uncomfortable to hear a word of something that doesn't seem to exist. My mind would have, if I had imagined it, relieved the pressure by going back to only saying "lyre" about their instrument. The fact that the Angels continued to say "backlyre" also suggests that the conversations are real.) Today on April 15 2014 the Angels played to me the classical music that I also heard from them in the past few days. It is a very well-known piece of classical music, unfortunately I don't know what it's name is. The Angels have been playing this melody to the Fallen Angels. Yesterday and today I was shown how the Fallen Angel loves to hear this music. He really appreciates this music and he listens to it. The trick is, the Angels composed this music for Bach who then wrote it down. At the end of the melodies which the Fallen Ones enjoy, there are two of the string notes that the Angels always try to play to the Fallen, so they have snuck in these weapon notes into the song so that the Fallen Angels will listen to it. It is a great trick. In fact this morning I learned from the Angels and from the Fallen Angel that the Fallen Angels truly do love violin music, string music they also love. We have a violin in our home. We got it several years ago and there was an incident where it had suddenly flewn off the wall breaking the stick that you use to play it with. It had fallen so strangely and so powerfully and breaking it in such an unlikely way that we had assumed it to be the act of a poltergeist ghost. The Fallen Angel explained this morning that we had played the violin wrong, which is true since nobody can play it well so it doesn't sound good, and that is why, explained the Fallen Angel, they had broken the instrument to keep us from playing it. It reminded me of Bacchus who was depicted as playing the violin. Sometimes the Devil, or Fallen Angel, comes here adorned in thick ramhorns on his head and with hooved feet like a goat, and I noticed how this looks like the one and only Bacchus. Now the violin too. People were not reporting fake mythical figures when in ancient times they saw creatures like Bacchus and the Valkyrie and Harpy. They were all real and are still visiting our world. By the way is it an interesting coincidence that the name Bacchus is similar to the name Bach? Or is there nothing there? I now have the daunting task of finding the melody. The Angels claim it is a Bach melody, but Bach only composed 1100 known works. Luckily I've listened to some classical music and I know I've heard the melody more than once. It should be a How do you feel when you hear that? ~ an Angel presses its strange hand against my chest and I feel the pressure from its hand, I am playing this one: Bach, Little Fugue
Ok one Bach song down, only 1099 left to go. I will spend a lifetime if I have to to find the Bach song that they play to the Fallen Angels. I know precisely which song it is and I won't miss it once I hear it again. Oh my! This happens to be the most beautiful thing I have ever heard in my whole entire life! J.S. Bach: Mass in B minor "Agnus Dei" - Andreas Scholl And it sounds very very much like when the Angels sing! Angels composed our Bach music, it comes straight from Heaven. Isn't this wonderful? Hey? Look at me. We think it's time you know who we are. We are the players, and listeners, of Bach music. And! We were called the Angels before! So we like to listen to you sing with that. ~ Angel
Just now when the Angel said "Look at me", I could see his legs and hands. And earlier when it pressed its hand on my chest, I saw the hands. I have to tell you, this being is feathered. The hands looked like bird wings. It was in the background of God's temple in Heaven, a massive golden temple. The feathers are white as snow, bright as the whitest white. One Angelologist from Italy says that Angels do not have wings or feathers, that it is just a myth ascribed to them. My mind was not expecting to see feathers or wings, but they have wings both on arms/hands and feet/legs. It has two pairs of wings. You are beautiful, Angel! You are beautiful! ~ me
There are long snow-white feathers along his legs. They curve and bend against the floor. There seems to be a small paw foot underneath the covering of long white feather pens. There is a tiny golden-colored cat paw for a foot underneath the feathers. It is a tiny little foot, one would wonder how such a small kitty cat foot can support its weight, but it does. At this point I'm just stunned. For the first time in a long while if not the first time ever I am left completely astounded and speechless. What can I say to outdo the music of Bach and the realization that Angels composed them for us, the existence of Angels and God and the presence of this beautiful Hey, don't hit me! ~ Fallen Angel to the white feathered Angel who kept the Fallen One from getting close to me
I'm on this song now Johann Sebastian Bach - Toccata et fugue It makes me feel bad! ~ Fallen Angel about this song
I think this song is a bit scary. It was done with our Bachlyre. ~ Angel
And I see the Angel, along its entire back is a heavy blanket of long white feathers. As it shifted a bit the feathers moved and there was the sound like the movement of a heavy velvet dress. So the Angels have white wings after all. Not all of them do. But I was sent here. I am the Higher Order Angels. We are not many left here. Many of them were defeated, down there underground, with those heavy and bastant monsters! We were fought with them, and many never returned. They were drowned there. ~ Angel is describing a war down in Hades against the Fallen Angels, the ones who drowned were these high order white ones
We were down at the Kaukasus mountains once, and people there were left to come and see us. But, now we cannot ever do that again! Because somebody broke us apart! ~ Angel
There is nothing I can say that can outdo the fact of Bach and the Angels and their music. I have no more words in me left. What could I possibly say or do at this point? What could I possibly say or write at this point We love you very much. ~ the Angel puts its feathered white hand against my chest, and I felt the pressure of the wing again
There is a very thin limb of a furry fuzzy lion's arm that ends with a tiny little kittie cat lion's paw, covered by that heavy thick blanket of white feathers on its arm. The feathers are layed on top of each other like a thatched roof that is made of palm tree leaves. I rest my case. I could very well say that I have seen and been shown something that renders me to never speak or utter another word for the rest of my life. You cannot undo God's creation, Heaven, seeing the presence of God, and Angels with Bach music. I could very well spend the rest of my life as a total mute and that would be just fine. Every word we speak is a creation, a vibration and song that we send out into the universe. If you too were in the presence of this Angel and with all of this happening, you too would quickly decide to go mute for the rest of your life. You see and you hear and you feel something that makes everything complete. Then there is nothing left for you to do or to say. I rest my case. There is nothing for me to do or say. So what I thought was the "backlyre", was indeed the "Bach lyre". Now I just have to find the particular song that they love to play Please? Do not call us the Devils? ~ Fallen Angel
I still have the daunting task of finding the song that they play to the Fallen Angels. I should also take up playing the violin, so that I could play songs to the Bacchus and Fallen Angels that visit here. They would like it very much. We would also like you to sing! ~ says the Angel and sings a tone to me that sounds a bit like hollering, like the hollering monkeys in the forests of Madagaskar
It is my duty and obligation to compose if not learn to perform the Angel songs and music that they play and sing to me. Then they can share it with the world. We like to sing. ~ Angel
Anita, this is wonderful that we can be together. ~ Angel, Anita is my given name, but my name is Narkael
I see how the Fallen Angels, those little black figurines that have a tail and no wings or feathers, how they squat down flat against the ground while in the presence They also run away from me. ~ says God
The Fallen tend to squat down flat when they are in the presence They also fear me. ~ Lord Sananda
The Fallen squat down in the presence of the white Angels, as if the light were almost something that would change them, they are uncomfortable in the light. Once I saw Sananda holding a Fallen in his arms and the Fallen wriggled its way out of there like a little kid, it wasn't comfortable in the light. The Bachlyre??? ~ Fallen listens to the same song as above
Seeing this 17th Order Angel has changed everything for me. God and the Angels and their music has outdone anything I had intended to do or say with my life. The Angels are completion. I have seen perfection and God. What could I possibly say, or add, to that? Anita! Du har lagt den där för oss! ~ Angel, about this page, translation: "Anita! You have placed this here for us!", but maybe he meant that I am about to go find the picture of the lyre to put here at the end of the page, maybe he meant the picture of the lyre
Say that to her. ~ Angel
Vi har en, helter skelter head. ~ Fallen, "We have, a helter skelter head.", the Fallen says and I see the Bacchus with the thick ramhorns on its head The birds were made by me. All the winged creatures were mine once. And, we made them sing too. So, don't you see how God is great? ~ God speaks, April 15 2014, 2:26 PM
Conversations around the Bachlyre
April 15 2014 ~ Today the Angels told me about how they had composed the music for Bach, they call it their "Bach lyre". I wrote about that here. I didn't write down everything they said, because I was in the shower. The Angel and a Fallen Angel talked about the music, and how there is one particular Bach song that the Fallen enjoy hearing that the Angels play to them with the string instrument. I then wrote down these conversations on paper: Då kan vi smyga in våra egna valser. ~ Angel, April 15 2014, 12:09 noon
Bach gjorde musik för att rädda världen, fast det visste ingen, inte ens han. Vi brukade viska i hans öra hur han skulle göra. Och, han trodde att han hårde sång som i en dråm. Men det var vi, faktiskt! ~ Angel, 12:31 noon
Så, det är därför vi kallar det, Bachlyra. Bachlyran är bäst, här. Och, den sången hjälper även människor att sova. Unga som små, brukar gilla den! Bachlyran lämnades efter av oss, för att var Gud Fadern vill att vi ska hjälpa människor sova. Så, nu har du spelat vår sång för oss. ~ Angel, 12:33 noon
Vi brukar sjunga om var konstvetenskap! Den gör så att alla blir inte arga! Det brukar bli sång här da. Så, Bachlyran tar vi med då. ~ Angel
Det brukar bli sångvetenskap och konst där. ~ Angel
Fadern säger, som ock i himmelen även här/där. ~ Gud i guld
Det blir vår konstvetenskap där. ~ Angel
Gud är inte grå i huvudet. Men han är det. ~ Gud
Vi brukade spela vår sång for Bach. Han trodde han hade drömt, eller inbillat sig den. Han trodde att han hörde den i sömnen. Han brukade vakna och säga, "nu vet jag!" Men det var vi, och ingen inbillning. Vi brukade spela vår bachlyra åt honom. ~ Angel
Och han tyckte han var mystisk. ~ Angel, om Bach
Du har velat vara med oss, och då är vi här. ~ Angel
Later as the Fallen Angel sees me getting ready to start to play the violin for the first time, I'm learning how to hold the instrument, he says: