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Video - Voynich Manuscript
This page is a spiritual channeling on the mysterious Voynich Manuscript composed on November 14 2015. Do not take this as historical literature, treat this page as fiction but that maybe it might be true. Consider my findings and let it inspire you, but do not take it as truth just in case.
The Voynich Manuscript is a mystical ancient book, please see the video by following the link provided above. The book features many watercolor paintings of botanics, pregnant naked women bathing in tubs with green water, and astrological charts. Throughout the book is a mysterious written text used which still today no expert on ancient texts or coded writing has been able to decipher or read. So I thought I would look through time and see what I can psychically find out about the Voynich Manuscript.
Comets, metals, alchemical science
The first bit of information that comes through is that the book deals with poison. I find that the astrology in the book dealt with astronomical sources of poison which in humans causes disease. I read into the medical science of the time when the book was made, their medical science was vastly different from the medicine we have today. Humans in the times when the book was written were affected by far more diseases than we have today to worry about in our modern world. Humans in those times also did not always have proper cures for these devastating illnesses. Furthermore humans did not understand the source of diseases to be things like chemistry and molecules or bacteria and viruses, instead diseases were feared, magical, mystical, and their medicinal knowledge on the sources and origins of diseases would today be classified as superstition and magic.
Astronomy played a big part in their belief in sources of disease. It reminds me vastly of the religious thinking around diseases and gods that we rediscovered in my vast channelings of Ancient Rome. Incidentally modern scientists have concluded that the Voynich Manuscript was manufactured in the early part of the 1400's in northern Italy, so it is only a number of centuries after the Ancient Romans lived in the same land.
I sense from the Voynich Manuscript that the astrological charts ties in to the belief that comets in the sky, in particular comets that had sparking tails of fire were the cause of poisoned wells and disease and plagues. The belief was not that the comets were gods as much as the Ancient Romans would have believed it. Rather, the humans who built the Voynich Manuscript were of a belief and understanding of metals and minerals, chemistry and alchemy. It was no longer a time where planets, comets, and astronomical features were gods or chariots of the gods as how the Ancient Romans had believed, but the people who made the Voynich Manuscript believed in metals and alchemy. Scientists of the time when the book was made, had plenty of practise with blending metals and earth and soil samples and igniting these with fire to produce sparks and flames. Comets were such metals and stones in the sky. An alchemical, chemical, and metal science had replaced an older religious superstition of comets and signs in the sky.
These scientists were working with chemistry. Metals, soil samples, comets.
The baths painted in the book were made to draw out poison from the women's bodies. Poisons that had originally come from comets in the sky. Comets were always feared for centuries before the time when the book was made, already a centuries old fear of comets being an ill omen. Comets were thought to be made out of metal, and metals were part of the alchemical recipies that make disease.
Alcaline plants combat metals from comets
The plants that were used had alcaline properties, in particular when I sense into one particular painting of a blue flower that is in the book. Alcalinity had medicinal properties for many ailments. What is alcalinity? A measure of how acidic something is can be expressed in its pH value which ranges between 0 and 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. Human body fluids including blood try to maintain the right pH. Many illnesses are associated with having a low pH, which means that the body is acidic. A diet high in fruits and vegetables tends to promote alcalinity to human body fluids which promotes health. At least some of the plants that were used and were painted in the Voynich Manuscript were medicinal for their alcaline properties, which soothes many symptoms and ailments of disease in humans.
These people believed that illnesses had come from the metals that spark in comets. Metals found in soil samples were studied in dishes, they were scraped into fine powders and put into rusty-red colored small dishes of bowls and mixed with other ingredients or ignited with fire into a flame. You see, a flaming metal sample in a dish was obviously the same as what was in the comet's tail. The people of this time were not stupid. This was reasonable science at the time.
Silver however was considered by these scientists of the Voynich Manuscript as being a noble metal. Silver was used in religious swords and in items made for the King. Silver was thought to come from clouds, but it would never rain down on earth. Gold was from the sun, they thought, and found in some soil samples. Metals, were what was very interesting and what they were studying at the time.
One of the worst and most common diseases at the time was gum rotting. The gums of teeth would rot in most people, in the socket where a tooth had been removed, or just an injury that led to an infection, black rot would form in the gums. These medicine makers of the Voynich Manuscript had magnificent plant cures for black rotting of the gums. And, they believed that similar black rotting occurred all throughout the insides of human bodies that resulted in other diseases. So, it was essential to form medicinal cures that would combat the rotting that took place inside the body. These diseases were caused by the comets, and caused by the bad metals - not silver - that the comets sparked down onto earth.
So it was as easy as mixing in various plant extracts into those small petridishes that contained various metals and soil samples to see which plant extracts, usually or always the alcaline ones, would seem to combat the metals in the dish. And if signs were seen that the addition of a plant tincture would combat the black of the metal sample, then that was an obvious sign that this plant would also remove the black rotting that was taking place inside the human body, an assumed black rotting which would be analogous to the black rot in the gums of teeth, and which was thought to be caused by metals that were left behind by comets.
Astrology - to be born at a time when the comets are not so near
So let us read more into the astrological charts provided in the Voynich Manuscript and what those mean. "The birth was significant", I am told. "And it was important to be born in the right time. So we gave them baths, to prevent for them an early birth. As you see, at certain times the comets would be in the sky.", speaks someone from the time of the Voynich Manuscript. So the astrologers knew when the disease-bearing comets were in the sky, and it was important that a baby was not born at a time when the comet was at a strategical place in the sky, because the comets were spewing off their metal comet tails and those babies born then were vulnerable and exposed to more of the disease-causing metals from those comets. It was important that babies would be born at times when the comets were not as much of a factor.
Something or someone also now says, that it was important that the babies were born in places that were "clean and pure", and so these plants that had alcaline extracts were in those baths where babies were born. These were alcaline plant extracts that would when mixed in a dish with the comet-given disease-ridden metals would seem to be combatting the metals in the way it looked when the two were mixed together. Putting these alcaline plant extracts into baths would provide a clean metal-free bath for the babies to be born into. The fear was that babies that were born could get metals that a comet in the sky is spewing down and raining down into the eyes of the babies. Microscopic metal particles of dust were always raining down from the sky onto the people from comets up above and making people get sick.
There were of course many different types of metals available, and lots of mixtures and blending and ignition were being made by the chemists of the day to work out how to combat these metals which were thought to be poisoning inside the human bodies. Note that it was no longer a religious science about the comets, as it had been highly religious in the times of the Ancient Romans. This was purely science, perhaps since Christianity had replaced any other gods such as planets and comets, these were just metals and objects in the sky now, rather than gods and deities that used to have wills of their own in the Ancient Roman times.
Let's look more at the astrological charts in the Voynich Manuscript. "Careful charts had been made, of when the comets would pass", says someone speaking to me from that time. This was already a part of the astrological charts found in the book, a deeper knowledge perhaps only already implied in the charts if not expressly stated.
"Anything that sparked in the sky, was thought of as significant.", says he. He wears red fabric shoes and a blue shirt. The fabric used looks like wool that has been pressed together into a thick water-repellent material, as if made out of lumps of wool pressed together, it is not a woven fabric. "The plants could remedie most of them.", he adds. "Anything that tasted benign, was used. As, it was the tastes that were lead.", were lead means were leading, they went by the tastes also to know which plants to choose.
This reminds me very much of a tv show I once saw which talked about foods in these times perhaps it was even about the 1400's, and it had said that people combined foods and flavors so that each meal would have a balance for the insides when eaten, that in these times even food was an alchemy to provide a food that was balanced in its components. These medicinal experts of the Voynich Manuscript were working to make medicines that balance the insides from the chaos that was created by the poisonous metals that had rained down from the comet.
Reading the text
Well then, can I attempt to read the text in the Voynich Manuscript? Yes, it talks about poisons. I am looking at this picture of naked women bathing in a green pool and with text all around. Yes, again I sense that the text has written about, or that the author had thought about in the background, of the black rotting of teeth, which I have described in detail above, about how the black rotting in the gums of teeth was thought to be occurring also inside the body and due to poisons and those poisons thought to have come from the metals in comets. This book is all about how to remove poisons from metals from comets by using alcaline plant tinctures which had proven to seem to combat the metals in dishes during chemical experiments and mixing and how it was important to be born in a clean environment (these alcaline plant baths) and during times when the comets were not so near.
Text on this page talks about the rotting of gums and of the bad smell in the black rotting in gums of teeth. This is caused by poison which can be purified out. The rotting happens also inside the body and is caused by metals that came from comets.
The text talks about defacating and urinating into the pools of green tinctured medicinal water, this was part of the purification process to get the poisons out. These doctors and medicinal experts even did some studies of human feces of poisoned patients, but, having black rotting of the gums (which was very common among people in this place and time) was one of the clear signs that one was poisoned by the comet's metals. This was a purification bath with plant tinctures.
The very bottom of this page has a wonderful text because it says that afterwards after the clean bath and after hot steam the woman emerges from the bath clean and gets a white towel wrapped around her naked clean body. This should also cure the black rotting of the gums of teeth, it either then says or that the author had thought or known when this was written. It is a wonderful fresh feeling of hot steam and the woman emerging pure and clean from the treatment, this wonderful feeling of knowing that all of this black rotting that had been taking place inside the body (though this internal black rotting was of course never seen, only assumed to be there) it was now gone. A wonderful feeling of fresh, hot steam, and clean, and wrapped in a fresh white towel. All clean, all better now, cleaned on the inside! Fresh! And hot steam.
The last paragraph talks about how to stay and remain clean after the procedure. It seems to involve using powdered seashells, a white lime powder that is powdered on the body on breasts abdomen and arms at least, another alchemical medicinal component, obviously useful for its content of calcium.
One must wonder does this painting and text have anything to do with something sexual? I find no such thing. The text on the right side talks about the black poisons. The actual mass of black rotting that could be extracted from a person's black tooth rot was thought to be a poison that contained a comet's metals inside, the text on the right talks about those poisonous masses.
Can I somehow decipher the text then and get real audible words from it? Could I hear the language spoken, or reveal more about the style of text that was used? Was this a used written language or only used for this manuscript?
From gazing into the right column I sense that there had also been found red metals, I wonder if those are iron based. Red metals from rocks and soil samples that were ground up and this they thought had a direct link with why blood was red. Blood purification was also essential here. This book also deals with eye diseases, blindness and poor eyesight was also caused by those poisons from the comets. It was important that a baby was born in a way that it did not get any of the comet's metal dust into its eyes at birth or it would develop reduced vision.
The right side talks about purification of blood.
Now I look at this second picture from the book of a woman who appears to be in a contrapment. This is about blood purification. These scientists knew that the body has a circulatory system of fluids, some fluids the blood contained the red metal that was also found in certain soil and mineral samples, and so a careful balance of the metals from comets was needed. All metals had come from the comets. Seems that these humans already knew that there was iron in the blood and that some iron metal was needed for proper health and functioning, bravo to them.
What are those pipes that the woman is holding her arms into, you wonder? Why is she naked? And why is she sitting or standing in a pool of blue water with an interesting shape like the shape of a flower? I will try to find out by channeling into it.
The pipes that she is holding onto has to do with the circulatory system. These early scientists knew that the body uses many different types of fluids - some fluids were thought to circle around the body that our scientists today would say do not even exist. The circulation of red blood which contained the iron metal meant to them that circulation was important. This contraption takes the woman away from the metal circulatory system and away from the influence of metals from comets and metals in comets. A way to heal, a way to get away from the comet's sickening influence.
As to why she was naked, these purification processes obviously resulted in some sweating. I keep sensing that the air had hot steam. People were not stupid, of course they had realized that the human body sweats through the skin and seems to purify itself through the skin, perhaps I assume at least since the body eliminates things that smell bad through the skin, so obviously something bad can come out of the body through the skin. The woman being naked has nothing at all to do with sexuality, but to enable the body to sweat out some poisons from the inside of the body. This book basically talks about a spa which was done for medicinal and mystical reasons, and I say mystical since the reasoning behind it we would today say is superstition or mystical rather than what we today would accept as science.
What is she sitting in? Is it a flower or a bath of water? And what are those three things at the bottom of the blue? The belief was that some heavy toxic metals would fall down into the bottom of this tub. Why? Well duh, because when you place any of these toxic metal samples in an ancient times petridish that looked to be made out of rusty-red clay, then duh the metal falls to the bottom of any water. So obviously these invisible metal powder dusts that had poisoned her body would fall down to the bottom of this water receptacle that she sits or stands in. Because any time when you place a metal in a dish of water the metal falls down to the bottom. The fact that metals in the human body may be wrapped in fatty tissue or that these have no way of sinking out through the walls of the body and toes and feet to get into the water, was not known to the medical scientists of the time... they had just seen that when metals are in water the metals want to fall to the bottom. Presto.
What are those three things with a dot under the receptacle? It has to do with elimination of waste, one of them is for urine. These scientists had an interesting scientific belief about urine, I am trying to read into what they believed about urine because it is very strange indeed. These scientists had tried to extract those dangerous comet's metals out of urine by cooking and igniting samples of urine to see if they could find those microscopic comet's metals in it to prove that they are there.
The thing is, the fact that iron was proven to be contained inside blood had made everything more complicated for the scientists. Because then it wasn't as simple as eliminating all known metals from the body entirely. No, some sort of balance had to be had. It was complicated. Some metals were drunk, they had tried drinking mercury metal, lead and silver had also been ingested (eaten or drunk) for tests to see what these might do good or bad. Let's not forget that just a few centuries ago the Ancient Romans were eating lead and mercury metals for powers of the gods.
How about this one, the astrological chart, what can I decipher about this one? This is instantly I see the image of the revolving star sky. Yet, the stars in the sky were on a disc and not dispersed in a cubic or expanding three-dimensional space with stars at different depths or distances, no, the star sky was indeed on a revolving disc.
What the stars were, well the scientists of this time and place felt as if they were looking inside the brain of the universe, imagine looking into the neurons and neuron paths of a human's brain. They felt that they were gazing into the inner anatomy of the body that was the world. They believed that the world was sleeping at night, because that was why also humans and all creatures like to sleep at night. It was the chance to see the dreams that the world was dreaming. Just like how humans - and probably also creatures, they thought - dream at night to see scenes that they were planning, so too was the star sky disc a glimpse into the dreaming brain when the world sleeps at night.
Night was like pulling out the cables and cords to the computer, and then the world sets into a mode where the brain of the sleeping dreaming world, the star night sky, was fully visible. The night sky was the world dreaming, the brain of the world dreaming of what was to come in the future, dreaming of what it would do. Just like dreams that humans had at nights were predictions of what was to come. In fact, human dreams at night in one human's brain were just a portion of the star sky inside that brain. People got very scared when they happened to dream about diseases at night! Oh, the dreada, the horror! Because, that would predict the diseases really happening.
The star sky was the insides of a computer where one could see the wires and inner workings of the brain that dreams the world. The world was asleep and dreaming about what it would do next. The star sky a brain that dreamt about tomorrow. How was it then deciphered? Well, the weight of the planets in the sky were significant. Planets were known to have actual weight up there, though their sizes were not at all known to be as massive as we know them to be today. The planets were pebbles, or marbles, running around in a dish. It was a machine. Scientists had attempted to reconstruct similar machines, which would have made clocks and machines of great power, to mimic the sky with planets. That is how early machines were being built, with rotating marbles of great weight that would run and operate the machine. That is how the world runs, a machine that is operated by those heavy weight marbles - and who built it, God! God was a great clockmaker, then. He made the clock that we live in, and that is how, also, time is built in. And we have time, because god had built the world to be inside of a great big clock. "Or at least, we thought so", but the organized religion would deny it, the organized religion would deny that scientists had discovered how the world was built to be a great big clock! Many books were burned and people murdered, "all for purporting the truth!". And many of these we do not know of today. It was because the religious church feared that the world would fall and end into a great big fire.
But, these scientists they had indeed discovered that the world was built in to be made as a big clock. And so, God it or he was a great clock maker. And the planets that were up there in the sky were weights with which the clockwork was operated. They (the planets) run the machine.
So, who are these women painted on the astrological chart in the Voynich Manuscript? One of them is the Libertas, another one is the War. Libertas is law and justice and truth and fair ruling. These represent the different virtues of humans, both good and bad, since humans we are weighed by many different and sometimes opposing forces that rule and decide fate how we behave. These are all ruled by the weights of the planets that sit up there in the sky! The stars, they (stars) only show the paths, the paths that man must follow. Because, our fate is already decided, it is already cast. But the belief was the by looking into the stars humans could see what was coming to them in the future, but it had all been decided already. The stars was fortunetelling, to see how the world the great big clock dreamt itself.
If I count it right there are fifteen women and one goat in the middle. Why a goat? The women seem to be holding a star. The goat is eating a plant. What does the text say, or, what was thought by the author when he wrote the text? They didn't know why diseases were cast, only that they (diseases) had come from the stars. That the comets, brought them, from the dust (dust of metal in the comet's sparking tail). The author had now thought of cough and pulmonary disease.
Yet, this author did not believe in the Christian "Virtuos", meaning the Christian values of being good or bad or doing the right things and being morally good and Christian. This author he was not a Christian, because he knew that the fate of all humans had already been written in advance in the stars. He thought Christianity was pointless. That is why he had written this book in code, to protect himself, to save his life! Or his throat and head would have been cut off. So, he wrote it, and pretended it to be a book about botany, and a religious book. It was really all well-hidden, and it was an astrological book, about science, and about the "horrific" discovery that the Christian religion had thought to be so horrible that the world it really indeed was a great big clock! Made by the great clock-maker, the God. So, that is why it was written this way. As, there was nobody who could have deciphered this text. And, we also had to protect the written knowledge that was in here. And so, we only taught each other or our younger sons (=boys who were deciples to learn this knowledge) how to read it, the knowledge of how to read it was passed down verbally and never written down with the instructions on how to learn to read it. "The plants, were significant also.", he adds.
"We knew how to cure the eye-disease, or at least, I had thought that I could. But, later when I got very old I got blind. And then, I couldn't even see the stars anymore, to which I had dedicated my whole entire life! The Virtuous, was not that very important. Because, all of every man's fate could be read in the stars. And so, the Virtuous was not ever abandoned. The Christian Bible, it said that Virtuous was very important. But, they could not even stop the plague or the disease (the Christians and Church could not). So, we made this book, and very important. We wanted to protect the ancient knowledge, of what made diseases both come and go. We wanted to take it away, this book, by sailing away with it across the seas. So, that is why we made that book here so very significant. We wanted to sail away with it. And, many of those medical tinctures were named by me!", the old man says, and I can taste the taste in my mouth from a black paste medicine, it tastes like tar and licorice root. "It was supposed to cure my blindness, but it did not. So, I continued to study.", he said about the black paste that had tasted like licorice root.
Why is there a goat in the center? When I tune in to it I see a large goat with its eyes closed whose body rests against the starry night sky. It must therefore be a star constellation. "It means the Spring, when flowers are blooming", someone says. "That is when we know when to harvest them.", he adds, and so when this goat star constellation is at a specific point in the star sky at that right time of year, it marks the right time to harvest at least some of these important medicinal plants. "It was supposed to cure my blindness, but it didn't. And so, I failed with it.", he says. "What is your name?", I ask him. "My name was Vincentino.", the old man says. "And so was my father's.", the man says. "And we both knew, that the great God was a clock-maker. And for that, we were almost burned. And so! I saved this book!", Vincentino says, the book being the manuscript of course.
Here is another beautiful picture from the book, with a blue flower plant with roots and text. "This one causes headaches, therefore it cures headaches. For what can cause it and make it ill, it can also cure it." someone says and sounds like homeopathy. "This one makes people very ill, so it cures it.", the someone adds about this blue flower. "What then causes headache?", I dare to ask. "The disruption of the elementals.", the answer is. Aha so they believed in the elements. Rather than a knowledge of all the molecules in the body, they had classified and sorted many different components of the body, some real and others imaginary or not verified by science of our time, that had to exist in the right balance and proportions in the body. Headache had something to do with the way the wind blows right through the head from one side in through the head and out through the other side, if the wind blows not in the right way through past the inside of the head then that can cause headaches, was the belief.
This plant causes terrible headaches, but they knew that the blood was not the cause or at fault for headaches. One could not cure headaches by adjustments done to the blood. What does the text say? It says where it grows. Yes, this one causes headaches. The bottom part of the text on the page talks about the adjustment and balancing of the wind elementals that had passed through the head that had caused the headache.
Here we go, another one, this one seems to have a tree with vines of red-and-blue flowers and snakes in the roots. "For when you have a mad rage", the top of the page text starts, by describing the ailment for which the cure will here be provided. The ailment discussed on this page is rage, madness, a form of mental disease. This disease has to do with roots. This medicine is made into a tea, it says on the second paragraph there on the left side, ie. the second paragraph overall. The person then goes to sleep that night and feels rested and soothed. The problem of having rage is because of problems in the roots of the person, hence the snakes in the roots of this medicinal plant. You see, snakes have been found in the roots of this plant, therefore when the person has a problem that they have rage since there are literal or metaphorical "snakes" in the roots of the person, then this provides the cure. Common sense, and logic.
The snakes are drawn there at the roots of the plant because there were diseases that meant that the human had these snakes in the body. I can only suspect if it meant parasitic worm infection which even the Vikings thought were snakes as I learned when I channeled the Vikings. But some diseases in humans, according to the Voynich Manuscript, meant that there were snakes inside the human at the feet of the human.
This one will be my last picture from the book for today. In this picture many naked women are bathing in a green pool, two such pools are on the same page. I find an alcoholic beverage drunk from a glass. It is only mildly alcoholic, suggesting some fermented plant-based tincture. The liquid is clear but weakly amber in color, it smells weakly of alcohol and plant material.
These baths were for purification purposes. It has to do with the elementals again, this time with water. To balance water, air, and metals in the body. These women are purified because it relates to them having babies later on. These women on this page were possibly virgins purified so that they could be able to have clean (healthy) babies. It is related to women's menstruation. When a woman had her menstruation for the first time, it deals with the metals iron in her blood, it relates to purification or to the need of purification. These women need to be purified because they are virgins, they have had their first menstruation which means they are no longer "girls" but they are "virgins", menstruating women. I wonder what they thought that menstruation was, obviously the metal-ladened blood was up to something and this needed purification in these baths.
"There is too much blood, so it comes out, and that needs to be balanced", says a man from the time the one who wore the red fabric shoes and the blue jacket made out of pressed wool. So they thought that the reason why some blood comes out of the menstruating woman's body is because her body has too much blood, meaning too much of the metal in blood, and so they bathe in these baths that contain plants that have been found to combat or cancel out metals in the petridish experiments in laboratory.
Medical science was about balancing the components or elementals of the body, such as air, water, and metals, there were other components too but I have not encountered those others yet in this channeling. And this book contains medicinal plants and recipies and instructions on medicinal healing, not just purely with the use of medicinal plants but also describing medical procedures that are part in the healing methods that balance the elementals.
What else does this picture entail? Yes, they are bathing for their menstruation. And men cannot understand why men do not get an overflow of blood this way, yet, these medicinal men doctors knew that it was important to balance out the woman's body since she obviously had too much blood in her system. There is yet again nothing at all sexual implied in these drawings of naked women.
What does the text say? The mildly alcoholic beer I saw earlier is drunk by menstruating women to alleviate the swelling and soreness of the womb that can be part of premenstrual symptoms.
How about this one with strange procedures? Two women standing in water setups. The setup on the left side. The water in the left side contraption contains flower tinctures. It is because smells of flower fragrances is linked to tastes of medicinal flowers and plants and therefore to elemental balancing properties that balance out the body and act as medicinal. Woman to the right side. That one is different and involves a different type of illness. What about the text what does it say? The text mentions the urine of the woman patient. Urine is the water in the body, and they are using water in the elementals balancing medical treatment. These doctors studied urine a great deal. They knew that urine needed to be balanced, they knew that urine could change in color and composition based on behaviors such as what a person eats or drinks, perhaps also by being in water baths the urine could change.
Aha an interesting one, seems to be a man standing naked in a tub of water. This is a fertility treatment, the water is related to the flow of semen of a man, which is also a water of the body. Elementals balancing or adjusting with water treatment. You see that the book treats fertility-related ailments with the water baths, there is a connection there that is too complex for me to talk about just now. What does the text there say? I read from the image that part of at least this one water treatment on this picture is that the patient defacates and urinates, the medicinal treatment deals with purification of the body.
This one seems to combine plants with the water system. I want to ask the question why are there many women in the same tub of water? Because it enhances the effect, the effect which ties to astrology and stars. "More" of something means a stronger effect, just like how the planets that are the marbles in the clockwork of the world can work when they are so heavy. I look at one of the women drawn in the tub and I sense "menstruation". "Menstruation was seen and thought of as bad, because it meant an overflow of the disease-causing metals that had come from the sky, because, even the menstruation smells like the iron!", said a man now. "So, we had to purify these women, or disease and plague would be cast down to all of us!", says the man.
Why is the water green and not blue? It has to do with the teeth rotting and dental disease that others have, so I assume it relates via the medicinal alcaline plants. The reason why the pipes are sectioned is because that way as the water pours through it picks up with it air. It was a primitive mechanism that they thought meant that air flows through this open pipe-system so that air too gets added into the water, of course today we know it doesn't work that way, but these scientists thought so. They didn't know how to build a pipe that adds air into the bath for the elemental balancing, so by having these open pipe sections where water flows through and with plenty of space left for air it means that air was also flowing through the pipe. Duh.
As for the flower or whatever that is to the right side. When I try to decipher what it is, I sense that this bath system overall is made to wash out the excess iron metal in the menstruating women's bodies. What does the text say? "Why do women bleed? We do not know. We were trying to figure out. And also, trying to figure out how to stop it. It was some kind of disease, but of what kind, we were only trying to figure out!", says the young man with the red pressed wool fabric shoes. He has brown hair in a typical Medieval haircut that covers most of the ears. He wears a blue pointy hat with a feather in it. His jacket is made out of blue pressed wool.
"What is this book all about then?", I ask the man for an overall summary of the Voynich Manuscript. "It was meant to stop the disease.", says the man and thinks to the astrological chart in the book and how the star sky rotates around as a disc. "Why are women drawn bathing naked in the book?", I ask. The old man shows me how he has lost a tooth and the dental problems he has. He then nods as if something he meant with this is obvious and an answer. Reminds me a little bit of how the Vikings attributed most of their body and life mythology to the state of their teeth.
The younger man says that when the comets fall from the sky then all of the women begin to menstruate. And then diseases spread, says the man in the red wool shoes. "So, we were trying to remedie that fact.", he says.
This has been an attempted spiritual channeling to reveal the mysteries of the Voynich Manuscript. This page was not written as historical literature, take it as fiction, think about it, and maybe it is true.