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![]() This is the story of Sohofat. I don't want to be known like that. ~ Sohofat, March 30, 2014, 1:30 PM, she refers to the drawing of the Harpy It started one day when I was gazing at this picture of an Angel statue which is in Italy. Since I am a Light Being, I wondered to myself whether there might be a man in this world who would love to marry an Angel, he might understand what I am. These thoughts brought to me a golden Cherub Angel who was furious at me. She insisted that this statue is depicting her with a spear weapon, and she was jealous that I was trying to use her statue to attract a man for myself, a man who was clearly admiring her not me. So she tried to kill me. Sohofat is a golden Cherub Angel. She is small and short, her body is made from liquid golden energy. She has the same eyes as God, only hers are dark inside. She has feathered wings. Her legs are short and chubby and look just like baby legs, which is probably why the Cherubs are often depicted as the baby Angels. Her legs are covered in a plume of little golden feathers. She has the feet of a predatory bird, an eagle or a hawk, with three yellow golden toes spread at 90 degree angles. The toes have sharp claws each. Sometimes her upper body is like a golden statue figure, which I suppose does look like a woman. And sometimes her upper body and head is instead that of a bird, with a small beak and small feathers covering her face. So she can represent her head in two ways, but the lower body has always been a predatory bird. Sohofat carries with her always a spear weapon. She can kill people by radiating her golden illuminance on a person. Her golden light burns the body and is deadly. She has tried to kill me on a few occasions. One night Angel Uriel came and shone me with his blue light to heal the damages that were caused by Sohofat. The scarier thing Sohofat does is when she opens her mouth and reveals that the inside of her mouth has a swirling liquid golden energy. She can take out of her mouth a golden ball. She says that she used to give those golden balls to human men, and when they take the ball it kills them. Sohofat was getting ready to give me a golden ball and it would have killed me, but she was told by God and/or the Angels not to do this to me. Sohofat boasts about the time when she and her kin gave humans the religion of Thor the god of thunder, and how they sent men into brutal battles. She showed me images of Viking ships with a striped red and white sail and round bronze shields ornamenting the sides of the long boats. Another deity whispered to me, that "Sohofat is a Valkyrion". That is when I connected two and two, I learned about the Valkyrie who were known in Norse Viking religion, and clearly the Valkyrie had been vengeful Cherub Angels, very real then and still very real. One night Sohofat had been trying to kill me and a league of 17 Arch Angels had been trying to stop her. Sohofat still has all of her powers intact, God and the Angels have not made her powerless or goldless, and that makes her in my opinion more dangerous than even Satan and the Fallen Angels. There was a time when Angels of God wanted to be more powerful than God, and due to their crimes they were made to Fall, their powers stripped from them and their bodies turned into black figurines, these are the Fallen Angels. But Sohofat is still a powerful Cherub, she has not been made to Fall. The seventeen Arch Angels were not able to stop her, so they had to make a deal with her which she would accept. That if she chooses to spare my life, then God and the Angels would not turn against her. She accepted the arrangement and spared my life. Sohofat is extremely dangerous. She has absolutely no compassion. She is a very complicated person to interact with. She is childish and ignorant, and killing comes naturally for her. She is also very jealous of her and it took me a lot of explaining to convince her that I was not after her admirers. You can read more about Sohofat in the blog pages. And here are Sohofat's words in response to the painting of the Valkyrie woman:
We can read the history of the golden Cherub Valkyries and how they formed the Norse Viking religion and sent men into battle. It has been recorded in history, only nowadays we thought the stories of warring Angels were all fables. Turns out they were true stories after all, and we can read about the Valkyrie with a new understanding of them being real.
The Valkyrie is a creature mentioned in Norse mythology. Norse mythology is also called Scandinavian mythology. Scandinavia consists of the three countries Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. A mythology is a sacred narrative which usually explains how the world and humankind were created, or any traditional story. Myths can be truthful depictions, or they can be overelaborated accounts of historical events, personification of natural phenomena, or explanation of ritual. Myths convey religious experiences, establishes behavioral modes.
What then is the difference between mythology and religion? Both contain concepts and systems that are important to communities, and contain statements of the supernatural or sacred. Mythology is thought of as a concept or aspect of religion, and religion is broader, it contains mythology and also rituals, morality, theology, and mystical experience. Mythology is typically a part of a religion, such as the Greek mythology being part of the Ancient Greek religion. Mythology is a disconnection from its religious system, and myth may lose its immediate relevance to the community and evolve away from sacred importance to become a legend or a folktale.
Religion consists of beliefs about the supernatural, sacred, divine, and moral codes, practices, values, and institutions connected with the belief. A mythology or myth is usually a traditional story or historical event that serves to unfold part of the worldview or to explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon. A myth is a popular belief or tradition that grew around someone or something.
Some define myth as a religious or heroic legend which is so far from personal experience that they cannot be believed as true. Some say that not all myths are religious or sacred, and can include secular (non-religious) legendary accounts. Or, a myth is a sacred narrative which explains how the world and mankind came into being. Myth is often reserved for stories whose main characters are gods or demigods.
Wikipedia: Religion and mythology
Norse religion, or Norse paganism, were religious traditions of the Norsemen prior to Christianity, specifically during the Viking Age. The Norsemen were people living in the Scandinavian but also surrounding European countries. The Viking Age is the period between 793 AD to 1066 AD and followed after the Germanic Iron Age when Scandinavian Norsemen explored Europe by seas and rivers for trade, raids and conquest and settled new lands including Iceland.
Wikipedia: Norsemen
What we know about Norse religion comes from archaeological findings and from texts which were written after Christianity was taking over and Norse religion was declining. Most of this text comes from the 1200's Iceland. Some of the written Norse religion is thought to have first been passed down verbally and that can taint some of the authenticity. Some forn Norse authors attest to writing truth.
In the pre-Viking and Viking age, we found material evidence indicating Norse religion, such as artifacts portraying the gripdjur (gripping beast) motifs, and patterns and runes thought to serve a religious purpose. Runes later evolved into a script and language writing. Runestones depict motifs that were perhaps religious beliefs. Many runestones were memorials of a deceased.
It seems that these peoples did not have temple buildings, but worshiped in sacred groves, at home, or at a simple altar of piled stones. Though some suggestion of temples have been found. Ancestor worship was central. The Norse practiced sacrifice of objects, animals, and humans. Humans were sacrificed for the gods at religious festivals, or as a retainer sacrifice done at a funeral. Retainer sacrifice in Ancient Egypt was to kill the servants of a Pharaoh after the Pharaoh had died, as an example of what it means. The Norse had slaves. They had priests, and they had upper classes and lower classes. One story is of a slave girl who volunteered to follow her lord to the next world, so the thought of death seems to not have been frightening to the Norse. A king could sacrifice his own sons to prolong his life, and kings could be sacrificed if there was famine during their rule.
Wikipedia: Norse religion - up until the chapter on Odin the chief god.
Also read:
The story of Sohofat and my research of Norse religion continues... There will of course be a book featuring an interview with Sohofat the beautiful but evil golden Cherub who says she wants to be more powerful than God and who said that it was her and her kin who invented the religion of Thor and gave that to humans so that men would follow her into war.
They are no longer Cherubee. They have abandoned our caste. ~ a Cherub I presume, March 30, 2014, 11:40 AM
They are no longer God's Angels, in our league. ~ an Angel about the Valkyrie, March 30 2014, 12:08 noon