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Guardian gives me Eight-Pointed Star
March 17 2014 I was given the symbol the eight-pointed star by the Guardian of Humanity who wanted me to put the symbol on the cover of the book "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture." The Guardian first appeared right after I had been browsing a list of books by other authors of channeled messages from Lord Sananda. Something about those books may have linked us together. There is the possibility that Lord Sananda is one of the Guardians of Humanity.
The Guardian himself is not Lord Sananda, but he knows of him. The Guardian could almost pass for a human. His head is perhaps a bit wider than a human head and he has marked cheekbones. The skin is Caucasian, hair is brown with a wide short fringe and the length of the hair covers about half of the ears. His eyes are brown and slightly Asian. He wears a light blue uniform with a jacket that makes him look distinguished and important. The uniform has a symbol on one side of the chest. I always see him sitting behind a desk and it feels as if he is in a spaceship.
The Guardian has appeared a total of three times. The third time when he visited he showed me their symbol which is the eight-pointed star. The star looks as if it were made out of folding white ribbon, you can see how some lines are folded on top of other lines. The center of the star is hollow and not filled in. He said that this was their symbol, of the Guardians of Humanity, and that they gave the six-pointed star to the Jews. He of course means the star of David. And he added that Satan uses the five-pointed star, "one removed". He also wanted to say that there is no seven-pointed star in use, since people would be wanting to know.
The Guardian tells me that they have powerful weapons and fleet of spaceships which fends off attackers. He was deliberately secretive and would not answer questions or even tell me what his name is, other than the title of Guardian. They are concerned of wars, and they do not want to be known by the public here on Earth. We are not ready to know about them.
He wanted me to put their eight-pointed star symbol on the book cover for "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture" but I told him I would need Lord Sananda's permission if I were to do that. Lord Sananda had specifically requested a blank white book cover, for the book to be "a white box containing information". Their insignia on my book cover would indicate their approval and endorsement of the contents of that book.
I could not find a single picture on the internet of the eight-pointed star I was shown. The picture here is one I have drawn, but I still didn't get it quite right. The band should be thicker. It is however correctly depicted as standing on one point and with three points to each sides.
According to one source, in Judaism and Christianity the number eight can represent beginnings, resurrection, salvation and abundance, since seven is the number of completion (of one week) and eight marks the beginning of the next week.
Other than that on a quick glance the octagram appears to be unknown in religion and mysticism.