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When the Blue Kings who are known in Hinduism, the people of Krishna and Vishnu, come to visit me, it leaves the door open and usually after a visit by the Blue Kings, the Hindu Genies will also pay a visit. The Hindu Genies seem to tag along after the Hindu Blue Kings. The Blue Kings are benevolent people, but the Hindu Genies are sinister. One of the scariest entities I ever came across calls himself Sarashvita and is scarier than Satan and the Fallen Angels by far.
From a quick internet browse the closest thing I find to Sarashvita is the Hindu demon Kali. Sarashvita uses its name as a play on the word "Sarashvati". Sarashvati is the Hindu female goddess of knowledge, music, arts and nature. Sarashvita, with two of the letters interchanged, seems to mean the anti of Sarashvati.
Sarashvita is a black figure with a torso, two arms, two legs, and a head. Its eyes are round and white and bulging out of the head and it tends to have a long tongue stick out. The look of the eyes and tongue seem like it is trying to look intimidating and horrendous on purpose. I think I actually saw Sarashvita FIRST, and only later afterwards started searching for an image known in Hinduism when I came across similar pictures of a black creature with eyes popping out and tongue sticking out.
Last night, March 26 2014, Sarashvita had a little chat with me. I had written about enlightenment, and Sarashvita showed me this horrendous nightmareish mental image of a strange machine and it showed me as if it were putting humans into the machine, and told me that it was the "un-enlightenment machine". Sarashvita showed me humans standing on their heads, and many humans in upside down configurements. Satan did the same that time when Satan took me underground. Satan and Sarashvita like to put humans standing on their heads upside down so that they are inverted and facing toward the underworld. Then Sarashvita showed me itself and another of its kin walking along with their long tongues sticking out and licking against the ground.
Typically I am very strong and unaffected when I speak to negative entities, but last night with Sarashvita the horrendous nightmareish feeling of the strange hellish images it was showing me made me really creeped out and I was really scared and had to beg it to please leave. I had a feeling that Sarashvita is perhaps one I should not interview or have a chat with, I was so scared I can't tell you, with those images of humans upside down and being fed into the un-enlightenment machine and that creature's tongue sticking out. It was just too much for me to handle.
A comment on the inversion. Satan and Sarashvita both like to show images of naked human beings standing on their heads. They can also show a severed human head that is held upside down. It is because these dark entities are forced to live on the inside of the planet in the red molten rock and they are having humans come with them to the underworld by turning them on their heads.
Satanism likes to turn the Holy Cross of Christianity upside down too, or so I've read. The Fallen Angels took the swastika, which was a peace symbol given by the Hindu Kings to humanity, and they inverted it and put it to use in the antisemitic Nazism and Holocaust, again inverted.
DO NOT talk to Sarashvita. It is one creepy monster. I wonder of the wealth of information that this creature has. I would love to interview it, but I don't know if my health can handle the hellish horror factor (at least not at night when I was under the covers and with the lights turned off). When I had asked Sarashvita to tell me what it is, it said that it is a long story and its creation had something to do with humans. Let's leave this creature to be a mystery. If I do talk to it then I will have to have powerful Angels beside me. I wouldn't talk to it without Angels Gabriel and Michael by my side.
March 28, 2014 ~ I am still curious about Sarashvita so I connected to speak to it. I wanted it to explain to me the un-enlightenment machine. Sarashvita shows itself to me and it has two human eyes for eyes and the eyes are upside down on its face but otherwise where they are supposed to be. Then it shows me a mental image of my intestines as if they were inverted upside down in my body. Every time I look at Sarashvita it shows me human body organs upside down. It shows me as if a human man's skull with hair but empty like a bowl is upside down on top of Sarashvita's head. It shows me an image of my heart with attached blood vessels but upside down so that the major arteries go up instead of down. Why does it turn human bodies and organs upside down? What is this creature?
Do you know what we are? ~ Sarashvita, March 28 2014, 4:11 PM
It is very difficult to speak with you about these things. ~ Sarashvita to me
On March 28 2014 I decided to interview Sarashvita a little bit to find out what it is and what its world is like. I managed to decipher that Sarashvita is one of the Fallen Angels. There was a time when God had created him as an Angel and when he and his friends decided to injure children. Sarashvita talks about eating human children and giving people the diseases syphilis and gonorrhea. Somebody decided to stop Sarashvita and they tried to cut his fingers off. He was placed into a cauldron and boiled so that his eyes fell out. This, I found out, is the reason why he keeps holding bare eyeballs in his hands. Angel Julewkiel appeared to save me from Sarashvita.
Sarashvita is a black figure, I call him the licorice man. He himself says that he was purposefully made into a black creature "to resemble sheep droppings". When Sarashvita opens his mouth he can exhale a yellow and white flame which is ladened with syphilis and venereal disease. Even though Sarashvita wasn't close I caught a whiff of his halitosis and I have a strong stomach but I came really close to vomiting from the vile smell of disease, you can't even imagine.
The conversations with Sarashvita will be available in a book later on. The reading is not suitable for everyone, however Angelologists and everyone who wants to study the Angels should rightfully also study the Fallen Angels
It is not necessary. God is taking care of them. So, they do not need to study him. As we are taking care of him, we said. The Sarasvitas are all here being guarded by us. ~ an Angel of Light, March 28 2014, 9:29 PM
Ok so you don't have to read the conversation with Sarasvita. That's funny he is still saying "boingdy-boing". Throughout the conversation piece, Sarasvita kept saying "boingdy-boing" with a funny cartoon voice while giving me the image of him as a black licorice man peeking his eyes and nose up from a cauldron where he was once boiled. And he kept saying "boingdy-boing". He claims that the man who placed him in the cauldron had said "boingdy-boing" to him, and longer into the conversations it became obvious that what was actually said is "boiling-boiled", yet as you can see Sarasvita keeps saying it "boingdy-boing". Sarasvita was boiled alive in a cauldron so that his eyes fell out. He describes it in the conversations.
Sarasvita is NOT a fun pet. He is scarier than Satan. I know for a fact that if he were to manifest in a full apparition in front of a person then that person would die of the horror from a heart attack. This is not to be played with. Furthermore Sarasvita's exhale can give a person syphilis and gonorrhea. He can turn a human's mind go insane. And he also likes to make real deep infected scratches on a person's body. Yet, I couldn't resist interviewing the little chap and figuring out who he is and where he came from. It is ghastly, yet interesting. He is a conscious intelligent creature, yet so sinister and scary, fascinating.
We don't want to be known, as someone who was boiled. We wanted to be known as Masters. We were only playing with them at first. Then we pulled their eyes out. And made them watch themselves with their eyes pulled out. ~ Sarasvita, 9:34 PM, playing with "them" means human children
Late on the evening of March 28 2014, Arch Angel Michael appeared to remove Sarashvita the Fallen Angel from my presence. Michael did what I had seen him do with another Fallen Angel previously, namely bound his hands with white light and sent him to the underworld.
Boingo-Boing! ~ Sarasvita suddenly hops out out of nowhere and all suddenly just to say that, April 2 2014, 6:23 PM, yes I thought it was funny
Boingo-Boing! ~ I say to Sarasvita just to see how he will respond
Boingdo-Boing. ~ Sarashvita, 6:39 PM
If you ever listened to the Fallen Angels, that's some of what you might hear. Usually there are swearwords too, but the nightmareish images and hollering are typical and quite to be expected.
I am not Satan? Hmm? ~ Sarasvita, maybe he is Satan
Hello? ~ me, the black Fallen Angel looks me right in the eye, April 2 2014, 6:54 PM
Later in the evening I see Sarasvita. He is puffing up his entire face by inhaling air so that his head turns into an inflated round ball, especially so that his round white eyes start towards popping out of their sockets. I say a friendly hello to Sarasvita, who then replies:
You should read it, and write it, backwards. ~ Sarasvita, April 10 2014, 1:21 PM
Put some eyeballs on there. ~ Sarasvita
A whole entire forest of eyes. ~ Sarasvita in Swedish, "En hel skog av ögon.", in response to seeing the picture
I'm glad you think it's funny. We would like to do it. ~ Sarasvita sees me laughing as I'm finding a picture of eyeballs to post here on his page, it's funny