Did I just write a book with Jesus? Really? I either have one of the most important books in the world of religion since the Bible or a piece of fiction.
Lord Sananda did say, that he comes to those who pray. And in fact, it was me, who wrote it with her. So that we can be known here again. So! Tell that to all those who read these pages! The coins have been many, that have passed hands, upon the writing of these scriptures once more. And we have always been here, together with humanity. And so the story continues, even now. ~ Lord Sananda, April 2 2014, 4:27 PM
Lord Sananda? I am frustrated since I have written this book with you, yet I cannot turn to the Christians with it because they would never believe that this was you, their Jesus. It's like I may have a piece of the Bible ~ me interrupted
Not a piece of, we went through the whole of it. And so. It has once again been written. And so it was said, by my Father. And Amen. ~ Lord Sananda
How do we convince the Christians to read our book? ~ me
We don't need convincing them, they just need to read the word. ~ Lord Sananda
How do we get that far so that people will read and give it a chance? They will think it is fiction if I say it was written with Jesus. ~ me
Many of the Great Masters have come here with you. And! We have many more messages to come! So? Are you ready? It should say. We will come to those who need me, and, that is why starting in making this book was with a prayer. As, she prayed for me, and that has always been done by those who need me. And, so it was said. As up above and so below. We will come to those who need me! ~ Lord Sananda
The book is not fiction
Fiction is a book based on a story that is made up. My book is not fiction since I truly experienced the apparition of Jesus
Please, call them Jesoah. As that was his name. Jesoah was his name once, and now Lord Sananda will do! ~ Lord Sananda, 4:31 PM
I experienced the apparition of Jesoah and I truly experienced a conversation with someone all through the night and following morning. I did not sit down to write a piece of fiction, I did not invent the words that are said by Lord Sananda in this book. Therefore, the book is not fiction. It is a true conversation written down word by word that I had with someone emanating from the apparition of Jesoah following a prayer when I had said Amen.
Is this Jesoah?
Jesoah was my name once. And now it is the same as it always has been! ~ Lord Sananda says delighted, 4:33 PM
Jesoah was my name, given once. And, I descended down upon them from heaven. As, we could already see them, and all what was happening here. "God? Please? Why aren't you sending someone?" ~ Lord Sananda, he must be citing the Jews who prayed for God to save them from the Romans
Was the person speaking truly Jesoah of the Bible? I prayed to God and said Amen. The apparition of Jesoah came to me. And he spoke. Could this have been someone other than Jesoah? The love and light emanating from him could never have been faked by a negative entity, nor would a negative entity begin our conversations by talking of the needy in need of blankets and food. If it were not Jesoah speaking then it would have had to been some other godly and loving entity on the same level as he, but then how could such a loving being of God lie about being Jesoah? And why would they need to lie about their identity? Beings on that level do not lie. It has to have been Jesus.
The book was mostly about Judaism, won't you agree? As it says, "Lord Sananda Speaks", not "about the Bible". And, Jesoah was my name once. Now it is Lord Sananda. ~ Lord Sananda, 4:38 PM
I was not a Christian in particular when he appeared to me.
No, but now you are, because you have received my word. And all those Apostles, were many. You were not the only one, you see, dear star child. The Jews were taken out, and beaten. So, we had to stop them. We came here to save them, and then, the stories have been many. But mostly about the Jews! ~ says Lord Sananda and laughs at the end
I certainly did not expect to see Jesus... Jesoah not during or after a prayer.
We come to those who seek me. And the seekers have been many! So above! So below! You shall say. And the seekers are still many, still today. ~ Lord Sananda, 4:41 PM
The seekers were often struck. For saying that they were receiving my bread. The bread-seekers were many, and they were not always treated benignly by those others who had not seeked me. ~ Lord Sananda, I think he said "seeked me" but he talked so fast this one I couldn't keep up
The seekers were always many. And not, just only this child. ~ Lord Sananda, he means me
You might have suspected of a Christian to perhaps expect to see Jesus
Please, I am Lord Sananda. The Jesoah, was one of many! ~ Lord Sananda says and laughs, 4:43 PM
One might expect that a Christian would imagine seeing Jesus... Lord Sananda, Jesoah, following a prayer. But I was not even doing a Christian prayer.
It says, "that those who pray for me, I will come". ~ Lord Sananda, 4:44 PM
And you have prayed, so I have come to you. And we have been with many. Not only those who were our Apostles! And the truth-seekers, have been many. ~ Lord Sananda
It should also seem highly remarkable that a person who is not a Christian, who did not particularly believe that Jesus exists, and who had not read the Bible, could stay up all through the night and type a 236 page book about biblical stories.
Well, they weren't all written down in the Bible. Some of the stories were lost, or forgotten, or passed on. ~ Lord Sananda, 4:45 PM
I was vaguely familiar
The Christian Catholics won't like to read it no. As, they do not want to see me written about on those pages. But, there will be many others, who will read it. It has been written, many times before, not just now. ~ Lord Sananda
I was only vaguely familiar with certain biblical stories, such as the Great Flood and Noah's Ark, Jonah and the fish, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with the snake and apple, Jesus of course.
Ahab was an old man. Already, when he was written about. He was an old man, and father to the many sons! He was rich, therefore. So when he was written about, he was thought of as rich in many other ways. But, plentitude and multitude have changed, in what it means to a man. And to a woman, it means many different things. But, to them, then, it meant to be rich in plentitude. To be blessed, and have many sons, is what the rich ones always wanted. It was all they had, for many times, and so, richness and blessings were not counted in coins, but with what many men could do with their sons. So, the God was Holy, who came with them in the Light. And it was seen, as a source of plentitude and many. So the richness came to those, who had many sons. The Ezekiel was one of the many. The Hezakiel, was another. There were many sons and fathers, and of Abraham they have written. As, he had many more sons than what were known. So, the sons were always important, and even now, although many more think about other things, today, they have cars, and back then they had none. Sons were all they had, and so when it rains, they thought about it, about God's fury and God's plenty. And they prayed, for their sons, for a safe return home. ~ Lord Sananda
And so they were given that. ~ golden Angel
The rains were plentiful once, and they prayed and the women they cried. So. The men they set out to the mountains, to try to see God. ~ Lord Sananda
And they succeeded! ~ golden Angel
They bore many sons. ~ Lord Sananda, and I am shown a golden metal pot that carries water
It was also given myrrh. As, myrrh was thought of as a great inointment. ~ Lord Sananda, the pot with water and myrrh was used during childbirth to wash the babies
Yes. The babies were anointed with it. It was meant for great luck, and for good wishes! They always anointed the babies first, and then they sang for it. "God", not Jesus, "please help them have good luck!" ~ Lord Sananda
And so we sang to them too. Glory! Glory! Messiah! Most prominent important one! And so we sang, and we all sang, and still do. Of Glory! Hosiannah! ~ the golden Angel
And then, the women wanted no more. As they were angry at the Gods for taking them away. ~ Lord Sananda
They are talking about when Jews in the old days had babies. These Jews lived up in the mountains, they thought that God was higher up in the mountains and in the sky. They thought that rains were dangerous and treacherous and a sign of God's anger. The woman was holding a baby that had died shortly after birth, or perhaps even been stillborn, and they blamed God for taking them away, and it was thought of as similar as a rain and thunderstorm when a child died.
That's it. I rest my case. God has spoken. Why am I doing this for? Trying to "prove" to someone that this was God who has spoken? That it was Jesoah?
Anyhow, I was going to say that when Jesoah, Lord Sananda, talked about "Ahab" in the book "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture", my first connection was, wasn't Ahab the Captain Ahab in the story about the whale, Moby Dick? I was thinking that surely I must be imagining things. I told myself to stop thinking "Ahab" because I just knew it would be embarrassing in a future book because people would see that I wrote about Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. The fact that he kept on talking about Ahab convinced me more than the many other things in this book, that this conversation was not coming from my own head. I could have alleviated the embarrassment of Ahab had it been my own imaginings.
The internet says that Ahab was a king in the Bible. Lord Sananda says that it was a man named Ahab who went to the mountain and received God's word, and that he was first called "a great man" for receiving the word of God, then someone translated "a great man" as "king". Moses was perhaps given credit for his feat because Moses, said Lord Sananda, was the symbol of "the son of all Jews". That is why Moses did so many things in the Jewish stories.
This book is not fiction, and by all means it seems that Lord Sananda is our Jesoah. Please enjoy the book, and if it moves you the way only the bread of Jesoah, his word, can, then place it next to your Bible. That's where mine will be.
It should be kept always in their hearts. Not in any man's memory, because, in any man's memory it can be changed. And so, we have always come again! We come to those who need me, and so it has been written. We came to the sons first, because they prayed for me. ~ Lord Sananda, 5:00 PM, the newborn sons of Jews long ago
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