I channel religious deities including Lord Sananda Kuthumi Jesus Christ, Angels, Elohim, God of Judaism, Allah of Islam, Father Motreyah, Ganesha. Hindu Blue Kings, Fallen Angels, Valkyrie. Extraterrestrials the Arcturians.
Narkael is the incarnation of a Light Being from Telmaar, a Hindu Ganapatya Maharishi, Nam Shakti, and Deva Prasha invocated by God Ganesha, reborn through Jesus Christ, and daughter of Allah. Angel Gabriel tells me I am Sat Nam, this means "true everlasting name".
Read: Why so many Religions?
God, a divine being who creates living beings and whose thought and focus created the gravity with which he created all the worlds and things. He gives us events in life to test how we behave ourselves. He is a magnificent glorious man in white light and bright golden. A loving God who sees all. Arch Angel Michael let me see God, and God also speaks to me from time to time. (Read more about God in the Ganesha pages.)
Jesus, Lord Sananda, Jesoah
One night I was praying and when I finished with Amen, Lord Sananda came to speak with me. He says he lived on Earth as both Jesoah (Jesus) and as Kuthumi. We ended up staying up all night and wrote a book where he tells us the history of the holy scripture which became the Bible.
"I would like to say that I have prayed with my children." ~ Sananda says, February 8, 2014, 6:41 PM
Father Motreyah speaks to channelers, he comes as an Enlightened Master in white light, he wears a white turban and has black hair and beard. But who is he really? Do we know?
Hilarion is an ascended benevolent entity who is a presence with humanity to guard us as they patiently watch humanity awaken toward its greater potential.
When Jesus came to me after a prayer he said that his real name is Lord Sananda, and that he also lived here on earth as Kuthumi.
Lord Sananda lived on Earth as Jesus (Jesoah) and also as Kuthumi, he also lived on Earth as Imam Abdullah who spoke to Saladin and made Saladin into his priest. Read about how God prevents me from writing about Imam Abdullah:
It was not prevention, it was more of a rescue. ~ God, April 14, 2014, 6:25 PM
The Angels are known in both Christianity and in Islam. They were created by God and they like to sing to Him. Gabriel is God's closest Angel, God calls Angel Gabriel an extension of himself.
The Hindu Blue Kings say they once came to Earth to share the knowledge of how to live in a paradise. They do not call themselves Gods, but they live together with the octopus Creator God Ganesha who created them, and this is the same God who the Angels say had created them.
Ganesha is a Creator God and I see and speak with him. They prepared for me a new white ivory body dressed in gold it is called the Nam Shakti. Ganesha says I am one of his Maharishis.
A group of extraterrestrials up in spaceships watching over humanity from space. They are humanlike, brown skin, small all-brown almond-shaped eyes, brown hair. They want to be unknown to humanity and they have asked me to keep them secret. As a teenage girl I was raised by one of them, named Ramael who taught me psychic skills and preservation of Earth.
Sohofat is a golden Cherub Angel who wanted to be more powerful than God. She is a Valkyrie which is perhaps the same also as Harpy. Her powers have not been taken from her as they have in the Fallen Angels, which makes her more dangerous than even the Fallen Angels. She boasts about having formed the religion of Thor the god of thunder and having sent men into battle. She wants to be adored and she is extremely dangerous and nearly killed me a few times. A league of 17 Arch Angels is not strong enough to stop her. I have recently found out that she may also be the same one as Egyptian God Horus.
In an upcoming book I set out to understand who are the Fallen Angels. Where did they come from, what are their thoughts and how do they justify their evil deeds? The best way to answer these questions was to talk with them directly. The interviews revealed many surprising stories of alien contact on Earth, but also ultimately answered the questions I had posed.
The Fallen Angels taught me that the Nephilim actually exist and are still being created. Nephilim are children between Angels and humans. The Angels were forbidden from having children with humans and the Angels that did, were made to Fall for these and other crimes. The Fallen Angels wanted me to have twelve Nephilim sons with an Imam.
Genies, Djinn
The Genies Desala and Majala tell me they were once forged by Turks and forced to work in guarding gold and women, even asked to take down ships. Powerful and dark, yet conscious intelligent living creatures. They truly do have the power to fulfill wishes but we humans can learn to create on our own.
Snakes, Serpent Gods
One of the types of beings that are discussed among the deities are the Snakes. In fact these Snakes are still living and have also spoken in my work.
List of other Deities that appear in my work
Religious Symbolism
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