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One of the spiritual entities who have spoken to me said his name is Father Motreyah. He is one of the Enlightened Masters same or similar as Lord Sananda. He shines in white light. He is a somewhat short man in all white clothing. He has a white turban, brown eyes, black hair and a black beard. He was acting as my teacher and guide. When Lord Sananda (who says he was Jesus and Kuthumi on Earth) wanted to baptize me for Easter 2014, I would have invited Father Motreyah to attend the occasion. (The baptism is postponed.)
When Father Motreyah visited me I had never heard his name before so we know I am not imagining this entity he was known to others already. In Buddhism, Maitreya is expected to return as the form of Buddha. Once I asked Lord Sananda what he is and he said he, Lord Sananda, is like what Buddha is. They are the Enlightened Masters, divine loving spirits who are with humanity.
Read more here: Wikipedia: Maitreya
Sherry Shriner writes that Lord Sananda and Father Maitreya (Motreyah) are part of the dark side's attempts at corrupting humanity. On this page Sherry writes;
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"In New Age writings Sananda was always a lesser of the Masters. The "Masters" they refer to are the leaders known as the Ashtar Command. Hatonn and Maitreya were the chiefs of the leaders."
"According to the plans of the Great White Brotherhood (Illuminati) and the New Age Maitreya was the one who was supposed to come to earth as "god" and sit as chief of the Global New World Order. However due to our resistance and war against him with our Orgone we were able to cause his star ship to catch fire...Maitreya is now AWOL [Absent Without Official Leave] and no one has heard from him since last year (2011) with this causing a catastrophic crises in their plans, they must now replace Maitreya and have chosen Sananda to come as the dominant master."
"I was hesitant for a long time to declare Maitreya as "dead" until I heard and it was confirmed from high level sources that at the highest of the Brotherhood occultic levels that they were in shock of Maitreya's "absence" and had not heard from him...and believed themselves that he had died. When I heard the queen herself was in shock, then I was confident it was true and what I was seeing in the Bible Codes was accurate and I wasn't misinterpreting what I was seeing. The term "death" can mean various things...but at this point I'm leaving it be, Maitreya is 'gone' and his demise has literally shocked the occultic world, and me, and has brought it to a whole new level of our warfare against them."
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I wrote to Sherry informing her that both Lord Sananda and Father Motreyah speak to me and to tell her that Motreyah is as of 2014 not dead or gone. She has not updated her page with this information.
Here is another page by Sherry Shriner about Motreyah. I have not read it yet.
Maitreya the Beast
So we know that an intelligent otherwordly entity poses as Maitreya the man with a white turban and black hair and beard to humanity and makes contact with human channelers to speak and be a spirit guide and teacher. This Maitreya a spirit entity shines in white light and is supposedly one of the Enlightened Masters who guard and guide humanity as divine entities.
We know that the name Maitreya may have been taken from Buddhism, unless the same name is just a coincidence, how can we be sure. In Buddhism, Maitreya is expected to return as a Buddha or Enlightened Master, the Buddhists expect Maitreya's return somewhat similar to how Christians expect the second coming of Jesus Christ.
According to Sherry Shriner, this very Father Motreyah who speaks to me would be a secret Illuminati scam used to corrupt humanity.
And what do I think? Is Father Motreyah a real loving Enlightened Master who guides us? Or is he an undercover false image made by the dark forces? If an entity contacts me, my motto is to listen to them and to make an interview. I write down what they say and pry them for more information. I have yet to do an interview with Motreyah. He comes across as very loving and benevolent: but. There have been times when he has morphed into a white lizard. Remember when the CIA (yes...) gave me the riddle to answer them, of who is running this world? And they gave me a hint to check for who is running Wall Street? And the answer went first through Rothschilds, who turned out to be a white lizard man, and then to dark spirit Jezebel. The Father Motreyah who speaks to me as a man with white turban and black hair and beard every now and then morphs into a white lizard. So there we have the answer. I think he is Illuminati. It doesn't mean that the Matreya expected in Buddhism will be the Illuminati, just that the particular Father Motreyah man in a white turban who speaks to channelers might be a fake facade given by the evil ones.
Does that mean that my Lord Sananda is also part of the Illuminati? We should make no assumptions. The Lord Sananda I have met is endlessly loving, pure, and light, and he has brought me to tears over his loving presence, the words he has said have been so powerful, and his presence chases away the really evil beings such as Fallen Angels. For the time being I don't believe how evil beings could ever portray a false Lord Sananda. I believe there do exist true real Enlightened Masters out there. Perhaps some of the visits are fake visits by the evil ones, but it does not mean that all visits would be fake. Because, perhaps that is what the Illuminati (dark ones) want. By posing a few fake visits they might hope that all of humanity shun our real Enlightened Masters completely, and we don't want to do that.
If Father Motreyah visits again I will interview him and take a closer look to see if I spot the white lizard creature.
However, we cannot take everything Sherry Shriner says as truth just like that either. Some humans are ascending into enlightened states, part of that involves becoming a Crystal and becoming able to live more on energy and less on food, awakening healing abilities, and heightened awareness. Sherry writes that Crystals are part of the evil scheme of the Fallen Angels, and this is simply not true. I am a Crystal. And then Sherry says that Father Motreyah is gone since 2011, and here I am talking to him in 2014. So all that she says cannot be true just like that, she is not a 100% all accurate source of material.