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In June 2014 I wondered for a brief moment if I could be able to contact the spirit of late artist Michael Jackson. It only takes a split second for me to connect and he was talking to me and showing me things in images. I am reluctant to have conversations with spirits at a time when I am not able to write it down, especially with an important figure like Michael Jackson which would be of interest to many of his fans worldwide not to mention he has close family members still living, so I asked him to let me get back to him in a few days. He started talking to me again the next day or two days later, and I was still not ready to talk to him today and am asking him to wait until I contact him at a time that is suiting. He really wants to talk and show me things.
If contact with spirits was something I do on my own or my imagination then I would have more control over it than this, meaning I would be able to shut it down and close the door when I'm not ready to talk. So now I'm having to go through the hassle of trying to remember every single thing he said and showed me, so here goes, Michael Jackson everybody:
Today is June 26 2014 when I am writing it down. I first connected with the spirit of late Michael Jackson a few days ago, so either June 25 or June 24 thereabouts, but no earlier than June 23. The following things that he said and showed me are not necessarily in the correct chronological order.
Michael wants to compose more music. He has many more songs that he wanted to finish. He has sung some of those to me, and I've got to tell you it's a pleasure hearing him sing. I've promised him I will contact his producers (or other producers) if he wants me to help him finish his songs. He would want one of his brothers to sing them, because he says his voice would be the most like his own. It is the youngest brother besides him, I have to look up which one that is.
He talked a lot about his father. Michael says that I should not talk to his father because he is complicated, Michael would talk to his father himself. He talked a lot about how his father wants "royalties" for everything that has the family name. Michael says his father will sue for ownership of the royalties if Michael and me produce anything that we say was made by Michael.
I sensed from Michael that he was never shy of people or crowds, instead he was exhausted and burned out from all the attention and he desperately needed some privacy and alone time. I sensed that he did not want company from people anymore, apart from children and animals. Children do not "reach into" people like adults do. Children can just be casual and let a person be, that is why he favored company from children. From what I sense of Michael Jackson, he was not a pedophile, he just preferred the easy company of children, after the many years ever since childhood with so much attention, he was burned out that is all it was. He also loved the company of animals for the same reason. He especially thought about a tiger that he would have had at his home, and talked some about his chimpanzee. He loved elephants and wanted an elephant to perform with him at the opening of a show, the elephant would rise up on its hind legs. He loved elephants.
Michael talked about how he had watched his body at the morgue. He didn't like the way the morgue is so sterile and barren. I agreed with him that they should put windows and fresh flowers into the morgue because spirits like to spend time there and watch, I said they should also have a sofa for the spirits to sit on.
Michael was very upset that the hospital staff that confirmed his death and the staff that prepared his body did not talk to him, because Michael could still hear them. He wishes they would have said something to him. Michael wasn't happy with the makeup he got for the funeral. He would have wanted more black eyemakeup and darker and redder lips, lipstick. He asked me what I thought about that, I said I agree they could have given him more makeup, since it's his style, and I told him - judging from his thought images that he sent me - that at least his hair looked great.
He is very eager to talk. I have hesitated talking to the spirits of recently deceased because they still have family members and this could be an invasion to family privacy. I would have to prove that I really am talking with the spirits, because if I were a deliberate hoax (which I am not) or if the conversations were purely imaginary (which they seem not to be, especially after the book on Ancient Romans channeled) then it is completely wrong to attempt, or to write about, such conversations, which are not real. If I am speaking with the spirit of Michael Jackson, it might still be unethical and invasive to publish such conversations in public, out of respect for his memory and for his family.
The world often forgets that famous people are humans just like you and me. Just because you have a private conversation with a person such as Michael Jackson doesn't entitle you to publish it for everyone to see. I would treat Michael with the very same respect and love as I would any other person.
Michael liked to remember himself in his more recent form in which he had white skin, but after a while of conversation he showed me an image of his younger self from the 1980's when his skin was dark, and he asked me which do I prefer? I told him I was so used to seeing both that to me they were both equally him. I grew up with both images in the media so to me his transition and change is perfectly normal, I said I couldn't choose one over the other. I asked him which he prefers, he preferred the lighter skin and his newer look with bright red lipstick and lots of black eyemakeup.
Michael showed me some of his dance moves and told me he wanted to make "magic" with his shows. I told him he did succeed in that, people were spellbound. He showed me an image of the single white sparkly glove he used to wear and he said he would have given it to me. He showed me an image of the hats he liked, he said he wanted me to have one. I can't tell you how honored I was that he would say such a thing.
I was very kind and respectful toward Michael, of course, as that is who I am. He was really taken by me and he considered me a friend. He said he would have sent me presents. It seems, that Michael would indulge his closest friends with lots of expensive wrapped presents, I am not used to that and I felt it was slightly overwhelming and too much, I told him he wouldn't have had to.
Oh and Michael has said at least three times, that he most of all admired "Aretha Franklin" and that he wanted to be like her. That's what Michael says. Aretha Franklin meant a great deal to him.
I might do an interview with Michael but above all hear him out since he wants to talk and has a lot to say. It might be the right thing to do, to just send all that material to his father or his family and let them decide what they want to do with it. Speaking with the Ancient Romans is one thing, since they lived so long ago. But Michael was here just a short while ago, he is still a part of so many people's lives.
Rest in peace Michael. We love you.
Tell them I used to love to play with records. And I used to sing, "ooh bop!" - Michael Jackson, June 26th 2014, 9:20 PM
The line about "records" he showed me himself when he was a little boy sitting on the floor at his home and playing with what looks from the size to be vinyl records. There's Michael Jackson everybody, I don't think my mind is making it up.
Yeah, I've got a lot of my old clothes in a trunk. - Michael, he thinks to his love of oversized hanging shirts, especially the red one, and a white one, you know those really big ones? that look.
I will continue the conversation on a separate page which might be posted later on. I will now ask him some questions, if he's ok with that.
Tell them NOT to talk to my father! They would be afraid of him. - Michael
Update June 28 2014
On June 26 2014 I wrote down 24 Word document pages of conversations with what may have been the spirit of Michael Jackson. I will say this, I did not actively forge the material so we can let go of that fear. The only question is, am I actually speaking with an entity or is it an imaginary conversation? Any reasonable person would have to ask themselves that question when they are experiencing a conversation with someone who appears to be in spirit form. And if that someone is an entity, is that entity the spirit of Michael Jackson?
First thing I have to say is that my mind is calm and quiet at normal times. I do not experience a random mumble in my head. In fact I've meditated to sharpen my mind and have focus. Most ordinary people have more random thoughts and mumble than I do.
All my life I have been able to see, sense, and hear spirits of the dead and seen past events in places. Having lived with this all my life I've come across countless of times where it was proved to be accurate. The overwhelming consensus from spirit encounters suggests that it might be the case of real perception outside normal human reaches of awareness, and that the spirits of the dead would continue living in another place. Countless of times I have obtained information about persons and places which indicated that the information was true, at times when I have had no prior knowledge of the person or of the place and when such information was not available to ordinary senses. For instance accurately knowing what activities or buildings had been in a place when there are no traces there at the time.
When I was reading a book about the Ancient Romans it brought to me the spirit of Pompeius Magnus and ended up in an interview with nine Ancient persons which became the book whose working title is "The Romans Channeled" (it has not been published yet). When I think of a person who is living, or when a person thinks of me, usually I will see them in their surroundings and sense their thoughts. I connect to spirits easily, perhaps sometimes too easily.
So when I thought of Michael Jackson one day, it connected us together. I could see him and his surroundings, feel him, hear him, and he can see and hear me too, perhaps he feels me too.
Talking with Michael Jackson
Michael - if it is him - turned out to be very talkative. I hardly talk or say anything at all in the 24 pages. He talks a lot about his childhood and describes an abusive father and racism from other kids during his school years. Then he will suddenly change the topic and talk about waterslides or about Christmas and pajama parties with his children and completely changes demeanor.
I experienced Michael, if this is him, as a very clingy person. This spirit, if Michael, has difficulty making friends and trusting a person or letting someone into his life, but once he does, he becomes very clingy and needy, almost to the point of manipulative. Being friends with Michael must have been a very exhausting experience. I imagine he would have made phone calls in the middle of the night. He wants and he needs something from other persons but he doesn't know what it is or how to obtain that. It is like drinking every last drop out of a juice can and then scrunching the container, I mean that he is a very draining friendship and he takes every last bit out of a person. It was next to impossible to get him to excuse me. The first day we talked I was on my way to work and I had to ask him to talk to me a few days later, I asked many times and he just wouldn't leave he was so clingy. And he has been wanting to talk to me ever since.
I ended up with the worst fatigue I have ever had. I slept for hours and had to call in myself sick from work. I was completely pale white and even a shade of gray in my face, I couldn't recognize myself. And I look as if I have lost many pounds of weight. I have thought about it for a long time, and I suspect that Michael Jackson did this to me. I may have channeled and taken in some of his own fatigue, but he was also a very draining experience. There is another ghost that had this effect on me too, a resident ghost who had wanted to talk about how he was beaten to death. I was so weak yesterday that I couldn't stand up or eat much of anything and I very nearly fainted on a few occasions. I don't normally get weak like this not even if I am sick, so I really believe it was Michael, because I was feeling the weakness while we spoke, how the energy was draining out of me. Most ghosts don't have this effect, but he does. I could very well collapse if I contact him again, but he has been talking this morning also.
Michael wants to teach me dance moves. He shows me dance moves and says that if he teaches them to me then people would know it is really him talking to me. He wants to compose more music with my help and I hear him singing often. He said that the video to Thriller is a story about white people and black people, though not a story about racism.
He talks a lot about his father. He lists personal belongings that he wants to leave with his father. He tells me not to talk to his father because he is a complicated person and he would sue for royalties for anything with Michael's name on it, he says. Michael makes the impression that he loves his father very much.
I learned from Michael that he didn't want a woman living with him in his house, such as a girlfriend or a wife. I can't quite explain why that is, yet. He loved children because children do not drain a person. Children are casual. Michael was burned out, I sense, from all the many years of attention and children were the only people, also animals, who didn't stress him out. That is why his friends were children. I have to say that the media had even me wondering if he was a pedophile, but after talking with Michael I have found absolutely nothing that would indicate that he was a pedophile. In fact I ask him about it in our interview, and the way that he feels when he denies it, plus what he says, is also enough to convince me that he was not a child molestor. That is my impression of it anyway. He just couldn't handle being around adults anymore, he was stressed out. (In case I am wrong and he did hurt children, then my sincerest condolences to those children. I will see if I can pry into this more and make absolutely sure about the matter. I just didn't find anything yet anyway that meant that he hurt children.)
There are more details from the conversations that I will save for later. I might see if I can show the material to someone who knew him who could say whether it sounds like him. I will make an attempt at talking with him again, let's just hope I don't collapse, because it's draining. I will decide whether to make the material available or not. If I publish it then it would have to be plausible that it is real, but above all I would have to think about his family. The fact that he was famous doesn't mean anything to me. I am most concerned about his family's integrity. Michael belonged to his family more than he belongs to the world. People like to forget that famous people are just like you and me.
June 29 2014: I write Michael Jackson showed me what his autograph looks like in spirit. I saw the angular parts and I saw that he has a star on it. I had never seen his autograph prior to this. I then went on the internet to see if it was a match, and sure enough, it was right, down to the star. So is this Michael Jackson talking? Michael Jackson showed me this in spirit. I mean, how many people have a star in their autograph?
I am trying to get Michael Jackson to tell me specific things that only his family could know before I'm convinced enough or have enough to send the material to his family. Whether I publish it for the world to see remains a different matter, perhaps I can let Michael - or whoever this spirit would be - decide. Today he talked about Neverland and about his children a lot, and about his favorite hotel room.
I have nothing but love and respect for Michael and for his family and I will make sure that I do the right thing with this situation of his spirit possibly speaking to me here.
Narkael, author of angeloraclemaar.com