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July 14 2014 ~ Today was an interesting day. I'm a very psychic person it seems and sometimes I see a greater span than most. It is enough for me to think of something or someone for me to connect to it. This is how I can talk to spirits of the dead. I spoke to the spirit of Jack The Ripper and learned the truth from him. Then I wondered if I should talk to the dead American presidents and have an interview. Then I wondered how would our living former presidents feel if some psychic in the future would contact them for an interview and make a book, they probably would not like the idea, so I figured I should leave the dead presidents alone. Just thinking of the younger George Bush (who is still alive) connected me to him and I was flooded with images of his love of Texas and the steak cows there. His spirit told me that he had no involvement in 911. I wasn't even asking him any questions.
Then I wondered if the USA have psychic people working for them in military and defense and intelligence and I decided to do a test to contact theirs if any do exist and to have a chat and give them a surprise. Sure enough I was instantly mentally connected to a big room with screens and computers and people working there with intelligence. They told me they were looking for terrorism and bombs within the US. I told them I am really psychic and that I could work for them if they want me to. So the man who was working there telepathically gave me a test. He asked me "who are the two people who run this world" or was it "who are the two people with most influence in this world".
I instantly connected to things and laughed and told him it was a trick question because the people running this world are behind the scenes and not known to the public, they are not kings or presidents or anything like that. I told him there is a large number of ways to answer the question and I was considering all the different options. Then he decided to make it a little easier for me. He narrowed down the question for me and asked "Who is running Wall Street?"
So I remote viewed my way right into Wall Street where they have the stock exchange. My gosh, I said, look at all those men stressing out and running around, what a strange place it was. I looked at all of their screens and into their computers and I said that it isn't what people think. You think it's all the information on the screens but that's just what you see. I continued into the computer systems of Wall Street to look at the very interesting bundle that was running the information. As I was deciphering that bundle so that I could tell the man who was running Wall Street, I happened upon a very interesting image that was someplace else and connected.
What I saw was a huge mansion. A gentleman was sitting on the sofa of the living room by the lit fireplace. The gentleman wore a nice suit, only, he was not a gentleman. The man sitting there was a white lizard man with a tail. "I am a Rothschild", said the lizard gentleman (or something to that effect). His name was Rothschild. The Rothschilds are one of the most wealthy families of the whole world. "You are a lizard!", I said to the Rothschild gentleman who was sitting by the fireplace. But it doesn't end here, and this wasn't the answer to the question of who runs Wall Street and who runs the world.
Next appeared the image of a perfect pentagram. It is the five-pointed star with the tip pointing down and around the star is a circle. All of the lines of the star and circle were made out of white light. The Fallen Angels have shown me pentagrams before but I commented on how this was a perfect pentagram, it was very well made. The pentagram was upright as if on a wall and then standing before the pentagram appeared a dark figure.
I asked the dark figure whether he was the devil. He was a tall slender man with long legs and arms. He has two eyes and a vertically very elongated face with a long chin. The head itself is very small and does not bulge out at the back. His eyes are all white and his entire body is a matt black. He doesn't wear any clothes. I spoke to the dark gentleman.
The dark gentleman started to sing and dance. He sung, "Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jezebel", and then again, "Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jezebel", and a third time, while he stepped down with his feet dancing at the names of Isaiah and Jeremiah. This creature's name was Jezebel. Later Jezebel told me that he wanted to make love to me, I gave him a long explanation as to why I would not and told him that I am staying with God the Holy Spirit Allah of Islam. I wasn't afraid of Jezebel at all. Jezebel told me that I am "not an orangutang", or was it, "not a typical orangutang" meaning that I am not a human. He said, it is because I can see him and humans cannot. I told him it is true, I am incarnated from a place called Telmaar, also known as Tomar or Telomar misspelled, and that is why I can both see and hear him well.
He was a lovely chap to talk to because I wasn't afraid. Jezebel was very keen on me and it seemed that he was sexually attracted to me. He asked if I would make a pentagram on my bedroom floor and put organ pieces on the arms of the star, I told him I would not do such a thing.
Jezebel told me that he is the King. He told me that human ancestors came from Vega and Lyra (these are other stars in space). Jezebel has been angry at the Jewish people for many years. Isaiah and Jeremiah are Jewish people from long ago that he still remembers. Jezebel told me that he was once an Angel of Light. God had made him burn into this black figure that is still smouldering and there was actually black smoke coming from his body. When Jezebel was close I could smell that he smelled just like ashes. He has been literally burned.
I noticed that Jezebel's back was hurting and I asked him if he was ok. He told me that his back has been broken and then fixed, broken again and fixed, many many times. I could feel from him his back ache and I wished him well. I told him a lot about what I know about the light and love and compassion. I told him that if he grows into compassion and light then he would become a true King. He tried to seduce me with sexual feelings but I wouldn't fall into the trap. It seems that my consent is needed before he could really do anything. I got many real good looks at him and I think he looks really handsome. If you're the kind of person who isn't afraid to see a mystical alien being then you wouldn't be afraid to see someone who looks like that. He can also talk very intelligently and that makes him a person, so I wasn't afraid.
Jezebel told me that he would make many men hit me because of him. I told him that nobody would hit me because of Jezebel. He seems to hope that people would hurt or kill me because I have seen and heard Jezebel. But it must be one of his tricks, he wants people to kill the ones who can see him. That is why women like me were always burned as witches. I am not a witch, I am with the Angels and with God. No one has to fear me because I can see what is hidden to most people.
Then God spoke to me, God said he is the Holy Spirit which means it is Allah. Because it is the same Allah and Holy Spirit who speaks and is there when I only look at the Holy Quran. God the Holy Spirit told me that they had put the stamp of the five-pointed star the pentagram on the Fallen Angels to show them that they are "one less than the Jews". The Jews have the six-pointed star the Star of David, and this is how everybody knows that the Fallen Angels are not as good as the Jews. The ones who were now speaking were the Guardians and they said they have the eight-pointed star. God said that this is why the Fallen always carry with them the five-pointed star, because it has been put on them, by God himself.
Later Jezebel asked me if I would burn the pentagram mark on my upper back. I told him I did not want any tattoos so I wouldn't. The Fallen Angels are the Demons and they can use pentagram drawings on walls and floors as portals to come into and out of this world and theirs. They love it when people put sacrifices of animal parts on pentagrams on the floor for them. I also learned that Jezebel is a sexual sadist, a masochist, because he said to me something about hurting me and then he felt all aroused, so I told him, "Jezebel, you are a masochist? You derive sexual pleasure from hurting others?"
Later in the day I was shown an American man who wears a black suit. He works with the defense systems of the United States and probably for the world. He was talking to Jezebel and reminding Jezebel that they had an agreement that if they would give Jezebel specific children for sacrifice then Jezebel would promise to not go after the general public. So it seems that there are government officials who are sacrificing children to Jezebel so that they can keep the public safe. I talked to the man a bit.
Jezebel was showing the man scenes from Sweden around here. Jezebel was interested in having me, which would probably have destroyed me if he would. Jezebel wanted to sit next to me on the sofa and he wanted to touch my blonde hair. It is interesting that a Fallen Angel can feel attracted to a human woman, but this is what seems to have been the original problem. The original golden Jews were so beautiful that some of God's Angels fell in love with them and chased them around and then God had to put an end to that by burning those Angels and turning them into black figurines that live down in Hades on the inside of the planet where rock is molten lava. (Now one of the Fallen Angels blows a breath on the smouldering black smoke to show me that they burn.)
The man who had talked to Jezebel about the child sacrifices he told me that Jezebel tries to show him scenes of girls who are doing cheerleading and Jezebel is trying to get the man to be sexually attracted to girls. I told the man that he has to watch out because the Fallen Angels love to make people into pedophiles. I reminded the man that there are plenty of women who are sexually active and to stay away from children. I told him that this is why there is so much pedophilia in the clergy.
You are my sugarbuns. - Jezebel
So the answer to the question "who runs the world" was "Wall Street", well, the nice man with the US defense gave that away while I was still working on it. But the answer to "who runs Wall Street" was the "Rothschild lizard man", and the answer to "who runs the Rothschild lizard man" was "Jezebel the Fallen Spirit". So the answer to "who runs the world" was "Jezebel".
Jezebel told me that he could make me very wealthy and easily. He told me to pick up a copy of the "Wall Street Journal" and he would tell me where to read in it. I told him I did not want any favors from him and that I would rather be poor than owe anything to the Devil. I thanked Jezebel for his kind offer, and I asked him was there a catch? He said that there was, and he said that this is why he has turned the "Rothschild" into "a dog", or did he say "canine". That is why the Rothschild looked like a white lizard man. Jezebel told me that the Rothschild has taken favors from him (from Jezebel) and that is why Rothschild was so wealthy and also why Rothschild belongs to Jezebel.
Jezebel wanted me to be his "pagan". I told him I did not want to be his "Satanist". He said that it is not the same thing, a Satanist and a pagan. I asked him what is the difference, I don't recall that he would have said. There was also a time when I asked him what his name was, he didn't speak it but he showed me the number "666". I just told him casually that "your name is a number? what number would my name be?" He told me my name would be "2". I commented on how my name was such a small number, but he really thought that my name would be "2".
This has been a true story channeled by my open eyes.
Well look here. I found a Facebook group about Satanism Theistic Satanism and as soon as I saw that page I felt all the people who are members there and some very bright Satanism and a creepy Fallen monster energy so I left the page immediately to get away from the energy. But the energy was of a Fallen (not Jezebel, a different one) and here he came to talk:
September I will kill you. - he
I am not the one called Satan. But I would like to hear you scream?!??? - he
Yes. Go have your soft-serve. - he, what's creepy is that I have NEVER called ice-cream "soft serve" but I know it is called that in the US, so we know this creepy man is real
He is now showing me a big erect penis. Well, the Fallen can be like that. As soon as I had opened that Satanism Facebook page I had felt a burning sensation (and also the white light that comes from releasing burning soul energy) and I thought I could run away from that page but this guy followed me and now I guess we have to have ice-cream together.
I thought you were pelt. - he
Later in the evening the dark being superimposes his black paw over my left hand and arm and it is the most beautiful sensual moment between us. It was more loving and tender than anything ever before. I had to close my eyes and lean on my arm which was also his arm. His hands look like a bear paw or a lizard leg. It was a lovely moment, but I asked him if this was going to lead him to hurting me. Seconds later Jesus appears in the form of a shepherd, Jesus means that I am one of his cattle and he is protecting me from this dark being. True story.