The Gospel of Jesus

I wrote a letter to The Gospel Coalition inquiring about a book review for "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture". Lord Sananda had things to say in that letter. I was going to title this webpage "sanandaletter" but Lord Sananda said, in reference to the letter:

Call it the Gospel of Jesus, as that is what it was. ~ Lord Sananda, 7:14 PM

Dear Gospel Coalition,

There is no easy way to say this except to tell it like it is, I don't expect you to believe me either way. I have written a book together with Jesus. It happened one night when I prayed to God to tell him I love him. When I finished with Amen, Jesus appeared. I was not a Christian and could not have expected him to appear.

If these are men of Gospel, they won't read it here. They will read the original word. And so, that is what has happened. So, do not worry your little mind with that. It will be as it is, as it always has been. The Jesoah was not for many, it was not written that way. We came to those who prayed, even to those little ones! And so it has been, that the Jesoah has been here. ~ Lord Sananda, April 2, 2014, 6:45 PM

The Gospels were written by the old Fathers. That is why they won't read this here. And, we have not tried either, not with them here. As, it was only given to you, from my Heart! ~ Lord Sananda, 6:45 PM

The Gospel of Jesus, was never written like this. Tell them, that they are not angered at you, and they will not be. As, even little girls have been given to receive the word! And! There shall be lands of richness and plenty! To all those who hear these words. And so, it has been written before. That as you shall seek it, so you shall see. And it has been given to you, once again. And so, the Jesoah and the Kuthumi were here. ~ Lord Sananda, 6:46 PM

Jesus says his real name is Lord Sananda and that he lived on Earth as Jesoah (Jesus) and Kuthumi. It is not I writing his words, I am only writing them down as he speaks them. We wrote a book which he titled "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture". He also designed the book cover to be "a white box containing information". He wanted a completely blank book cover. I told him nobody would read a book without a cover. I suggested that we add the Holy Cross, but he insisted on the "white box" design, and said that the story is of the Jews and not just the Christians.

I sat up all through the night with Jesoah Lord Sananda that night as he told me the history of the Holy Scripture which became the Bible and he answered my many questions.

I know it is too much to ask, since perhaps you feel obliged to dismiss any books that claim to be written WITH Jesus, but would you be willing to read our book, perhaps do a book review? I have chosen not to go to a book publisher so that we can use a publisher's proceedings to feed the needy. Jesus Lord Sananda wanted to clothe and feed the needy. So I am having to figure out marketing myself. If it is a book written with Jesus then people deserve to find it.

I also receive communication from Elohim, Angels, Fallen Angels and Satan, and others. The Elohim made my computer manifest text on its own, and they instructed me to read the text both left to right, right to left, horisontally and vertical. Here is an example of the Elohim writing:

You can read more about the book and how it was made, here
Enclosed is a preview of the book. Here was my analysis on whether the book was written with Jesus or not:

You will find other conversations with deities on my website:


*For the record, I don't know what a Gospel is, I think it means a chapter in the Bible. And I haven't read the Bible, and I wasn't a Christian when Jesus Lord Sananda came to me. That makes this more interesting, more credible. But, let the words touch you, his words are the bread of Christ. If his words move you, it is all we need. No form of persuasion can bring you away from his true words, nor bring you to false words. His words are his bread. I know I cry every time when I read his words.

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