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This page about Gilgamesh should only be read by adults. If you are younger than 18 then you can ask a parent to read this page for you and to tell you bits and pieces from it, but don't read it yourself.
Gilgamesh is one of the Fallen Angels. Fallen Angels are the Demons or Devils. They are black figurines with smooth skin, a tail, and usually feet that look like bear paws with small black claws. They have hands with five fingers. They have no hair on their head and no body hair. They don't have any ears and there don't seem to be any teeth in their mouth. Usually the Fallen Angels, who say that they are "Lords", have two eyes. But this one of them who I now found out is named Gilgamesh, he has one big eye in the center of his forehead instead of two eyes.
Today is the night between July 30 and 31 of 2014. I woke up at 1:42 AM and wondering why I left the night light on which I never do. Good deities who were protecting me from the dark beings in the night said that they, the good beings, had left the light on since it scares the dark ones away and protects me. I found that hard to believe that deities could leave my light on at night and I tried my best to remember the time or moment when I had left the light on and forgotten to switch it off. It was a really hot summer's night so I got up to have a glass of strawberry drink and a nibble of cake from the refrigerator. A Fallen Angel dark being was talking to me about one of their people named Gilgamesh and I wrote down the conversation. He said a few more lines at the beginning which I didn't write down in time and don't remember them, but here is the conversation.
The night before I had met a strange hideous creature who looks like the Fallen Angels (interrupted)
Yes, I am very proud. - Gilgamesh says, he is that creature
So the night before tonight I had seen a hideous creature. He was tall, colored black and ash gray, possibly this one had ram or antelope horns, a tail, and he had just one big eye on middle of his forehead instead of two eyes. His legs were long and stilt-like without feet but with hooves. I wasn't scared but it was an interesting creature.
Yes, Gilgamesh was that. - Gilgamesh
Yes, smooth. - says the other Dark Lord who feels out the sofa he is sitting on. Now I see him closing his eyes and being all comfy. These are real creatures of some kind. He is loving that sofa.
But here is the conversation that took place first, and lasted between 1:42 AM to about 2:30 AM:
I am with Gilgamesh. - a Dark Lord
You were so soft. And I wanted to get with you, naked. - Gilgamesh
I want to add that when Gilgamesh first showed up tonight and I saw him, I was very nauseated from his image. The Fallen Angels are riddled with disease and if they were to come too close a human would vomit and get really sick for real. Fallen Angels claim to be the ones who created diseases, they are responsible for plague, leprosy, syphilis, and other diseases. They themselves are diseased but I do not know if they suffer from having all of these diseases. They also smell very bad if they come close.
Well the background of the story is that when I woke up I noticed that my heart chakra was made dark by the Fallen Angels. (interrupted)
We are gods. Not Lords. - Gilgamesh now speaks
Chakras are energy centers along the body. Fallen Angels pull out energy from a human and contort a human's light into dark. This makes the human sick, tired, and live a shorter lifespan. So I prayed to God and nearly cried begging God to restore my heart chakra into light. I said to God that I reject the Fallen Angels. Because yesterday Lord Sananda (who lived on Earth as Jesoah, Jesus) had said to me that I need to "reject Jezebel", Jezebel is one of the Fallen Angels. Then this Fallen Angel or Dark Lord had appeared and brought with him Gilgamesh the one who only has one eye.
I am with my goats here. - Gilgamesh now says
Don't be afraid of them. They won't touch you. We are giving them goats. - the USA government man
Who was Gilgamesh?
If we do an internet search on the name Gilgamesh we find something interesting. Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk which was a major city of ancient Mesopotamia. Gilgamesh lived sometime around 2700 to 2600 BC. Gilgamesh was Sumerian. Legend said that his father Lugalbanda was a mortal and his mother Ninsun was divine and in Babylonian mythology Gilgamesh was counted as one third human, two thirds divine.
In this image above, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are slaying "the Bull of Heaven". The bull of heaven is winged and has a human head. Enkidu is holding the bull by its tail and Gilgamesh is to the right with long hair and beard. Gilgamesh is holding the bull by one of its horns and putting a sword into its neck.
The city walls of Uruk were said to have been built by Gilgamesh himself. Uruk was in what is today Iraq. Uruk is one of the oldest cities ever found.
Now this is interesting. The Euphrates river supplied Uruk with water. I don't recall in what conversations it was mentioned, but some of my deities have spoken about "the Euphramiites", oh yes I think it was the Ancient Romans who spoke about the Euphramiites and I was completely at a loss as to what this meant. It may have meant people living by an area named after the same as the river, if not referring to the river itself.
A Babylonian poem survives named Epic of Gilgamesh, it tells of the deeds of Gilgamesh, the greatest king and mightiest hero of ancient Mesopotamia. It is a long narrative poem of heroic deeds.
The Epic of Gilgamesh reads: Gilgamesh was a cruel ruler and the people asked the gods for help. The gods created Enkidu to challenge Gilgamesh. Enkidu was created part animal, part human. Enkidu and Gilgamesh wrestled at Uruk and Gilgamesh won, the two became friends. The two of them defeated a giant which guarded a sacred forest. The giant was named Huwawa or Humbaba, he was also a demon and his "mouth is fire and breath death" (sounds like a Fallen Angel).
Ishtar, goddess of love and war wanted to marry Gilgamesh but Gilgamesh rejected her. Angered, Ishtar sent the Bull of Heaven to destroy Uruk. The Bull from Heaven killed hundreds of men in the city. Enkidu grabbed the Bull's tail and Gilgamesh put a sword into its neck and killed the creature. The gods sentenced Enkidu to death because he had killed both the demon giant Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. Enkidu died after seven days of severe illness.
Kingship had descended from heaven.
Thoughts, tying things together
I wouldn't have suffered, or survived, if it weren't for you. - Gilgamesh now says to me, July 30-31 2014, 3:34 AM
The Fallen (interrupted)
I wanted to have you as a concubine. If you wanted to be with me. - Gilgamesh
Quick thoughts:
Yes, they were with our concubines. - says Gilgamesh now about these people of Egypt and the Middle East
3. The Fallen Angels want to have children with me, specifically sons. First they had the Fallen Angel named Ishmael who wanted to have twelve sons with me, read here about the Nefilim, now the Fallen Angel Gilgamesh wants to have sons with me, Gilgamesh wants to marry me and have me as his concubine he is saying.
Rats, she knows that now. - a Dark Lord not Gilgamesh
5. The Bull of Heaven is of particular interest, since I'm pretty sure it could have been one of the golden Cherubs. Remember Sohofat? She looks like that. Sohofat and her kind were the Valkyrie (interrupted)
They were also in Egypt. They were guarded there! - the Dark Lord says and shows me the Sphinx!!! of Ancient Egypt! [Added: actually he showed me two small golden sphinx statues of Ancient Egypt and not the large stone Sphinx we think of]
What is also interesting is that Narkael looks more like an animal than any human. Narkael has got a head that looks like the head of a horse from the side, the head of a cow if slanted slightly sideways, the head of a lioness if seen at less of an angle, and looks like the head of a woman if seen straight from the front. She has got soft hooved feet. That is why I say Narkael is an Equine, a horse type of being. This is who I am. I mean, my body is that of a human. I am an incarnation of Narkael into a human body, but Narkael is who I am. I am part of these legends of beings from the heavens and skies.
We have really disrespected the humans of the past by thinking that all of their wondrous stories of gods and kings from the skies and angels and sphinxes and harpies and valkyries would have just been legends and not real. These stories were real, we are finding out through my work and contacts directly with these beings who tell us their history and our history through them. More on this story later, now I must go to sleep. This has been a fascinating discovery.
In the meantime, look at this: in this image you see what could be one of the Fallen Angels or Dark Lords, standing on the left, with the horns and a tail. That is a pretty good picture of the creatures I see when I talk to the Fallen Angels. INTERESTING! [Added: not to mention those hooved feet which some of the Fallen Angels have.]
Vi vill befrukta dig med vår ras. Vi tycker du är väldigt erotic. - the Dark Lord says, in Swedish (except for the word "erotic" that's English), he said: "We want to fertilize you with our race. We think you are very erotic."
Fantastic. I mean, this changes all of history, or it helps us into understanding humanity better. So many pages of history that were never written, or that were written and misunderstood by humanity today. The Bull of Heaven was no "fable", he was real. I have seen one of those creatures in Sohofat, they are very powerful and destructive, and so we learned today that they were also the Sphinx of Ancient Egypt. We are on to something here.
I wonder if the Fallen Angels could literally have sex with me and get me pregnant? If such a thing is even possible? How can a deity get a human woman pregnant? They have done so in the past [added: with women of earth I mean. I have no children that I know of.]. Are they waiting for my approval?
You are so, silky smooth. - the Dark Lord
What if I were suddenly pregnant by the Fallen Angels and had Nefilim children? It has happened to women before and throughout history. I have to ponder more on this, of course I am not going to invite the Fallen Angels into my bed.
Noo?? she said? She is not going to be our concubine. - Dark Lord
Have to get some sleep. It is 4 AM.
The Gilgamesh one wasn't a rapist. - Gilgamesh
Just a reminder. These stories are real conversations with deities and creatures. This is not a fictional written piece, this conversation and contact really happened.
The following morning
July 31 2014 ~ Well Gilgamesh said he isn't a rapist but he sure was. I went to bed right after these conversations back at 4 AM. Gilgamesh was in my room but not physically in the same universe. He doesn't wear any clothes and his penis was out. His entire body is black but his penis is white and is slender like that of a dog. Gilgamesh had anal sex on me. I yelled at him to stop, I even told him I don't do sex like that. Then he had vaginal sex on me. I wasn't able to push him away.
You rejected him. That is all that matters. - Gilgamesh himself?, 5:47 PM
It qualifies as a rape because I said no. The sex itself was pleasant and surprisingly delicate. When I fell back to sleep I met these creatures in another world and they showed me the tiniest little baby, it was too small and limp as if delivered too early. Today on my way home from work I was wondering if the Fallen Angels can actually have sex with human women and whether that can actually result in children. The Serpents told me that the Fallen do indeed get me pregnant but my babies are taken out when they are still very small, and at night I had been shown one and I even held it in my arms, a limp white little thing with blonde hair, a baby girl.
So there we have it. An interesting and true story. You can't say the poor fellow didn't try to seduce me nicely and delicately, you can see him trying, proposing to me, calling me soft and silky smooth and telling me he wants to have me as his concubine and to have children with me. It's just that in modern times we women like to choose our own men, at least in my country Sweden. I'm nauseated that I was raped but I'm not too angry at him because I think of him as a creature, I sort of don't blame him for his behavior, because I'm not sure that he knows that such a thing would hurt me. And then I feel that this whole story of Nefilim children and Fallen Angels which spans back for thousands of years is greater than just me or just the Fallen Gilgamesh alone. I am just at awe that Earth history has elements of these contacts that it completely diminishes the magnitude of a mere rape by a creature called Gilgamesh.
Walking home the Serpents or Fallen Angels said that they need me as the mother because I am, and I quote, a "crystal starseed". I asked them what "crystal" refers to, since I already knew I am a starseed (pretty much same as Star Person, which means Narkael). They said that "crystal" means my children are better suited for them and they need my genetics brought into their own.
Yesterday when I was on my way home from the grocery store I asked Gilgamesh why he was so interested in me, and we were chatting for a bit. He offered to give me a present of the "checkered floor", they love black and white checkered floors for some reason. I thanked him for his kind present although not sure what to do with this gesture, and then I offered him to have some of the cake I had in my shopping bags. I had a few kinds of sweets and bakes in my bags and offered them to him. Of course I know he doesn't eat these things but I thought it was funny to offer a scary monster something sweet to eat. So I like that picture above, "come over to the dark side. we have cookies".
When I went to bed again last night at 4 AM, either before or after the rape by Gilgamesh (probably after), the other Fallen Angel put a goat's fur right up to my nose in the other world. I could almost feel the rough rusty red brown fur against me and the smell of goat was very strong. Then he gave me the smell of burning in fire. The Fallen Angels are constantly burned as punishment for their mischief and I've discovered that they feel real pain, they just don't bother learning from their mistakes because they are determined on their goal of becoming greater than the Creator God who created them. The Fallen Angels are also riddled with diseases of all kinds, but they have too much pride to admit that they were wrong or to humbly submit to the Greatness of God.
One good question is why am I not scared of the Fallen Angels.
There are traps, you might want to know. And we might take them in! And use them! - a Fallen Angel, "use them" means the traps
I suspect that I am more powerful than a typical human. Because I can see, smell, hear, and feel the Fallen Angels well. I also know I have protection from Lord Sananda (Jesoah, Jesus) and by the Angels.
But, not for long. When we come here. Or? Perhaps? At last. - the Fallen talks about if I wouldn't have protection from the Angels