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The Genies are dark deities with a sinister touch. Desala and Majala call themselves Genies and they tend to visit after the Hindu Blue Kings (who are benevolent) have left the spiritual door open. I had previously listed Sarashvita as a Genie because Desala and Majala, true Genies, appeared after visits from Hindu Blue Kings, and Sarashvita is Kali of Hinduism. An interview with Sarashvita revealed that he is, in fact, a Fallen Angel, and you can read about him in that section now instead.
While talking with the friendly Hindu deities the Blue Kings, it opened up the door to dark deities who are somehow associated with the Blue Kings. The best way I can describe these dark ones is to say that they seem to be precisely what Genies were said to be throughout history.
The first one who came to see me is named Desala. He looks very much like the Hindu Blue Kings, only this one is black instead of blue and has dark eyes. The other one is named Majala and looks the same.
The Genies have metal anklets and bracelets that look as if they would have been slaves at one point in time, only there are no chains attached to these cuffs. For some reason it feels more like slave cuffs than something decorative. What led me to conclude that they are Genies is because Majala stands with his arms crossed and he bows his head down precisely like how Genies notoriously do in movies and cartoons, as well as the cuffs.
So if these are Genies they could probably make our wishes come true, but I would advise against it. These are demonic and negative entities. They behave if you know how to talk to them. I treat them like individuals and with respect and then they act civil in return. It is interesting to listen to the Genies and learn about their lives too. They have a right to speak and be heard too, they share this universe with everyone else.
The Genies are ancient and have lived for a very long time. They love to possess human minds and take them over. There have been tribes in Africa that have been ruled by these Genies. The Genies notoriously make their possessees dance a dance with jumping up and down and they also like to make humans be cannibals and eat human flesh. It is very unpleasant if a Genie takes over the mind. One can have a normal conversation without them entering into the mind by possession, but I have experienced brief moments of having them too close. It causes a feeling of unease, almost panic, and could make a human seem psychotic. Presumably the Genies would make possessees commit criminal acts. (Don't worry about me, I'm fine.)
Both Desala and Majala wanted to have sex with me and stood beside my bed naked and erect. They were not going to ask before they go ahead. But I declined and they respected my wishes and didn't do anything. One night I woke up and I think it was Majala who was ready to take me away to a journey in the night. He was about to pull me out of my body to whisk me away someplace scary and dark. I declined and we didn't go anywhere, it didn't feel right about going.
I have an interesting thought. There are Angels and there are Fallen Angels. And there are Blue Kings and there are Genies. Are the Genies perhaps Fallen Blue Kings? I will make sure to interview Desala and Majala about themselves in the future.
Do not summon the Genies and if any do appear, respectfully ask them to leave. There is no reason to disrespect these gentlemen. I think they might feel offended and angry just like anybody with feelings. They are powerful and ancient, but real living beings. They are yet another of the creatures with which we share this universe. I show utmost respect to my Genie brothers.
We don't want to talk to you! ~ Genie, March 9/10, 2014, 1:08 AM, one appeared right next to me and put its tongue into my ear and spoke, it is because when I write about them I am also thinking of them and then they hear what I am writing and they knew that I was acting dismissive of them, so they were saying that they don't want to talk with me either, like to say ditto
We humans tend to think that the religions of Earth are separate, just because humans tend to choose one (or none) of religions and reject the others. I learned from the Angels that Christianity and Islam are connected through Angel Gabriel who appears in both. And that Judaism and Christianity are connected since the Jews prayed and their God sent them Jesus for their rescue. The Genies also connect religions. The Genies Desala and Majala appeared through the same door as the Hindu Blue Kings, so they would appear to belong to Hinduism. But Islam also knows about these same creatures, and in Islam they are called the Jinn or Djinn.
What is interesting is that I read on the internet that the legends say that "Allah created the Jinn out of a fire". When I was interviewing Fallen Angels, some of the Fallen Angels say that they were created by God and born out of Light and used to be Light Angels who then Fell. But other dark ones who speak in those interviews say that they were instead created out of a "fire", so they must be the Djinn / Jinn / Genies! However, Fallen Angels and Genies / Djinn appear to not be the same type of creature.
I will post the conversation in a book about the Genies. They talk about who they are, where they have come from, and so much more.
One evening in March 2014 one of the Genies, Desala probably, came for a visit. He is a black humanlike figure. He has dark metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles because he is a slave. He stands with his arms crossed, down on one knee, as a gesture that he is ready to serve and fulfill wishes. (I am not kidding.) He said that when he arrives he travels in the form of a visible black smoke. I asked him what are his wishes. I would not let him do me any favors.
Here you can read about how the Jinn were made to help build a wall: Alexander the Great in the Quran
July 22 2014 I interview Djinn Abumemnon and Lady Djinn Athufistia. Abumemnon reveals the true history of the Djinn, a sad and deeply captivating story about African slavery and witchcraft. The 12 page conversation will be published in a future book on the Djinn.
In late August 2014 I contemplated on the Hindu Blue Kings and again it opened the door through which the Genies easily enter.
We did not trespass, tell them that. ~ Genie, September 2 2014, 10:11 AM
It was late at night and I did not feel like giving him an interview or listening to him, I excused myself and asked him to leave, I was too tired for a chat. He told me the same old Genie story that he was once a human man a slave and he was sacrificed in witchcraft by sorcerors who knew what they were doing, to deliberately tie his spirit in to becoming a Genie that would serve them. So he now guards and makes wishes come true, literally I am not making this up. They are black spirit entities with metal wrist shackles and they stand with their arms crossed just like in the fairytales, which of course weren't fairytales. I did not allow him to do me any favors and I wished him well and hoped for his release and finding peace. He said, "I am with the Barabbas". Barabbas was either the king or sorceror who captivated him, or that Barabbas was his own name, he seemed to imply both or either. Unless he means the biblical Barabbas, but why should we assume that the name was only used that once?