Ganesha and Fruit
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You might notice that I have written the text in a simpler language. It is because I expect a lot of people to want to read about Ganesha who are perhaps not very good in the English language. Late at night on February 17 2014 the beautiful octopus God Ganesha Mahemhan wanted to speak to me about fruit. I was in bed already so I was not taking notes and I asked if we could have this conversation at a later time. Here is what I remember Ganesha and one of the Blue Kings talking about fruit. So here is a retelling from what they have spoken to me: A large portion of what is spoken to me by both Ganesha and the Blue Kings talks about what humans eat. They do not want humans to eat or kill any animals. This includes fish and all other animals. Ganesha also told me that I should not eat cooked oatmeal. Ganesha told me to not eat any foods that become "putrid" in the tummy. Meat and cooked foods become putrid in the body once they are eaten and it reduces us from a clean spiritual state. Me the author would like to say something very important. There are many sects and religious cults in the world that try to tell their followers how to live their lives and many cults will tell their followers what they can and can not eat. I do not want anyone to change their eating habits if it makes them uncomfortable or unhappy. But I will be writing an extensive section on this website about Breatharianism (living on light) and food so find more information there. But just because vegetarianism and fruit are more godlike ways of eating does not mean that you should abandon your own freedom. The choice to become a vegetarian or to eat lots of fruit has to be made for an entirely different reason and not just because it was idolized by deities or spiritually ascended persons. But back to what Ganesha and the Blue Kings say about food. They are not angry that I would have eaten fish or meat or cooked foods. I state the obvious but perhaps everything should be said because these are deities and nothing can be taken for granted or assumed about them. They do not look down on me or feel disappointed in me if I have eaten "wrong" foods. These deities they show no anger and no negative emotions or treatment toward me if I would eat "wrong" foods. They are not "vengeful" deities who would be angry at humans if we eat other foods than the best foods. They do not give us strict rules about food and they do not talk about any punishments if we eat other foods, so I want people not to worry or to feel bad about what they are eating, or what other people are eating. But, I must say, that Ganesha and the Blue Kings but Ganesha especially, seems very sad about creatures killing other creatures. Killing was not part of the original plan for any of their created beings. Ganesha told me that when the Earth was created it was first made into a paradise and the first humans they lived only on fruit and they did not eat any meat. There was a moment of corruption where some of the humans started to kill and eat meat and that is part of why there is no paradise here on Earth today. Ganesha often tells me that his advice to humans would be that we would be good to one another. But he also cares about the animals, and he thinks that killing is wrong. Author's note: The concern that Ganesha has for all living things it reminds me of the Buddhists and the stories I have heard about how Buddhists supposedly do not eat any living things and how in temples the Buddhists will sweep the floors just to make sure that there won't be any insects that they would accidentally step on. Ganesha's care about all living things is on the same proportions as this. Talking to Ganesha has inspired me to be a vegetarian. I now do not eat any meat or even fish and also no eggs but I drink cow's milk every day. And I eat one piece of fruit in the morning and another in the evening. But more about what Ganesha has said about food: Ganesha and the Blue Kings believe that what a human chooses to eat, it has a big impact not only on the body of that human but also on the mind and spirituality. The importance of food is not only a moral issue about right or wrong or about compassion versus evil, but it is also a matter of food changing the very body of the human. I am reminded of how important it was for Allah that humans do not eat pig meat, because Allah would tell me not to eat pig. When I asked Allah why I should not eat pig, he said that it was an impure food for humans. And when I asked him why it was an impure food, Allah said that it was because the pig will eat feces and this goes into its cells and then we eat it and it is in our cells and this is impure for humans. From Allah the God of Islam I learned that what we eat it goes into our cells and changes our cells in a fundamental way that perhaps science does not understand yet. Please note that Ganesha has said that he, Ganesha, is not the same as Allah, and from my experience I know that both Allah and Ganesha exist. Ganesha once said to me that he, Ganesha, does not only tell us to not eat pig but that it extends to all animals, and he smiled in the happy way that only God Ganesha could and those who are close to him. Author's thoughts: There is a fundamental spiritual teaching contained in the issue of whether to eat animals or not to eat them. My own people from Telmaar where Narkael is from would say that it is a matter of consciousness. Ganesha would say that it is a matter of letting God's creations, living beings, continue to live without destroying them. Narkael's people would say that if you are able to kill an animal without feeling compassion for it, or also (this is a surprise for humans who can not already do this) if you can eat meat and you do not see the life and death of the animal, then these are only some of the spiritual growths in awareness that you have yet waiting for you. More from Ganesha: Ganesha said that Earth used to be a paradise and the humans used to eat only fruit. Fruit were different then. And fruits had been created for us to eat. Ganesha often advises me to eat much fruit and to especially eat melons. Eating fruit changes the human body and awareness into a state where we are returning to the physical and mental spiritual place of the original paradise, or Heaven's Kingdom. It brings us closer to God and to Heaven. Fruit transforms our body and mind, heals, and returns us to the state that we were originally created for. Fruit were created for humans and given to us so that our bodies and minds would be nourished and so that we would have all the things we need from fruit as our food that would let us be healthy and stay the way that we were created, to live in paradise on Earth and be close to God. Ganesha told me that there used to be a fruit that would let humans be with God. Ganesha said these words: "There was once a tree of knowledge that let them see me.", said Ganesha. Ganesha then said that there were evil Kings on Earth who decided to destroy the fruit trees of knowledge so that no one could eat it. Author's note: This sounds exactly like the story of Garden of Eden in the Christian Bible doesn't it? We all know the story in the Bible that said that God created Adam and Eve and he let them live in a paradise. In the Bible story, then came the snake and told Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge which would let Eve know God. But God had forbidden the humans from eating from the tree of knowledge. And so when Eve ate from the fruit she had committed a sin and broken the rule and God punished the humans by taking them out of the paradise and this is why childbirth would always be painful for women as a punishment. According to Ganesha our Creator God (who created the Vegas who created us humans), there was such a fruit of knowledge that when eaten it would let humans be close to God and to know God! But Ganesha invites us into his Heaven and he is happy when humans get to visit him and the Blue Kings in their Heaven's Kingdom! It was never forbidden. Ganesha did not forbid the fruit of knowledge of God, not for any reason. A human who is able to reach Heaven and God is someone who is pure and righteous, it is someone who for instance does not kill others. Such humans are virtue and very precious to God. A human who does not see God or Heaven is corrupt and there is no reason why Ganesha would want us to not have Heaven, the paradise. God created us originally so that we would live in paradise and have the fruit of knowledge of God. So for some reason, the Bible has lied to us about the fruit of knowledge. What about the snake? Lord Gazekiel the Fallen Angel told me about the Serpent Gods, who were snake men, who lived together with the people in ancient Sumer. Lord Sananda Jesus has also mentioned the snakes and I have also spoken with these snakes. I have wondered if these are the people who were the snake in the Garden of Eden? And I learned from Jesus Lord Sananda that basically, the Bible is already filled with lies and technical errors. From Jesus Lord Sananda I learned that the Jews had rewritten many of the stories in the holy scripture so that the stories would align with their own values and morals and stories. For instance, the original creation story took place in Ethiopia. That is where the original paradise was, or at least it is where the oldest version of the story of Adam and Eve's paradise was located. The written texts then traveled up the Nile delta to reach both Sumer and Babylon, and the Babylonians who were so proud of their own gardens they rewrote the story to take place in their own gardens in Babylon. But once the scripture reached to the Jews who were at the time living in Turkey, said Lord Sananda, the Jews were disgusted with the Babylonians who were known to be not quite so virtuous or bashful when it comes to sex and women as were the Jews, so the Jews rewrote the story to take place in the gardens of Edena. Edena was a place where the women were known to be especially beautiful. Someone also exaggerated the story of the Great Flood for the Bible. According to Lord Sananda it was only the Nile delta that flooded and not the entire world, but perhaps to the people living there it might have seemed as if it were the whole world. It is not like the people of the Nile could have traveled to the mountains of Peru just to check that the flood was happening there also. So the Bible is already slightly corrupted and exaggerated, altered and modified throughout the ages. From Ganesha the Creator God I learn that there was a fruit of knowledge and that it was not forbidden. Author's comment: There are drugs and chemical substances such as ayahuasca that give a person an experience in which they sometimes report having met with religious deities and extraterrestrials. I wonder if the fruit of knowledge simply put, or scientifically speaking, had its provess by virtue of a chemical substance. But I suspect that the answer is more metaphysical than that, and that it involves a genetic component of humans, which would have changed over time as we humans developed further and further away from God and paradise. Even the Jews are not as beautiful as they originally were created. I have been shown the original Jews who were golden and beautiful, they were so beautiful that many Angels fell in love with them and that as well as jealousy ultimately led these Angels to Fall and become the Fallen Angels. Today's Jews are not nearly the same as they were originally. Author's comment: people seem to think that Jews try to marry only within their own genetic population and that they have a tradition of being mindful of their own genetics as well as cultural and religious heritage, but this is only what I'm thinking and it wasn't said by any religious deities. Based on what I have learned from deities, the Jews were made different and better than any other humans. By having children with non-Jews, the Jews would have gradually lost their divine and godlike beauty. The original Jews had golden hair, and now they mostly seem to have black hair. People living in surrounding regions have black hair, so I am wondering if Jews did not lose their original beauty by having children with surrounding populations of other humans, I wonder. (Jews are still beautiful, but my goodness you should have seen those golden ones, so beautiful even to be more beautiful than some of the Angels! So beautiful that some Seraf Angels were falling in love with their beauty! Note that it is not just a physical beauty, it has more to do with the light or energy, which then corresponds to physicality.) Why does the Bible say that the fruit of knowledge of God was forbidden? Who or what wanted humans to live in the shadows and darkness outside of awareness and paradise? Who was it that put humanity into a miserable place? We were created to live in paradise in the Heaven's Kingdom, to enjoy and to be beautiful. Who wrote down the story of the Garden of Eden into the Bible? Who was it that dictated this version where the fruit of knowledge of God was forbidden? If you think about it, at least me when I was a child I used to wonder why God would be so angry to tell people not to eat that fruit. It seemed mean didn't it. I have to suspect that the story has been corrupted, perhaps by the same people who chose to cut down the trees. Did the evil Kings who cut down the trees did they also tell people that the fruit was forbidden? Or was it perhaps the snake who cut down those trees, and then in the story it was written differently? Those trees and fruit of knowledge of God were here once. And they were originally given to humans for us to eat and to be with God. Evil Kings cut down the trees so that no humans would have the fruit of knowledge of God. Why does the snake appear in the story? Is it the Serpent Gods Anunnaki who lived with ancient Sumer? Are the Serpent Gods the evil Kings? Did the fall of man happen when the fruit of knowledge was taken away, rather than when it was eaten? Did someone lie in the Bible to make us believe that we did not deserve paradise? According to the Bible we humans do not deserve paradise. But Ganesha and the Blue Kings they live in that paradise, they live in the most beautiful Heaven's Kingdom that they let me visit with them. They would want humans to have paradise on Earth. That is why the Blue Kings came to India and this became Hinduism. Hinduism was to teach us how to live in paradise. Luckily I can talk with both Ganesha and Lord Sananda Jesus, and the Angels. I will ask them about paradise and about the fruit of knowledge of God. I also want to say that childbirth isn't supposed to be painful. I have learned from deities and extraterrestrials that there is a way to have painless (and even ecstatic, sorry to say) childbirth. For instance the umbilical sac isn't supposed to break prematurely. If you ever saw a horse give birth you see that the baby just slides out very quickly. I also want to say that my own research has found out that women who eat raw food (and therefore vegetarian food) and mostly fruit they have the possibility of having painless childbirth with an intact umbilical sac around the baby. It ties into the story of the fruit of knowledge of God and how the Bible says that childbirth became painful for women because of the fruit. But again it is twisted and backwards. If women can have painless childbirth if they eat fruit, then it was the LACK of fruit that gave Eve and women painful childbirths? And it was the LACK of fruit that took us out of paradise.
It is interesting to note that in many of the paintings of Ganesha that are made in Hinduism, they often paint a bowl of a variety of fruits by his feet. I haven't studied Hinduism yet but I would not be surprised to learn that Hinduism already knows that Ganesha told us to eat fruit. I would like to build a temple of Ganesha some day and it would be a beautiful place where people can learn about Ganesha and about the Kingdom of Heaven, and I would give every visitor a piece of fruit, because Ganesha wants us to eat fruit, and so do I! Fruit today are not what they used to be, and today humans put a lot of pesticides into them and we have also genetically modified them both in the laboratory and by selective breeding. But fruit are still the best food to eat I am sure, and it is an important part in spiritual ascension. I will write more about fruit and about foods in the Breatharian section later on.
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Mehndi image credit: karakotsya / 123RF Stock Photo
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