Ganesha Our Creator God
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February 16, 2014 ~ I am beyond myself. I am over the moon. And I have no idea how to do justice to writing this page. I have just tied together all of the religions, discovered that we humans are not the only people that our God created in the universe, I have been shown the face of God and looked into the eyes of God, and I have been given the discovery that Ganesha is God. I feel like dynamite has detonated inside me and my brains and soul have scattered as dust all over the universe and I am just waiting for the dust to settle and the world is never the same. I am beyond myself, yet so incredibly happy to own this discovery! And now I have to share with you all, please read, about our Creator God.
First you have to know who I am and why I am writing this, because it does make a difference. I grew up in Sweden. Sweden is a protestant Lutheran Christian country, and we are tolerant to any religions that come into this country. When I grew up I had a few school trips to church and all of us children were put to go through confirmation at the age of 13 or 14. For my confirmation I was asking the priest many questions and I refused to become confirmated just because someone tells me so, so I was never even confirmated. I was always suspicious of religion and I always wanted to know the truth and to be careful that I would never fall into traps to have to believe in something that wasn't true. I call it integrity and also common sense.
This didn't stop me from being able to see angels, nor did it stop Jesus from appearing to me a few times and speaking to me throughout my life. I went into university to study to become a scientist in physics, and that is when science became my new religion and I mingled with atheists and I learned that we can feel very proud when we refuse to believe in religion or in the existence of God or any kind of deity that we cannot measure in a science laboratory.
After a series of mishaps in my life, I felt that my life was in shatters and I was feeling miserable and sad. At a moment of my deepest destruction and despair, where life had lost all happiness, joy and purpose, suddenly I begun learning the Arabic language by some invisible inspiration, and found that it made me very happy. During those studies I came across a mention of texts from the Quran, and it gave me a beautiful feeling. Not long after, when I was suffering and struggling, a presence filled the room and I knew it was Allah. He lifted my sadness and showed me how I was a daugher of his and he taught me how to live a life in happiness, that I could marry a muslim man and have children and know what it means to be a human being. Allah rescued me.
A few months ago I begun working closely with the Angels. They have guided me to read about Angelology. I also speak with demons, the Fallen Angels, now. And one night when I prayed to God, Jesus came to me as Lord Sananda and we wrote the book "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture" together, in which he describes the history of the text that would become the Bible.
In my teens I always thought that my soul was an extraterrestrial being, but I had suppressed this in order to be "like everybody else", or to be "a proper scientist who doesn't even believe in the soul" - this was only making me miserable, and luckily all life fell apart so that I could begin anew. I now know that my soul is not an extraterrestrial only, but that she is an Angel, her name is Narkael. Because I have an Angel soul I can hear and see and communicate with these deities so very easily. I am open to a world that humans were not made to see, hear, feel, or touch.
But, I had never read the Bible. I had not read the Quran. I grew up in Sweden and therefore if someone would have asked, I would have said what most Swedish people say, namely that "I am Christian but not practicing". I would have said that Muslims are terrorists and brainwashed and that they oppress women and are backwards and against science. And I would have said that Hinduism is some kind of foolishness from long ago when people lived more like monkeys.
Allah, Jesus Christ Lord Sananda, Angels, Fallen Angels, but also the Blue Kings and Ganesha, they all have spoken to me and showed themselves to me. Not because I believed, because I did not believe. Not because I expected them to, because I did not expect them. Not because I was open to religion, because I was closed to religion.
I now know that Islam is beautiful, that it respects its women more than the Western world does, that they are a religion about peace and humanity, not war or terrorism, and that Muslims are freer than the rest of us, that they can be happier and truer and more beautiful in Allah than we others can be without Him. And I now know that Jesus Christ did die for our sins and pains on the cross, and that he uplifts us and makes us reborn again through him, and how he loves us and brings us home back to God when we have gone astray. And I know the story of the Angels and their Fallen Angels, for they tell me. And I now know that the blue Hindu Gods are a real people, who were made by the same Creator God as we were (indirectly, read about the Vegas). And I now want to share with you how I discovered that our Creator God is Ganesha!
Please believe me that I know and I love Islam because Allah came to me, I know that Islam is true and I will always be a Muslim (even though I cannot take the oath that Muhammad is the only prophet). Please believe me that I am a Christian and that I was made reborn through Jesus Christ. And believe me that I know of the Angels and Fallen Angels, who are known by Islam and Christianity alike. So when I tell you the story of the blue people and of Ganesha God, please believe me that I honor, love, and know both Allah and Jesus Christ the Savior!
Please read this story because I want all of us to know our beautiful God Ganesha! And to know our fellow brothers and sisters the blue people! This cannot be sacrilege against either Islam nor Christianity. We as humans were not made to be God, therefore we cannot know everything. We do not know our history or where we came from or what we are. I have been fully open, I have listened to every deity that came to talk. I have watched what they have all shown me. And as the result I am now Muslim, Christian, and Hindu!
I was talking to a Fallen Angel named Lord Gazekiel, and my intent and purpose had been to interview the Fallen Angels about themselves, to learn why they had Fallen and to understand how they could justify causing harm to other beings. But the Fallen Angels are keen on telling not only their own history. Lord Gazekiel told me two fantastic stories about human history. The first said that we humans were created by an extraterrestrial people called the Vegas. The other story was that the ancient Sumerian humans were living together with Serpent Gods. I listened respectfully and wrote down our conversations. But one thing that Lord Gazekiel mentioned left me wondering. Namely, he said that the Vegas had in turn themselves been created by a Creator God who looks like an octopus. An octopus! I left that be and decided that maybe what a Fallen Angel says might be taken with a pinch of salt.
Then one night I was having a conversation with Arch Angel Michail (Michael). After chatting for a while, Michail asks me would I like to see God? Yes, of course, sure!, I said, as who would say no to an invitation to meet God. The Angels speak a lot about God. The Angels live closely to God. The Angels tell me that they were created first by the Creator God, and that afterwards that same Creator God had created the humans.
Arch Angel Michail showed me God. God was a person, not taller than the Angel. God was a person and Michail stood next to God on God's right side. God was dressed in a thick purple robe, that had another piece of clothing on the shoulders in white. God had a head that was made out of the brightest, but not blinding, white light, and there was no face. I looked at this and I felt and I knew that it was God that I was looking at. And I trust Michail, and I trust that it was Michail who was with me and who was showing me.
Then Angel Michail tells me, that God actually looks like an octopus, and Michail shows me, as God's head out of white light turns into a head of an octopus! I will never forget that face. He had no hair and the head was bald. He is a pink orange color of the skin. The eyes are the most beautiful two eyes that you ever will see, looking into the eyes of God. It is not like human eyes, the eyes do not have whites or a black pupil or colored irises. Instead, the entire eyes are as if made out of a pool of gold and with a depth, and his eyes radiate so much love and wisdom. I felt peaceful and safe in the presence of God the octopus.
He did not seem to have a nose or a mouth. The eyes have no eyelashes and there were no eyebrows. I also did not see any ears. But hanging from the chin of God are several wavy soft tentacles. The tentacles are a bit short, and they are as many as five to eight or more. The tentacles do not hang straight or stiff, but keep a wavy form and they move a bit. It looks like a beard but it is tentacles. The tentacles are rather thick, they are thicker than human fingers. I honestly do not know if God is just the head and without a body inside the robes.
I felt conflicted with God being the face of an octopus with a beard of tentacles, but I had already accepted that this was God, when he appeared as a white light without a face. I had felt something, and also I trusted Angel Michail. Still, we humans think of God as something "MIGHTY", so of course we will all struggle with finding out that God looks like - an octopus. An octopus. (An octopus.)
But, I told myself not to be rude. It is quite a surprise, it is perhaps a let-down (disappointment), but when you look into his eyes it does not matter. You see these beautiful loving eyes, a most wonderful creature who created the Angels and who created us humans (indirectly by first creating the Vegas and then the Vegas were the ones who created us). Who are we to judge what the face of God should look like? He gave all of us life. He is the dreamer who dreamt these worlds. We have to love him for who he is. God has tentacles on his chin and God is an octopus, but he is God, our Creator, and how can we not love him?
But, weeks before either Angel Michail or Lord Gazekiel had introduced me to our octopus God, I had been having visions of the most beautiful and almost eery face. A face that would appear to me. It was surrounded in the most beautiful white light, an intense white light the purest white light, and in that white light appeared two eyes, the most beautiful soft loving and wise eyes that could ever be seen. This creature never had a nose or a mouth. I was perhaps a little bit nervous to see this face who looked at me and who wanted me to look at it, but I didn't allow myself to be scared. I now know that this was the same face, of our Creator God.
The final piece of the puzzle was given to me yesterday. A few days ago, while making the book "The Fallen Angels", there was another deity who came to speak to me. His name was Paternam and he has blue skin and he looks human, he has black curly hair and he is adorned - especially on his head - by gold jewelry. Paternam had told me the story of how his people had come to India to give humans the knowledge of how to live in a paradise. He had shown me the image of a scroll that his people had given to humans. The scroll holder was made out of gold and it had an eagle on it, the eagle had its wings spread to the sides left and right and its head was pointed to left or right, and beneath the feet of the eagle was the swastika. Inside of this scroll holder was a white paper scroll with text and knowledge given to humans.
Something that history teaches us is that Hinduism actually uses the symbol of the swastika. Today we know this symbol from its use by the Nazis, but Hinduism is a religion of peace and they were the ones who had this symbol first. It was the Nazis who stole that symbol from Hinduism and used it in their movement that does evil.
It seems that Paternam's blue people were also made by the same Creator God the octopus. The Creator God has created so many forms of life throughout the universe. He has created the Angels, the humans, and also the blue people of Hinduism. The blue people are a fellow Kingdom, and we seem to share the same God.
But the final piece I was given last night, was when one of the blue people came to speak to me last night, and he told me that Ganesha is the octopus Creator God, and I was shown again! He also told me that I should not tell the Hindus that their elephant God is actually to be more correct, an octopus God.
And all the pieces fall together. Of course! The elephant trunk on Ganesha the Hindu elephant God is just one of the tentacles of God! And I must say, the Hindus have painted the paintings of Ganesha so perfectly and accurately because it shows the exact same face, with those exact same eyes and the wide face and even the precisely same skin color that is pink and orange! It is precisely the same face. I had been wondering whether I could, or should, paint the octopus God that I had been shown. And now I don't have to, because any painting of Ganesha shows the exact same face that I was shown.
Here is Ganesha again. I like this picture the most. If we first looked at this picture we might wonder how odd to paint a God with so many heads and faces and trunks? And we would wonder why would anybody in their right mind paint such a picture and expect this to be anything realistic or believable? But this picture happens to be the very best one of God, namely this is how they painted him with all of his many tentacles. Of course, God only had one pair of eyes (that I could see). Maybe the people in India had never seen an octopus with many tentacles and so they thought that the tentacles were a trunk of an elephant. But I am absolutely certain that those people of India who created these paintings of Ganesha they had looked upon the same face of our Creator God as I had. (Angel Gabriel has two pairs of eyes so it is not impossible that the octopus Creator God might also have more than one pair of eyes.)
Let's question this. Christians will probably deny my discovery, they will want to continue not knowing what the face of God looks like, or they will be angry that the Bible did not tell us what God looks like. Muslims notoriously forbid any paintings of God Allah, so they would say that this is out of the question. If the Muslims would believe this, then they would ask all these beautiful pictures to be destroyed, so let us hope that the Muslims reject my discovery and leave these paintings alone. Is Allah the same as the octopus God? I do not know the answer to that, so let us leave that question aside for now. I know that Allah is real, and I know that the octopus God is real. Are these the one and the same? Or are they two different ones?
The whole world always thought that the Hindus were foolish in believing in some kind of animalistic religious figures, a kind of nature religion. But the blue people were real after all, and Ganesha is our Creator God after all. Kudos to the Hindus, I now join you and I am one of you.
In the beginning I had no religion. Then when Allah came to me, I said that I was going to be a Muslim. When Jesus came to me I said that I was 60% Muslim and 40% Christian. And then, after Jesus Christ Lord Sananda had made me reborn through him, I said that I was 70% Christian and 30% Muslim, not that I would love Allah or Islam any less, just that I was now able to love Jesus Christ even more, so maybe I should have said that I was still a 60% Muslim AND in addition I was 70% Christian, even if the numbers do not add up, I could never love anyone less than I had before. I am only finding more and more love for these beautiful religions that I am finding out are true!
And now, that I find out that Ganesha is our Creator God? I am 80% a Hindu, so that I can cherish our beautiful Ganesha the octopus who gave us life, who dreamt up these worlds, and I am 15% Christian because of how Jesus made me reborn, but I am also 5% Muslim because it was Allah who saved me. I still love Allah 100%, but I love Jesus even more, and I love Ganesha the most.
One final comment that we must ask ourselves. We must always be wary of the Djinn, Demons, the Fallen Angels, for they might deceive. How do we not know that the blue people were demons, and how do we know that the octopus Ganesha is the one who created us? I would be suspicious, if it weren't that Arch Angel Michail showed me the very same and told me in his own words that God looks like an octopus. What if my experience of Michail was in fact a demon in disguise? I have to doubt it, because Michail came to me with such light that the demons do not possess.
I will always cherish and love you beautiful Ganesha who dreamt up these worlds, who gave me life. I do not know you or how to worship you or how to do you justice, but I will have pictures of you and place fresh flowers by your feet, sing praise to you, and close my eyes and remember your beautiful eyes that have looked at me. I do not know what you ask of me in return, nor do I understand why you have created us or what you would ask us to be, but in your name I will strive to be the most loving, the most beautiful, and to honor you by cherishing your creations, here on Earth the fellow human beings. I will love your creation, your peoples, your worlds, and I will be grateful that I was part of the dream that you have woven, when you created the worlds and you dreamt a dream of me. I love you Ganesha, I am a dream from your mind.
I must admit I felt fearful at first. Fearful that Ganesha might be a powerful and strict God, who might see flaws in me that would enrage him and cause him to retaliate. And also fearful that next to his beauty I would be embarrassing and ugly, that I would not be worthy of his presence. So it is not only a purely positive experience to meet God, because it also brings up all of my shortcomings that I then come to think about. I am not as good or beautiful as God, so what would he think of me? And then I start to think that way about myself, I start to put myself down or feel myself unworthy. Yet, being in the presence of Allah, or Jesus Christ, or the Angels, or the octopus God, they all just show us humans so much love and tolerance. They do not look at us for our flaws, but they see the beauty and hope and promise in us.
But I also continued feeling some hesitance and fear in the unknown in octopus God Ganesha. What if I thought of him wrongly? What if my emotions about him were not pure enough or worthy enough? Would he come to destroy me? Would he point out the flaws in me? Was my thinking of him causing him annoyance? I felt a conflict of worries and concerns, but those soon lifted as some time went by, and God Ganesha did not come after me with anger or with his disappointments. God Ganesha remained that beautiful octopus creature with those beautiful eyes that have looked at me with so much love, tolerance, patience, and wisdom. So I do not need to fear Ganesha. It is not an angry or a dangerous God. He doesn't even seem to hate me or think that I am ugly or unworthy. So I can let go of my fear, and continue with enjoying this life so much now that I know of Ganesha. I have found a happiness in knowing him, and I can cherish the beauty in his creations.
I next embark on the most exhilirating task of learning Hinduism. What does Hinduism know about Ganesha? Do they know that Ganesha is an octopus, and that he is the Creator God? I thought I had only the Bible and Quran (when I am clean) to read and also the Jewish texts, but now
And do not forget about us. ~ An Angel, February 16, 2014, 5:29 PM
And I also have to study Angelology about the Angels, but now I also have the wonderful Hinduism to get acquainted to! So much to read and take in!
I love you Ganesha and I will always wish to place flowers by your feet. Thank you for dreaming a dream about me.
February 16, 2014, 11:08 PM ~ I cannot stop thinking about Ganesha. It has brought me great joy to know this deity, and even though other things have kept me busy today, I can't wait to start reading about Ganesha in Hinduism! But now Ganesha was thinking of me too, and made its face appear to me. The face is immersed in a bright white light, such that the outline of his face cannot be distinguished against the white light, yet I see the golden eyes that have the very same outline, shape, size and spacing as in the paintings of Ganesha. Ganesha is doing something with me, a process.
I believe, or I suspect, that Ganesha will only come to those of humans who are ready to see him. Even the Angels had felt that first of all, that I was ready to see the true form of the Angels, and then Angel Michail had decided that I was ready to see Ganesha the octopus God. This evening Ganesha now comes to me in light and in gold, and he/she grants me the white light and the gold, sharing it with me, he is immersing me with its being, and I am undergoing a transformation together with God the Ganesha. It is a silent process that neither of us speak about with the other, yet we both know what it means.
Ganesha is not transforming you. She was only showing you to herself. ~ blue person, February 16, 2014, 11:12 PM
Ganesha came to me after I had first received the white lotus in my forehead and in my chest. This is a transformation process of great spiritual ascension which I will write about on some other page, and it is also related to the rebirth process and purification which Jesus Christ Lord Sananda has helped me with to attain.
Earlier today I was watching a nature documentary and it had a scene with a dock and some water. Ganesha took that same image and showed it to me in the way that she/he sees the world, and that ordinary scene transformed into the most beautiful Heavens, it shone in bright light and illumination, as if there was awareness of that simple space with the water and the dock a thousand times more visibly than with human eyes, and with such beauty.
I realize that Ganesha likes looking at me, and he comes to me. When I see the face of Ganesha, it is he/she looking at me, smiling with those eyes that express softness, acceptance, peace, love, kindness, and wisdom. I do not know Ganesha the Creator God yet, and I look forward to getting to know her/him. Ganesha is in white light and beautiful gold, this must be the epiphany of creation, the God.
Ganesha? Do you speak? Or is that not allowed, or necessary. ~ me
I do not wish to speak with Ganesha in words. This is a deity that must be felt, and known by wisdom and consciousness.
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