Women's House in Thailand
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*This is not necessarily the top priority of charities for God or Jesus but this is an assignment that was given to me.
Last night (March 16/17 2014) I had a vivid and unusual dream. I was in Thailand and working as something of a nun and a missionary. I had bought up a large two-story lavish house in a city in Thailand. There were specifically ten rooms in this house, and our house was surrounded by tall fence and with a gate. The house was called "WOMEN'S HOUSE" in English and under the title in English was the Thai translation written in Thai language. Women could leave their trade in prostitution and move into our house. I was walking around the narrow streets and shop and market areas and found many women who could join us. I also vividly saw a Thai ladyboy who had beautiful makeup and he/she was also welcome to join. One of our women learned a trade as a tourist guide and she was at a restaurant with the family she was guiding and she was eating a cooked snail from its shell, I vividly saw her using chopsticks to pull out the slug, for her that was tasty.
When I woke up from that dream it was clear to me that God and Lord Sananda (Jesus) had spoken. One of my people, I'm sure this was Jarkael, was with me all morning and continued to tell me more of the details of this Women's House. They told me not to buy the house next to a hill because the land could be muddy and there might be a mudslide that damages the house. They want this house to be in a safe area, and they also said that the house may not be at the beach. God is wanting to protect these people in Thailand and invite them to leave prostitution.
Anyone who comes to live in our house must abandon prostitution, they can not perform sexual acts in exchange for money. I was told that these women are allowed to invite a boyfriend to stay with them in the house if they want to, but they should be told that they should only be sexual with someone who loves them, and whom they love back. The goal was that they might find someone to marry who takes care of them and have children with and then they can leave the house if they find a family elsewhere, but they can stay at the house for as long as they want. Some of the women might also be bringing a few small children with them to the house, and that was ok.
I was told that ladyboys are also welcome and they can certainly live their lives as women. The women and ladyboys who live in our house would wear a veil to cover their hair as a symbol that they are not giving their bodies sexually to people who do not love and honor their bodies and souls. The house would provide our women and ladies with clothes and veils and even jewelry. Beautiful clothing colorful and decorative and golden.
I am hoping to raise funds to buy the house and to cover most of our expenses. Our women will also have a list of jobs that they can do if they want to. The women could work as babysitters at the house. Some women could work with elder care, elders would not live at the house. Eventually, later on, there would be rooms for hire for tourists who want to see the work and help fund these women's new lives. We will figure out plenty of jobs for these women and ladyboys that pay them well and that are dignified. They can also learn languages, such as German, or English, and work as tourguides for tourists. Personally I had a fantastic idea but this idea came from me and not from the divine, so we will see if God approves, but I know that Thailand has beautiful traditional dances and costume and maybe the ladyboys would like to perform for tourists, that would be fantastic I think.
God and Lord Sananda Jesus explained to me that they are with all humans and they are absolutely not only with Christians. They hear and see everybody. I was shown a person in Thailand who keeps constantly praying that he or she please wants more "baht", which is the currency in Thailand. God wants to answer their prayers.
The house would be a sanctuary and also a home. They would not have to work until they feel strong enough because they are leaving behind a difficult life and undoubtedly a lot of trauma. They would have a safe home and food and sisterhood. The ladyboys would be treated as sisters and cherished, God especially spoke to me about them. These women and ladyboys should not be prostitutes and we want to offer them another alternative, where they can find safety and happiness and fulfilment as well as earn money.
I would feel overwhelmed about this task and I could never have envisioned this on my own. This is God's plan for them, and he listens to all of their prayers. Our women and ladies would know that this comes from God and Jesus, but of course they don't have to convert to any particular religion.
There is so much more to be said about this, there is so much more context and depth to this story, but I struggle to dress it in words. I truly hope to accomplish this task. Jesus had said that part of the proceedings from our book should go to clothing and feeding the needy and I had been asking him to let me know where he wants his charity to be, and I think this might be the answer. They have said that my second project will be the orphanage in South America. The women's house in Thailand will be our first.
Those poor souls in Thailand who are selling their body and mind and soul and dignity to people who do not care about them. It is sadness, and it will hurt them. I know little about this problem in Thailand but I am sure that these women and ladyboys are suffering and that they lose a piece of themselves every time. They are also at danger for diseases and unwanted pregnancy. I was also told that in many places in the world, prostitutes are given drugs to trap them into this Satanic lifestyle and to take their money away from them. I would live in Thailand at my Women's House and I am sure that me and my sisters there can make it work. God is with these women and ladyboys every day. We just need to remind them of their magnificent greatness in their soul and give them other jobs and a safe home and a sisterhood and family.
Of course, doubts and worry sets into my mind. "What if the Thai government doesn't let me do this?" "What if we never have enough money to buy the house and pay bills?" But God is on our side, but most importantly, this is not about me. It is God and those people. Ask and it is given. I am sure that they have been praying for something like this.
God especially shows me the ladyboys. They need a safe place and a secure income and they are entitled to a dignified life. God wants them to be exactly who they are. (To be clear, God accepts transgender people. If the ladyboys express a feminine persona then they can be precisely that if it is who they are. Many Christians and Muslims would probably call it a sin and expect God to want them to convert into being what we think a man should be. To be honest I would have expected God to want to convert them, based on how religious people believe. But God wants them to be what they are. I am sure of it. The way that God loves people is something that perhaps we humans could not understand on our own. They are also God's children and he loves them so much.)
If you want to help establish the Women's House in Thailand, you can buy the book "Lord Sananda Speaks: Holy Scripture". I take part of my proceedings toward this charity. I will also begin looking into how charities are made and if there are other larger contributors available. My goal would be to stay at the house for one year and then leave it when it is self-sufficient and start on the orphanage in South America.
Women and ladyboys who want to leave prostitution can move into the house, when they are looking for a way out, a home, a sisterhood, and other jobs and income. They would be told that this is a gift from God and Jesus but they don't have to adopt any religion. If they want we can read the Bible and the Quran together, if they feel inspired to but that is such a personal thing.
I would want the house to finance them to get all the tests for STDs and treatment if they caught any. Ideally they could have as much as three months or more just to live there and be catered to where they wouldn't have to work and could stay in their room if they so feel like it. Their pains and traumas must be severe and they couldn't be asked to go to work right away. It would be fantastic if we could enlist a social worker or psychologist also so that we understand each other and give them space to heal.
Maybe some people think that these prostitutes have chosen or wanted to be a prostitute or that they don't mind being? But I am sure that they suffer. They could still have relationships with people but not for money and not when it is not mutually a loving and caring relationship. I was shown that they are often with customers who are disgusting and it hurts them. If they want to leave prostitution then there must be easy and safe opportunities for them to do so.
A question: what if everybody in this whole world cared for one another? What if everyone took in the love and word of Jesus? What if people stopped watching television and having children of their own, and adopted the whole world and cared for someone who is one of God's children in the streets? What makes your own biological child more important to you than the child of God who is on the streets crying and desperate? Are people selfish, and blind? If you knew how much God loves those prostitutes in Thailand we would all rush there immediately and build them a safe house and protect them and care for them. I wouldn't have to sit here and wonder how are we going to pay for it all.
*If for some reason I don't embark on this project to establish a Women's House in Thailand, then all accrued funds for the charity will instead be donated to an already existing charity of a similar kind.
*A second charity will be the orphanage in South America but that one starts later in the future.
If someone asks me why would we help prostitutes who might be responsible for their own demise by choosing sinful acts instead of helping children in the world who are innocent? The answer might be that some people who are even further away from God than an innocent child, is in need of even more help than they. Many people expect God to be full of rage and punishment, and hatred and disgust toward sinners, but I have not seen a single example of anything but love from God and Jesus to all humans. There have been many times in my life when Jesus had shown me a homeless person through the eyes of Jesus and how much he loves them, even though humans look at them and see someone who is imperfect and perhaps not as worthy of love.
I have been taken by doubt and fear about my tasks at opening the Women's House in Thailand and the orphanage in South America, and something led me to this article, about a woman who finds God and how the Holy Spirit helps her to open an orphanage. It is a sign that it is possible, it can be done. I can open a Women's House and an orphanage. I should not be afraid, it has been done before. And I won't be alone, God is by my side.
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Mehndi image credit: karakotsya / 123RF Stock Photo
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