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This is the true story of how Jesus Sananda manifested the Christ's Carnation flower to grow
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May 12, 2014 ~ Lord Sananda who lived on Earth as Jesus showed me a pretty red flower in the background of Jerusalem. It was a delicate red flower, the flower petals sheer and dainty, and large pointy thorns growing on the strong brown branches. He said it was the "Christ's Carnation". It was the flower of Jesus, not only because of the red flowers, but also the thorns.
In vain I sought to find out about this flower. I knew exactly what it had looked like. I could find nothing on Christ's Carnation, and no picture of a red flower like it. I decided it would be fruitless, I would never find out what this flower's real name was, and I could never share this beautiful flower with people. It pained and weighed me that I could not find or share this flower.
God had given me my new job. He had designed it so that I would work at a place that combines my favorite nature walk to get there, with my favorite grocery store which is just a stone's throw away. On my way to work I found myself stopping to look at some flowers. Many flowers bloom in spring here in Sweden. Sometimes the beauty of flowers makes me slow down as I walk by, but these particular ones captivated me and I stopped to watch them. There is an abandoned empty lot on my way to work. It only has a mesh wire fence running along its border, and nothing but broken pavement with patches of wild grasses and weeds on the other side. An odd mixture of various unkept bushes grow along the fence, their branches, leaves, and flowers reach through both sides of the fence, awkwardly. I found myself stopping by a particular bush with red flowers.
One day Jesus Lord Sananda told me that this was his Christ's Carnation. And he told me that it was he who had planted it there for me. Unbelievable. How would a flower that blooms in Jerusalem, one that I had never seen in person, be growing through the fence of an abandoned empty lot on my way to work? The very next day I stopped by the flower to make sure. Sure enough, the flowers blooming looked identical to the flowers Jesus had shown me that he called Christ's Carnations. But there was one more thing to check to make sure. This plant had to have those large sharp thorns growing on the branches. I did not expect to find any, but there they were. It was Christ's Carnation. I consider this a miracle, especially since Jesus Sananda says that it was he who planted it there.
If anybody knows the real name of this blooming plant, please write and let me know! sanael@angeloraclemaar.com
So you see it, and love, does not only grow in Jerusalem. ~ Sananda, May 12 2014, 9:37 PM Swedish time ["it" being this flower]
Jesus Sananda? How do you make a flower bloom here on Earth? How do you make it happen? It is a miracle? Is it easy for you to do? ~ me