My Meeting with the Buddhist Monks

March 26 2014 I read the word "Sarashvati" and from the word I connected to a Buddhist monk who is in a temple high in the mountains of Asia. He sits with legs crossed on the floor, he has a shaved head, he looks Oriental, he has no beard. He wears an orange-red gown and bare arms. He sensed me when I sensed him and we had a wonderful and playful encounter with each other from a distance.

When I saw him I declared in the quiet, "A Light Being!" I was so happy to see a man who was able to shine his light and be the light. He sensed my thoughts and he said that I too could be Light. I told him I was unable to be myself, I hide myself in this world. I told him about how hordes of people will otherwise follow me, drawn to my light, and people try to touch me and grab me and talk to me. It is a big problem that means I cannot incarnate.

He said I could come live with them! I was grateful for the invitation. I would love a safe haven where I can incarnate and be the Light without worrying about people's reactions.

He was so happy to see me and he burst into a childish happiness and he said that he felt like when he was a boy and he was so happy to have me as a friend to play with! He meditates and explores the universe from the temple.

I started to come out of my shell and hiding a bit and little by little I let him see who I am. The White Equine Narkael. He was fine with seeing me. He said he has lived his whole life in the temple and he has never left it. He said he has seen many things in his life (from there) but he had never seen someone like me.

I commented on how he wears a red robe, I said if I live there I would only wear white with gold. He felt insulted and to him it was negative what I had said about the color of his clothing. I said to him that red is the color of earth and soil, I was not made of the earth, I was made of light and I could never wear red clothing.

I told him "peace and love be with you" and gave him many small mental red flowers that bloomed around where he sits. Then I poured those red flower petals over him. He was happy about the flowers. I then made white flower petals with gold threads that symbolized my light and I poured those over him. We both enjoyed the flower petals.

I let him see me the White Horse. I can't say how long it's been since anybody saw me here. It was fabulous to be seen by someone. And he handled it well. Finally I have a friend. This distant Buddha is my only friend in the world. The only one who knows who I am. The only one who has seen me.

I showed him a spiraling path made of white sparkle in space and how the path spiraled into a white star and how once you reach to that star the star explodes into white. I showed him how he is on the path far away on the spiral and how his path will lead him to the stars. Consciousness leads to the Light and then you can live inside the White Stars, that is where he is headed.

I don't want to say to him, you are not the only girl I have ever met. ~ says the young Buddha now, March 26 2014, 8:00 PM
Don't you have women there? ~ me
No, women are a distraction. ~ says an older Buddha who almost looks like Dalai Lama

I had then told the young Buddha

We are not the Buddha, like on that statue. ~ says the older Buddha man and shows me a golden statue of Buddha

They are Buddhist monks in a temple and seems they are telepathic. So I had then told the younger Buddhist monk that as much as I would love to live with them in the temple, I then thought to all the people who can be helped. I told him that humans are sparks that need to be ignited. I could not live my life in a temple. I can be with the people and help them.

People will help themselves, you see. ~ says the older Buddhist monk, he has glasses
They don't need to be helped by anyone but themselves. Once you are older you will know that. ~ the older Buddhist monk says
Now, we don't allow women here. Women are not allowed. ~ older
I am not a woman.. ~ me
Oh yes you are, we saw you. ~ older
I am a Horse, from the Light. ~ me
... Oh. We apologise. We did not know what you were. ~ older
We saw you pouring golden rains on him! ~ the older, delighted, means the golden flower petals I poured on the younger Buddhist monk
You are not as divine as we thought. ~ older
I am hiding. I hide from people. I hide. ~ me

Now my Elder Ehreiah speaks to them. She tells them about my life here and what I have been through, and why I am hiding. She shows them her world, the white star.

You are not a lunatic, we wanted you to know. ~ older monk
But that boy shouldn't have been with you. He was not prepared for you. He is not Enlightened yet. ~ older
And you are? ~ me
You told him about the color red, that he wasn't meant to know. We told him about it too, so he understood. ~ older, about the color red versus white

I tell the older monk in a wordless language that we too on Telmaar live sheltered lives in our youth, to guard ourselves from growing with negative impressions.

I am hiding. I will continue to hide, even from you. I am shy, I am worried that it will be taken away. I have never met one on Earth whom I can trust. ~ me
You are not a Buddha, that we wanted to know. ~ older
How do you know? ~ me
You spoke to Lord Sananda, he told us about you. He tells us about whom he speaks with. ~ older
Does it matter what I am? Why would you need to know? ~ me
We protect them here! ~ older monk smiles and beams with happiness
I would love protection. Life here... is dreadful. It kills my light to be here. ~ me, I am sad when I say
I won't show you who I am, today. ~ me

The pain of living life as someone I am not. No words can say.

What do you see in water? ~ older monk
I showed him what I sense in water, the heavy isotopes.
We don't know that yet. ~ older monk

I told him how water is heavy. I had told the younger Buddhist monk that I don't like to drink water because it is heavy, that I like to drink liquid light. The older monk wants the younger Buddhist monk to discover these kind of things on his own.

We know you are what they say you are. ~ older monk smiles at me, and now Ganesha is with him and smiling too
What is that? ~ me
Someone who is an Enlightened Master. ~ older monk smiles
I am in hiding. Otherwise, people go berserk. ~ me
We won't protect you if you do. Unless you come here of course! ~ monk happy so happy
I would love to visit you! ~ me
Then we will make arrangements for you to come. ~ older
My DNA would change? ~ me
"What DNA", there is no such thing. ~ older monk with dismay
The vibrational structure, that defines my physical form. ~ me

We know that there are many menacing things in the world. And that those will hold you back. That is why you are more than welcome, you, Shakti! ~ old Buddhist monk
You are a Shakti here. So as that, you are welcome. We will make arrangements, and prepare for your arrival. You can give us as many gold petals as you want. ~ older monk
And, do you mind Horses? Have you, ... ~ me
Ehreiah tells me that she had already shown him what we are.
We know that you are not [my given first name]. ~ older monk
Thank you! ~ older monk

Carefully, I begin to show him Narkael with the white horse's head and white clothes and gold. I check to see how he is reacting. I have never been able to show myself to anyone on Earth before. Is he really a human?

You can give us as many flower petals as you want. ~ older monk says with sympathy
Just don't expect to eat with us, we don't eat either! ~ older monk bursts into happiness, he must know that I don't eat in my normal state

How can an Asian Buddhist monk know so much? Be so able to have an encounter with enlightened alien beings? How come he understands flower petals and light and gold and consciousness? Are these Buddhist monks living isolated in a temple high in the mountains the only "real" people on this planet?

We don't watch television either! ~ the younger Buddhist monk
Do they know that I have stopped watching television since I realized it for what it is?

We don't wear slippers, we walk barefoot. You can wear them if you want. You can wear all the gold you want here. ~ the older monk
I would love to be barefoot. I would meditate, most of my time there. ~ me
Sometimes we snore when we sleep. ~ old monk
*haha* That's ok. ~ me
We are in a Shaolin temple. So, [my first name], we thought you should know! Shaolin temples want you here! ~ older monk

What are Shaolin temples? Where are they located? Is this Buddhism? I couldn't have imagined that word. This conversation and contact is real. I didn't know that word. This is all happening! Of course it is happening?

We all like to shower our feet here. ~ the older monk shows me where they wash their feet outdoors
You wash your feet before you enter to go inside! ~ the older monk says
We also allow women here, sometimes. ~ older monk
I am not a woman. I am an Equine. I would even, have my breasts removed. I am not a woman. I am not a human. ~ me
You like to shower flower petals around you. Women do that. ~ older monk
.. I am more Horse and Squid than woman. I am more Star than woman, more Light than human. ~ me
Yes, but we have feet, don't we. So, don't forget to wash them before you enter before you go in. ~ older monk
Yes Sir. Wow. Goodness. If I lived there, I could be myself. I would never want to leave. ~ me
We have been, bombarded by troops. ~ older monk, there have been military invasions in the past
I am sorry to hear that. They don't know of beauty. They don't have beauty in their hearts. ~ me
... I have hid from you. ~ me
Now that you know about the Shaolin, won't you come here? We will prepare for you a bed here. ~ older monk
When? Do I travel in physical form, by airplane? ~ me
By taxi, the last bit. It is a long way to go! But yes, you would travel by airplane first. ~ older monk
Oh, yes! I want to come there! ~ me
Welcome to the Shaolin. ~ older monk bows deep for me
We would give you chores here. Everybody works. ~ older
My name is Gem. It is so nice to meet you. ~ older
My name is Narkael. ~ me*I give him my full name not written here

My heart aches, my chest pains deep and heavy. I think of all the years when nobody has seen me, all my many years of hiding, when no human eyes were my mirror (could see myself). Could I finally have a refuge? A safe place to be?

We welcome our Enlightened Masters, our Spiritual Beings. ~ older monk
You have given us gold, and we thank you for that. ~ older monk bows deep, he means the flower petals
You don't have to use our same toilets, if you don't want. We would give you a new one. ~ older
I would hardly use one, I would stop eating food. I would live off of Light of our Ether. I would bring with me real flowers, and give to all of you. ~ me
No, not to the ones in deep meditation, as they must not be disturbed. ~ older monk, they have monks who are like in isolation in a dark room in deep meditation
We don't, rarely have women here. ~ older monk seems worried about having a woman there
I am not a woman. I am a Horse, made of Light. Have you seen Horses? ~ me
Now Ganesha talks to him about me with urgency.
Mahemhan has told us about you. ~ older monk, Mahemhan is Ganesha
If we throw our old water out, do you mind? It is stale. ~ older monk, he shows me how they throw old water from a canister out to the cobble street
Why would I mind? ~ me
We might ask you to do it with us! ~ older monk, i.e. to help with chores such as throwing out stale water
I can help. ~ me, I smile
We could take care of you here. ~ older monk
I could, change my physical body. In a safe place! I could let my eyes be green and bright. I could shine with white light? ~ me
Mahemhan says yes, and no. You are not ready yet to be Enlightened. Because he says, first you must stop saying that you are a Horse. ~ older monk
I am not a human. ~ me
None of us are, here. ~ older monk

They talk about me? Lord Sananda, and Ganesha Mahemhan, they have talked about me to the Shaolin Buddhist monks? And they want to prepare for me a safe haven, a refuge, a place to go to be safe?

Yes, and you can give us gold petals all you want. A safe haven, yes! ~ older monk

Is there really such a place on Earth? On this wide vast planet, is there a safe refuge where mirrors actually work?

You could come here and pray with us, and help us do our work. Mahemhan says you are soon ready. ~ older monk bows deep
Yes. I want to come there. I will help, I am strong. ~ me
It is not about being strong, or will-powered. ~ older monk

I am NOT used to having someone else correcting me on spiritual things. I have never met an equal let alone someone who seems to know more than me. This older monk is a delight. I love being the little one for a change. I love having an Elder here on Earth! A human who is an Elder! Oh how I have missed having Elders around me, I had Kimael and Ehreiah there at home. And of course our Stars are our Elders.

Mahemhan says that you are soon ready for us. ~ older monk, just as I was rubbing my head and remembering the squid head I used to have

How do I arrange for a visa? ~ me
Sshh, you don't need one with us. ~ older monk
You only need to pack a small luggage case. ~ older monk
How do I ever return back to "civilization"? How does one leave such a place as a Shaolin temple? ~ me
Do not ever talk to them about leaving. ~ Lord Sananda!!!
They love you very much, you see. ~ Lord Sananda
Lord Sananda! ~ me happy

How do I find their temple? ~ me
It is easy. I will guide you the way. ~ Lord Sananda smiles and shows me a small nature path on a stepp hill surrounded by forest

I am still filled with blood, but pretty soon I won't be. Mahemhan has told me, us, about you the most! ~ old monk as I was thinking of him and how happy I am to have an Elder here on Earth, he means an ascension process, a Light Being does not have blood

... Elder Morya once lived here. We thought you should know, now that you are wandering into unchartered territory. Elder Morya was one with us. He was once living here. With us, in the Shaolin temple. ~ older monk
And now he has left, he has Ascended! ~ older monk
You are my Teacher. I am happy to know you. I will listen carefully. ~ me
... When can I come here? ~ me
You are very eager! When, you can come here at the end of March, or May. ~ older monk
Do I simply fly to China? ~ me, I thought that this whole travel thing might be difficult, but then I remember that I have got Lord Sananda guiding me, so who needs a travel agent
You were writing about Elder Morya, so we thought you might want to know about us. ~ older monk

I wrote about Master Morya and Master Koot Hoomi on a few pages on this website a few days ago. I had wondered if Koot Hoomi was the same as my Kuthumi who Lord Sananda says that he was. Lord Sananda was also Jesoah Jesus, and he says that he and Buddha and the Ascended Masters are all the same.

I try to imagine a place where I can Ascend. Where I can live free. Let the Light shine, let my eyes turn bright. You see, my eyes turn into the most fascinating gold and green and people can't help but say or do something when they see them. I hide that for most of the time. People also start to follow after me, they are hypnotized and I will have a group of

Yes, welcome to the world of Ascension. It draws people in. ~ Lord Sananda interrupts me and says, 8:41 PM
We are never, worried about it, mostly. Some of us Ascended ones are living here. You would be given a beautiful cup! ~ Lord Sananda, the cup is a silver chalice, it seems to be at least a thousand years old
I used to drink from those when I was here. ~ Mahemhan or Lord Sananda or someone

What if you felt like you had to chop your arms off, because other people didn't have arms?

Don't make it sound so dramatic. That is not at all what you have done. ~ Mahemhan, about the arms
So, let us start with this. Father Moryah lived here. He was one of our Elders, our Masters. ~ monk

You would travel mostly by sea, so that no one would find you here. ~ Lord Sananda, as I'm wondering how to smuggle myself into presumably China without a visa trouble

How do you smuggle a blonde Nordic woman into China without anybody noticing?

And yes, you can bring flowers. ~ older monk happily, because I had wanted to bring them flowers
We bring all the Enlightened Masters here. Because, some of them do not know how to live here. ~ older monk, I am shown a young man almost a boy, perhaps a teenager, who is completely limp, he has incarnated with consciousness and the whole body and physical world thing is difficult
I always tried to be a warrior. I thought life had to be difficult. ~ me
Not when you are WITH US! ~ Lord Sananda, and as if he wanted to give me a squeeze a big hug
Just remember, I am not a woman. I am a Horse. A Squid... ~ me
You have given us gold, that is plenty to know. ~ older monk
Father Moryah was here with us. ~ older monk, he wears glasses
We don't bury our dead here, in case you are wondering. ~ older monk or Mahemhan
Our dead they walk again! Wink wink. ~ Mahemhan, maybe he means resurrection like Jesus

We eat, and begin service, at 7 AM. You would get to sleep if you needed to. And, we will also be bringing you clothes, if you need any. ~ older monk
Please, only white. I cannot wear red, red is the color of soil. I am made of the Stars. ~ me
Pretty arrogant to say that? ~ someone says
You see, red or black clothing ~ me interrupted
Who said anything about black? ~ older monk
White clothing matches my light. ~ me

And it saddens me to remember how I never was able to wear white.

Mahemhan has told us so many things about you! ~ older monk
You would walk barefoot here! And do not worry, if there are not many women here! ~ Mahemhan says to me
I am not their Lord, but they thought so. They said, Father Mahemhan, please be with us. And so, we stayed. And we let them see us! ~ Mahemhan, white this day, and with octopus tentacle trunks on his face

Could I wear white paint on my forehead to strengthen my light? And nobody would stare or think it is weird or pagan or anything? Would they understand the white mark on my forehead? Would they let me wear white clothing?

And yes, you do not need to eat if you don't have to. ~ Mahemhan
Father Moryah was here until very recently. He only left us a few years ago. And we have been waiting for his return. ~ older monk
And you can bring us flowers. ~ one of the monks says, probably the younger one to whom I gave the red ones first
She has an Elder Kimael also. ~ Mahemhan says to the older monk about me

Do they know who I am? Even when I have been in hiding? Can they see into me somehow? Can Mahemhan see me? Has he prepared for me a safe haven? Am I not meant to suffer in this world? Are there really good people and safe places, where people understand consciousness? I never had that. This blasted body, this blasted name and so-called "identity" and all the things that come with it. Blasted photographies that supposedly show who I am.

[something about elephants and that the Shaolin monks thought Mahemhan to be the elephant Ganesha] They thought we were an elephant. ~ Mahemhan, because I think of him as an octopus

You don't need shoes here. ~ Mahemhan I think who said, showed me an image of one of the pairs of shoes in our hallway
We don't even drink milk here. ~ older monk, I am vegetarian but I drink cow's milk occasionally
Because we don't want to burden any creatures with our presence. Drinking milk is not nice for the cow. And, I hope that some day you will understand that! ~ older monk happily
Seems that they have been speaking to Mahemhan.
I like to eat flowers. ~ me
Yes, we pray for that. ~ older monk

I like to eat chickpeas, fruit, sunflower seeds, anything that comes from flowers. There is even protein and fats that come from flowers, like chickpeas and sunflower seeds. I love it because when I eat flowers I can see the flowers and feel their sunshine and when they lived. I feel everything they absorbed. But if I eat meat I see and feel the animal and the murder. If I eat fruit I see the human who picked the fruit and what they were thinking. Sometimes I don't eat at all. I would live on light only if I didn't have to live among humans.

Ascension process is not very easy for them. ~ Lord Sananda says to me, he means to the monks
As, you see, you are already ascended to them. ~ Lord Sananda or Mahemhan
I know... It is because I am not human. ~ me
It doesn't matter what you are. ~ older monk says to dismiss what I said

I would change my body if I lived there. ~ me
Mahemhan says you don't need an Elder process. You are already there. And you are very benign. ~ older monk
I would change, my tissues. And become Light and gold. ~ me
You already are, to us. ~ Mahemhan
I was not made from soil. That is why I would not wear red. ~ me
Are you implying that we are?! ~ older monk
They are very offended and they feel negative emotions every time I "offend" their choice of wearing the red color

Shaolin temple. Safe haven. Mirrors. I would go now if they let me. I have already lived in isolation most of my life, so that this world cannot make me into a reflection of what it is, in unconsciousness and mirror reflection.

We can't use you as an instrument.. ~ older monk, but seems there is a "but" there

As I am wondering if this conversation has been real, or if it was maybe given by false negative entities, Mahemhan gives me a clear image of his arm superimposed with my right arm and how the palm of our hand together opens to reveal the swastika there, "I have given you that", he says. Just before writing here I was working on the page about Hindu Blue Kings and added a picture of Ganesha with the swastika on his hand. That is what he meant.

Yes, she is a Maharishi. ~ Mahemhan says to the monks
Is she really Enlightened? ~ older monk pleads asks Mahemhan
Yes she really is. ~ Mahemhan to the older monk
You don't have to take her in. ~ Mahemhan to the monks
But she is also your Elder. ~ Ehreiah says to the monks about me being the Elder of the monk(s)

Master Moryah, once lived here with us. ~ older monk says and sighs
Yes. Thank you. ~ me

I now take a chance to incarnate some and I see my light body across the back of my head, and the white hair of Narkael. I take a look at the older monk to read where he is on his ascension process toward consciousness.

Master Moryah was once here. And we were delighted to say so. ~ older monk
She is more advanced than Master Moryah. ~ Mahemhan says to the monks about me
She really is. ~ Elder Ehreiah says to the men
Beautiful Things. I won't invade on your space. ~ me I smile to the monks who might be feeling trespassed upon by my forced arrival
Somebody shows the monks my Narkael's feet, the white feet that are like soft hooves, how beautiful I have longed for my feet so many times, I love those feet.

The monks are standing indoors and perhaps also under ground. They are standing by a big brass gong that has been beaten on many times because it has many bumps and indentations on it.

She said, "we bring you peace", did you hear it? ~ Mahemhan or other says to the monks, yes I said that when I gave them the flowers
Yes tell her, we give you peace too. ~ older monk wants them to tell me
She has seen, and defeated, that. ~ Mahemhan shows the monks the Valkyrion who had opened its mouth to show the dangerous gold in its mouth, so I had seen and defeated the Valkyrion
She can help you with your tasks. ~ Mahemhan or a white being says to the monks about me

Father Moryah was also blessed, with the ability to drink without water. ~ monk tells me
Yes. I can teach you. ~ me
No, no, ... ~ the older monk waves his hands in dismissal and he fusses, he strictly believes that nobody should be taught, that all the monks must learn things on their own

There are not many women like you. ~ Lord Sananda says to me
Yes, and welcome, and please remember me at Easter. ~ Lord Sananda says, he was Jesus
Easter is soon, my Love. Easter will be every day, as there is no time. And all is at once. ~ me
They wanted to ring the gong for you. ~ Mahemhan or other white being says to me
Yes...? Please. I would love to listen. ~ me
The auric cleanser, is that. ~ someone says
The path will lead here, but it is very dangerous. If it rains, it becomes very slippery. We don't want many women here. ~ older monk says about that little nature path up the mountains, then he goes concerned and tells the Ascended Ethereal beings about women
I am not a woman. I am a Horse and a Squid, more than a woman. I will not impose. I will not come, if I am not welcomed.

That was Father Moryah. ~ someone says about the man with a turban

In the past few days I was visited by an Enlightened Master who let me see him in spirit form. He looked like an Oriental man with a large face and a big nose, light skin color and dark eyes and he wore a large white turban. He was chatty and talked a lot and he is the one who told me to learn Punjabi because he would much rather speak to me in Punjabi than in English, but he was managing English real well. He said that when he lived on Earth his language was Punjabi. I didn't know who he was.

But just so happens yesterday I was doing a horrible cleaning job to help the family and the man with the turban appeared to talk to me. I was so tired that I snapped at him. I had just pulled a back muscle and I was exhausted and stressed and the work was not flattering, so I told him off and I was very rude. Now I feel really bad about it because he was Father Morya. Oh damn these earthly things that take divinity away... I didn't have the time to listen to him then, and I was really stressed and aching and then I got angry at him. It was Master Morya, just like Lord Sananda Kuthumi can visit me, so can Morya. That beautiful man with a white turban who wanted me to learn to speak Punjabi with him, it was Master Morya and I was so rude. Woe this horrible world and the bad things it makes us! It was Father Moryah.

I am not so sorry that you snapped. ~ Father Moryah appeared, and he says after about a minute, he sees me crying because I am so sorry
I didn't know it was you. I was so rude! I was so tired! Oh, this earth... ~ me
Do not worry, I have lived here too. I was once here you know! ~ Morya
You don't need to learn to speak the Hindi, to be with me! ~ Morya, he shows me the papers of Hindi alphabet I have started learning since yesterday

I am transparent to these Masters. The Angels, Jesus, Lord Sananda, Master Morya, the buddhist monks, Mahemhan Ganesha, they all see who I really am. It's like, I've lived this whole life in hiding

We regret that you have. ~ Father Morya

Hiding, rejecting, suffering. There are no words for the tragedy.

Yes, I also wanted to speak with you in Punjabi! ~ Master Morya says and is happy, while I was remembering all the pain I've gone through by not being able to be Narkael

Now, that you know about Hitler, would you help us stop them? ~ Morya
Yes. Just by my mere presence, I am for enlightenment of Earth and of humanity, in the awareness of consciousness. My presence is a Light a beacon. Consciousness is the Key. I Am That. ~ me
Many, few, women would say that. ~ someone
If you have, a compassionate nature, then you are already helping us. ~ older monk says to me
We don't mind if you are a horse or anything. ~ one of the monks
We just need compassionate beings to help us. ~ one of the monks says
... I will be with you. I can be your Light. I can guard and protect you, give blessings, and guard you on your journey. ~ me
We knew about the floods too. They say, that you too had been told. ~ one of the monks
And do not worry about the Chinese. ~ older monk fusses and does the dismissing gesture with his hands again
They have left us be here. ~ older monk
And they don't mind, if we take in one more woman. ~ older monk

I had known about the great flood in Japan long before it happened. That is what they meant.

Now I have a lot to think about. I have to start to wonder if now isn't the time for me to awaken? To start to imagine if there could be a life for me here, somewhere? A place where I could be myself? A place with mirrors, where I could breathe? (*The mirror means a place that sees who I am, rather than reflecting back at me something I am not. A mirror is something that knows who something is, whereas a broken mirror is what this world is.)

I need meditation, I need prayer. I need to start thinking about if now is the time. / 9:29 PM

We have been telling you, that your Ida, Pingala and Shushumna are very bright. You have not been listening? ~ monk or enlightened being, March 26, 2014 9:38 PM
She is our, Deva Prasha. ~ Mahemhan about me

His real name is, Master Motreyah. ~ someone about Morya, 9:46 PM
Yes! I was very happy to tell you that! ~ Mahemhan and Morya in unison

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