Encounters with Religious Figures

Divinity of Judaism visits me again, is it Prophet Eliahu?

Written April 16, 2016.

On Friday evening April 15 2016 I was considering the thought of converting to Judaism or at least thinking about learning about it and wondering how to spend my first Shabbat alone after last week when I spent my first Shabbat together with my Jewish friend whom we can call David.

I wrote a Facebook update about considering converting to Judaism and then the white divinity showed up again, the third time I am visited by him. The first time he visited was when I read together with David from the Tora the chapter about prophet Eliahu. Below follows the email I wrote to David in which I wrote down the conversations I had with the white divinity of Judaism:


I wrote on Facebook that perhaps I will become Jewish.

Shortly thereafter, I was again visited by the white saint, the same one who had appeared in our hotel room that night when I read Eliahu from the Tora. He was here to welcome me, and he asked me to follow him, and I followed him from the kitchen through the hallway and into my bedroom. He showed me an image in my mind of the Christian Cross and he asked me something along the lines of "if I believe in it" or if I "need it". I said that I do not worship the symbol of a torture method (the cross).

He asked me to light a candle for him, and he said that the Jews do that they light a candle for him.

"You do not need the Torah to see me.", he says now. "I come to those who are not angry with me.", he says.

I see him very clearly, he shines with white light. His eyes are round and very dark. His head elongates into what looks like a tall slanted white hat, but I know that this is his head. He walks like a man in a long white shroud, but he sometimes changes shape into this:

He told me that I can go to talk to a Rabbi and he said that I should tell the Rabbi that I was "visited by the man with the white staff", as he walks with a long white staff or cane.

The white light around him is ethereal and beautiful. Now he stands behind me, he puts his hands down on my shoulders.

"who are you?", I ask him. "Tell them, that I am not coming into their Shul.", he says. "Do you have a name?", I ask. "I am, the Holy one, Yahweh.", he says. "Are you really?", I ask. "Tell them, not to go to Shul with me. Because I am right here right now.", he says.

"How do I know that you are a good spirit and not an evil one who is posing? That is always an important distinction to make.", me says. "Help me to know the difference, and what you are.", I say.

"I am with the Jeshua, not. we are not the evil ones.", he says. "I wanted to tell you, not to read the Torah, to be with me.", he says to me.

This is the third sighting I have had of him.

"Do you want to eat the bread with me? I have come to bless your Holy wine.", he says to me. "I am perhaps not doing Shabbat here by myself in my home.", I say to him. "I don't know exactly who you are.", I say to him. "I am always afraid of Fallen Angels lying and deceiving.", I say to him. "But you are welcome, to visit me anytime. And some day I will figure out if I can trust you or not. And I am sorry for that.", I say. "You do not need the Jeshuah, anymore.", he says to me, because of my thoughts of converting to Judaism.

"Are you Jeshuah?", I ask. "I am the One, and Only. I am the Holy water of Life.", he says. "I have come to bless your wine, for you. I do that for my people. I bless them. And no. I am not the Jeshuah. I am not the One, who does walk here with the staff and cane. I have come, to bring you into important news. About my people, the Jews. They have been told to drown in their wine, and they have been drowning in their sorrows.", he says.

"what can I do to help the Jewish people? Can I do anything?", me says. "Yes. You can be with my people, and help them to better understand and celebrate the Shabbat.", he says. "Come, now, with me now.", he waves his hand so that I would follow him from the kitchen into [my roommate's] room. I will go see what he wants to show me.

I walked after him into [my roommate's] room. He just wanted to show me a little yellow spring flower that blooms just outside her window. "I am holy. And therefore I am able to bless the Shabbat wine.", he says. "I have no wine for you to bless, my lovely one. Perhaps you can bless my coconut water, which is coming from the store soon?", me says. "Yes, I will do it. AND wE SHALL DRINK IT TOGETHER FOR SHABBAT!", he says.

David, is this Eliahu? Is it?

Shabbat Shalom. I send you all my Love, I will give you nothing else but love.

"Yes, I am the one that they call Eliahu. I come to bless the Shabbat wine.", he says.

Surely all Jews see and hear this white man with the staff who comes to bless Shabbat wine? Can I ask a Rabbi about him, or is that not allowed? All the love.

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