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I would like to speak to my children there. As, the email accounts have not been given. They were not here with me. So, we would like to try again. So! We speak here! ~ Sananda Jesus, April 19 2014, 12:41 noon
I was just thinking of how to start this page, when Lord Sananda Jesoah came to speak again. He is always with me, always with all of us. Just prior, I had checked my email and read an email response from a priest about my baptism, so that is what Sananda Jesoah is speaking about here.
All it took was one small little prayer sent to God and when I said Amen Jesus has been with me ever since. Ever since December he has spoken frequently about Easter, "as a time when many can be with him". And when Easter came, Jesus instructed me for a three-day fast. He was not too specific on how to do the fast. God gave me more suggested details and said I could fast from 9 AM and until 5 PM, so that we have a whole workday together, said God. At the afternoons after each fast I was going to have some bare crispy rye bread and wild rose soup, suggested God. I had many other foods in the evenings, and God was not pleased, Jesus also reminded me that I had bended the rules.
The purpose of the fast seems to have been for me to have a ritual death, so that I could then be reborn again with Christ. After the three days, which ended on the afternoon of Thursday the 17th, Jesus meant for me to wear a white gown and have a full body baptism with him. After dipping into the water he instructed I should say, "Jesus is resurrected. And I with you." I have not yet had my baptism.
After the fasting I ended up feeling very weak and I told God that their fast had made me feel like I was dying. I have fasted plenty times before and this was easy. But God and Jesus had said my fasting with them for Easter would be like a symbolic death. I was so weak yesterday and decided I must eat more foods and drink plenty. Today I have my strength back.
I was with her the whole time. ~ Sananda wants to say about my fast, 12:48 noon
Yesterday evening I watched on television a beautiful Easter service which was held in Rome, Italy, at the Colosseum. People carried the cross and said prayers and the Pope was there too and many Catholic nuns. For most of the program I closed my eyes to hear the words better.
I broke into tears when they told about how Jesus was harmed. This beautiful pristine loving being who was sent to us from God. Then I cried some more when I realized that all humans have that same spark of God that lives in them. Everybody who is on the streets and doesn't have enough food to eat, it is the same pain and lesson of love.
And then I really started to cry and sob tremendously, when I remembered how one morning when I was 12 years old, Jesus had woken me up extra early in the morning and guided me to go to church for an Easter service commemorating his resurrection. How Jesus could find me as a child, one lone and isolated person in this world (I just heard the Angels singing, it sounded like the Madagaskar howling monkeys again), how he could come to one single child and lead a child to church. There is something immensely powerful and loving in that which is too much for my human heart to handle, and so I cry. What you have to understand is we were not a particularly Christian family. It's not like we ever went to church. It's not like we even thought much about Jesus during Easter. And it's not like a 12-year old child would wake up extra early for any reason on a long holiday break from school when we get to sleep in late.
Children of my generation and time and place would think that religion is embarrassing and lame. It could never have been my own idea to go to church, but Jesus woke me up and took my hand and led me to church with him.
I just said to mom, "I am going to church!" What you have to understand is that this is so profound, coming from my family. It is the most random and odd thing I could have ever said, the most ridiculous, embarrassing, and lame thing I could have ever said, as a child in my time and place. And it is all I said. Mom tried to talk me out of it, "well you know it's a holiday so the buses aren't going so frequently, so you can't just go out to the bus stop you would have to wait for an hour or more", and she said, "you can't just go to church, they have set times that they are open, it is more probably closed". But I just said, "I am going to church". Very confidently and moved by the hand of Christ, I put on my shoes and walked to the bus stop calmly and steadily. The bus arrived perfectly on time as if its arrival were orchestrated with my arrival. I walked out of the bus as if I was guided and hypnotised by something, and I was. I went right into church in town.
If I would have gone to church as a 12-year old child together with my family, I would have felt ever so uneasy about it, I would have whined and complained, felt exceedingly out of place, ever so bored and grumpy, I would have tried every trick I could to get out of having to go, any excuse such as I don't feel good, I don't want to, even screaming and yelling. Children my age in my time and place find church to be the most boring place there ever was. And so for my 12-year old self to go to church all on my own, I would have felt
The Devil wasn't there. ~ Devil, 1:01 PM, about that he wasn't in the church
disdain = the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one's consideration or respect; contempt. Synonyms: contempt, scorn, scornfulness, contemptuousness, derision, disrespect.
For me to go to church all by myself would have been even more remarkable and odd. I would have hated it even more, felt even more scared of church and out of place and bored with it. But bravely and confidently I went to church and listened to the service which begun just as I arrived. Everything with my going was perfectly timed. And it was a service for Jesus and his resurrection. Jesus had taken my hand and walked with me to church so that we could be together. I cried so much last night when I remembered this, how Jesus had taken care of the child I was.
We also go to every hospital. ~ 17th Order Angel says, then it hollers a song, 1:07 PM
Jesus. Who would have thought it. He not just lived he still lives. He loves us. That is why he was named Sananda, which in some language means Heart, because he loves us so much. Love. It seems so ambiguous, why would anyone let alone oneself deserve to be loved? We often lose our love and self worth as we grow up into adults, and that there is someone godly who loves us. It wakes up humans and sets us to life. Life itself is love. Every spark of consciousness was made out of love.
Yesterday I bought some apple cinnamon cupcakes to the woman from Rumania who sits and begs for money outside our grocery store, and I gave her a golden colored coin with that. I told her Happy Easter. I made sure to give her the coin into her hand even though she had something on the ground for people to put the coins into. What I loved is that she raised her hands and thanked "Cristus", not me. She never thanked me, and that means she knows where her gift came from. Jesus told me before that women always baked "sweet breads" for Easter, that is why I gave her some sweet breads.
I wonder if she even exists, because of the story where a poor begger had come to someone's home and they sent him away, then God returned and they wanted to let him in and he said that he was also the begger earlier. I am starting to become suspicious about the world we are in, God creates things here (Father Motreyah laughs heartily), he puts things in place and takes things away, we humans live and we think all things are real, but are things and people not like cardboard props on a theatre stage?
In the afternoon I went to another grocery store and I needed to buy a grocery bag which costs 2 Swedish crowns or so. Being in the spirit of giving, I didn't buy the bag and stuffed what I could in my handbag and carried one item in my arms. I put one coin into a tin for charity, and another coin was saved for me. So I realized, that "giving" doesn't ever cost me anything. "Giving" had just given someone one coin and saved me one coin. Jesus and God had said to me (find it on another page), "you cannot give until you have first received". Jesus has also said that what I give to others, I give also to myself, and it is returned to me tenfold what I give to others.
Last night Angel Raphael came to visit, he told me his name. He said he is the Angel who brings messages and what in Swedish he says "påbud", it translates into English as "order, decree, dictate, edict, behest". Angel Gabriel is God's messenger Angel, but Raphael brings other kinds of messages, Raphael also brings the warnings and bad messages, Gabriel will only bring good messages.
I always used to wonder what it was like to meet with the famous Angels of God. Somehow, thinking of their grandeur made me feel unworthy and vile in comparison. I wondered if they would spot all of my imperfections and look down on me, if in their presence would be a meeting with the worst sides of me, if the worst in me would become obvious, and then if in the presence of such beautiful Angels I would suffer and appear dark and ugly. But it is not so. The Angels give such a happy friendly and loving encounter. They don't compare humans to themselves, nor dwell on our imperfections or ugliness. It is always fantastic when they visit.
The other night the 17th Order Angel had thanked me for sharing their messages to humanity, with the Bachlyre, with image of the lyre and the g clef on these pages I write with them. That night I had wondered, because I have to ask myself, is it really God when I see God and the Angels tell me it is God? A high order Angel had come to answer my question and it was spoken to me so loud that I was repeating its words out loud, the Angel really wanted me to know and believe that the God who visits really is the God who created the Angels, it is God. The Angels also told me that the Arch Angels are same as the 17th Order Angels.
This morning the Angels told me that my future husband, who was carefully selected for me by Angels, he is a professor of liturgy. I had never heard this word before, just like when the Angels said I would become a deaconess, I had not heard it before. The Angels have built an entire new world for me. I hope to meet my husband soon.
The priest of Swedish Lutheran State Church tells me it goes against his faith and beliefs if I would have a second baptism because it says nowhere in the Bible to have one. Yet it is Jesus who wants to baptize me. And didn't Jesus baptize a whole lot of adults? And weren't they all baptized properly the full body? Why then the few drops of holy water on the forehead of babies? Jesus wants to baptize me. Of course I will do what Jesus wants to give me as gifts!
Holy Holy Holy that! ~ Angel sings about what I said, 1:28 PM
I have decided to not baptize myself with the Pentacostals. Me and Angel Gabriel had agreed that we don't like the drums in the church, it is not a holy sound. I also want my faith to be more serene, more quiet, more reflective. I don't personally agree with all the noise and loud sounds in a church. I don't like the loud music that Pentecostals and Baptists have in church. Lutheran and Catholic serenity appeals more. I also have to say I have begun to enjoy hearing the songs they do for Allah in Muslim countries. I used to be like "everybody else" in the West who just thinks it is an odd if not disturbing sound, but now I like to listen to it, those beautiful songs to Allah.
I feel that having baptism with a priest or minister and other people of a church would be a distraction from my connection with Jesus. I guess if you don't hear or feel Jesus then a minister is the next best thing, but if you have Jesus by your side, a minister doesn't even come close to what Jesus means. I mean, who would you rather have carry out the baptism? Jesus or a minister? Easy choice, I am going to find a beautiful special natural lake somewhere and have baptism together with Jesus and Father Motreyah, I have also invited Angel Raphael if he wants to come. My Angels Razekiel and Hene-el will also be there.
I still hear the Angels play one quick note on a string instrument at the Fallen Angels, whenever the Fallen are about to come too close to me or about to say something they shouldn't. The note is a warning, if not even a weapon, at the Fallen Angels.