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On October 22 2015, a young man named Anton Lundin went to a school in Trollhättan, Sweden. He was wearing a black mask and war helmet and long black coat and had brought with him a sword. He attacked school children and teachers at the school, targeting black immigrant persons and aiming to kill. He managed to kill two persons, a teacher and a student, and injuring two others. Police stopped him by shooting him twice, and Anton died from the gunshots.
Only one, or at most two days prior to the incident, I was contacted by the spirit or ghost of a boy who wanted to tell me his story. He said that his name was Örjan and that he had died year 1971. Örjan told me about his life, how he was a younger kid and he had looked up to the older kids, especially since he did not want to have his father as his fatherfigure, the father being from a more stale old Swedish style and the boy looked up to the cool kids who used snuff tobacco and drank beer and acted cool like it was in the changing times in the early 70's. The cool boys told him that they could have any women, and Örjan did anything he could to be like them.
Örjan tried snuff tobacco but he put chewing gum under his lip afterwards to only pretend. And he drank beer with the boys. The older boys wanted Örjan to help them shoplift some cans of beer. But because of Örjan making some mistakes, the boys got caught. Örjan got away mildly from the police because he was underaged, but the other boys were 18 years or older and got in serious trouble with the police. The boys blamed Örjan and they kicked him to death. Örjan said that he would rather have the name Svenne. He said that he was from the city of Trollhättan in Sweden.
It almost never happens that a random ghost contacts me and starts to talk about his life. And although I am originally from Sweden I was in a whole different country. One or two days later I happen to look at the Swedish news on the internet and see the news special broadcasting live about the school massacre in Trollhättan. A strange coincidence I thought at first, but later the next day when I would talk to the spirit of Anton Lundin, he would say something to me that would confirm to me that my meeting earlier with Örjan had been a premonition, a warning even, of what was to come.
Whenever I think of a person who has died it immediately connects me with their spirit and they talk to me. It was not different with Anton Lundin because I was following his story on the news. I have now written down a long conversation with him that I had on October 24 2015.
I grew up in Sweden but my parents were both from Finland originally, so I was a second generation immigrant. Sweden has a large Finnish population. And when I wanted to channel the spirit of my father's father, I always came across a gypsie, and I revealed a family secret that my father was in fact half gypsie and half Finnish, which finally explained to me why he was so dark like an Egyptian! What surprised me the most about talking to Anton was that he constantly expresses racism even against me. It was my birthday and my deceased father came to wish me a Happy Birthay in spirit and Anton saw my father's spirit and expressed racism against my father, and against me for being Finnish. That came as a total surprise since Swedes, presumably even the racist ones but now I know I was wrong, I thought that they usually were tolerant of the Finns.
Anton and me we talk about his deed, he mostly compares himself to Breivik the Norwegian assassin who targeted people of immigrant background just a few years ago, and he talks about how he had planned his escape routes. Anton even mocks me when I make a tuna salad because he always made more expensive food and he tells me of the "pepper steak" he used to make. He talks of his love for Germany, how Germans are their allies. He talks about racism and about the "boat immigrants" (referring to the immigrants that are coming on boats from Africa to reach to Italy to get to Europe lately) and the homeless people camping in Swedish forests who come from Rumania and his hatred for those. I also discover that Anton held a hatred toward women which was surprising.
Me and Anton discuss immigration in Sweden and I choose to talk to him about the Vikings whom I have channeled in spirit, when Anton shows me one of his Nazi friends who is a Swedish man with a shaved head, one of the "skinheads" and I noticed that this man had Viking runes drawn on his fingers and knuckles with a red pen, and so I started to talk to Anton about the Vikings who had the runes. I tell him about the Viking traditions, and about how all the Vikings originally had red hair and none of them were blonde. He loves to listen to those stories.
I am still going to interview him some more. The conversation with him was difficult because my father is visiting in spirit today because it is my Birthday and Anton is mean to my father because my father is very dark, my father looked just like an Egyptian person. Anton is also mean to me because I am Finnish, he saw right away that I was not an ethnic Swede, he also expresses meanness because I am a woman. But I am going to get a good interview out of him, I will continue on the work. He spends a lot of his time in the spirit world together with a grandmother reading Acke, which is the Swedish translation for the Archey comic books, by grandmother's kitchen table. His grandmother is trying to take care of him. He also visits his childhood where he is reading Alfons Åberg books which is a very typical Swedish children's book.
As with all of the spirits whose loved ones are still living, I hesitate to publish any conversations I have with them in spirit. This includes spirits of Michael Jackson, princess Diana, and Anna Nicole Smith, out of respect and love of their loved ones. And this time with Anton I have not only his loved ones and family to think of, but also the victims and the victims' families to hold in concern. The wounds for both have also not have had time to heal.
But I interview spirits because they have got something to say. And I believe that by understanding the very essence of who a person was, we can find an understanding which makes it possible to relax and let go of the person, to no longer have the questions "why" or feel that we demand an answer or something from them. We relax and can let go, and you know what else happens when we reach that far in understanding someone? The spirits themselves can also let go and move on.
I notoriously seem to interview spirits who were brutal. That is one reason why I have dedicated most of this work on the Ancient Romans, because I have wanted to explore, explain, and understand how they made a life out of being so brutal. It is something we need to understand, in an ever increasingly violent world. And I believe that we need to hear Anton Lundin's message too, to understand violence.
Please visit back here again to see when, or if, I later in the future decide to post the conversations that I had with Anton. I might also put excerpts of the conversations here.
My heart is with the victims and their loved ones, with Anton and his loved ones, and with the Swedish police who risked their own safety to save others.