Author - Narkael | |||||||||||||
Narkael is a light being from a world named Telmaar. Telmaar has also been called Telomaar and Tomar in a book about Arcturians. I have a human body but my incarnated soul is Narkael, so my body and my spirit do not look the same, I do not see myself when I look in the mirror, and it is not my name in my passport, and things like these really break my heart. All my life on Earth I dreamt about the time when I can leave everything behind and be who I am. I relate a great deal to transgender people because of this. Although I am woman both in body and spirit, I relate with the life's destiny of having a life and body around you that does not fit with who you are, and the quest to find independence to be brave to be, not a creation or a reflection of the world around you, but a true creation from within.
The head is elongated into a long snout which is why we resemble the horse on the head. We have no nose, nostrils, mouth, or ears. We don't breathe air or eat solid food. Food is light and is absorbed through the back of our head. The eyes are long and brightly colored, most of us have turquoise-blue eyes, some like mine were golden-green, other eye colors also occur. We cannot rotate our head about the neck, and do not need to turn our head to look sideways, because the eyes wrap around the head we have a large field of vision.
There are no protruding flat feet like on humans. The end of the legs are blunt and soft making our feet look more like soft cat paws or soft white hooves without the hard hoof of a hooved animal. For simplicity's sake I still say that our feet they are hooved. So again, we resemble the horse. But we have no tail.
In many ways we resemble the antelope, horse, cuttlefish, lioness, cow, and angel.
I think I understand what Ezekiel saw when he met an Angel with four heads. Narkael looks more like a white cow, a white horse, and squid, than a human. Ezekiel: "Their faces looked like this: Each of the four had the face of a human being, and on the right side each had the face of a lion, and on the left the face of an ox; each also had the face of an eagle."
There is more resemblance with cuttlefish than with humans. Perhaps the fact that the cuttlefish is soft and white (with colors) and that it has no skeleton. The large eye, the colors across the eye. Is it an interesting coincidence that God turned out to be the octopus Creator God, an ancient being that resembles an octopus and has soft tentacles on his chin as a beard? Perhaps the people of Narkael and God are more closely related than I thought.
I was always strongly attached to the cuttlefish, yet it wasn't long ago that I met God and learned that he is an octopus. God resembles the cuttlefish too, in ways, the tentacles from the chin.
I know that many readers are wondering who I "really" am. I am a 31-year old Swedish woman. I was studying toward a Bachelor of Science in Physics and another one in Chemistry. I have about two semesters remaining to finish them. I am rekindling with spirituality and the Angelic presence.