Angel Anatomy
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I cannot speak on behalf of all Angelic and Light Beings, but here on the anatomy of the Light Beings of Telmaar, of which I belong. We are Light Beings but we do not have wings.
The body is made of light, not of atoms. In the high consciousness of the Light Beings of Telmaar, atoms are lifted into higher levels and they burn. The consciousness of one of us could not hold a body that is made out of atoms. The human body made of atoms is a denser form, manageable through a lower consciousness. A similar process happens in the stars, where atoms are known to burn into plasma and light. We on Telmaar believe that the stars are conscious elder beings.
We have something similar to DNA which describes our body form. It is a rigid vibrational pattern. You could almost think of it as a series of musical notes written on a paper, which then describe where the notes will be, to compose a piece of music. The vibrational structures describe variations across our body in the light, which then forms who we are.
We do not have a mouth. Instead we take in light at the back of our head. The light is there condensed and packed, is led in to the inward of our body as a 'light substance' and is distorted and aligned according to the vibrational pattern which describes us. Some light continuously leaves the body by escaping the hold by the vibrational pattern, and unfolds back into light, unharmed. That is why there is a glow of white light around us, it is the escaping light.
The body would feel cold to touch and you could push your hand slightly through the surface of the body but then the density and strength of the light body would become strong enough to resist penetration.
We do not feel temperature as hot or cold. If you ask us, the stars do not feel hot and outer space does not feel cold. We are perfectly comfortable in hot stars without feeling a burn, because we are already made out of light and the sun does not harm us. We are also not harmed by strong radiation such as ultraviolet rays, gamma rays, or cosmic radiation.
We are tall and upright standing beings on two legs. We have no feet, instead the end of the leg is blunt and resembles a hoof. That is why in my childhood here on Earth as a human, I was always unable to draw the feet when I tried to draw the Narkael I was remembering vaguely. It is because I could not have drawn a human foot there, nor did I understand that a person could have hooved feet, so I always drew pictures of my people standing by the border of the page, or with long skirts that concealed the feet. Today I could proudly draw the hooved feet, because I remember.
We have two slender arms without an elbow. The hands have four fingers, the index finger is the longest and every finger following is shorter than the one before. There is no thumb. We don't have fingernails. We don't use our hands for anything else other than to hold our young children close to our bodies.
We cannot move our head around the neck. We cannot move our head to look sideways or tilt our head. It is because we do not need to. Our eyes are so wide that we have a nearly 360 degree field of vision as it stands. Sometimes when I incarnate too much, I find myself not wanting to turn the head about the neck, it just doesn't feel right.
The head is a very special shape, quite unlike the human head. Our head is more elongated toward the front and back. That is why it looks like the head of a horse, with the long snout. If you look at us straight from ahead, we look like a beautiful woman. Seen at a slight angle, we look like the head of a lioness. Seen at an even more angle to the side, we look like the head of a cow. And seen perfectly from the side, we look like the head of a horse. When Ezekiel wrote about when he saw an Angel, he said that it had four faces: the face of a human, lion, ox, and eagle. This makes me think about how distinct our heads are when seen from different angles and might have been what he meant, but on the other hand, Angel Gabriel really has two faces on the head with two eyes on the front and two to the back so Ezekiel may have seen a truly four-faced Angel, instead of the different angles.
The back of the head on us protrudes back a bit more than it does on humans. The shape of the head is perfectly important to us since it guides the light to the back of the head where light is absorbed to form our nutrition. In fact, it is the exact shape of the back of the head that we consider to be most important about our appearance and body. Still today on Earth I find a narrow and elongated back of the head extremely attractive and irresistible on humans, and I find that I feel confused and unattracted to humans with blunt backs of the head. Still today here on Earth, it is the back of the head that matters the most to me if you ask me which of humans is the most appealing to see.
Our heads are narrower than the human head. We do not have a nose or nostrils, no ears, and no mouth. You might think that it is a very strange face and body to live in, but to us it is normal, and here on Earth I think it is ridiculous to have a mouth and teeth. I am going to have some of my teeth pulled out and the others filed down to smaller size here on my human body! Just to feel more at home.
We have two eyes and they are very wide and cover almost around the entire head. The exact curvature of the outline of the eyes is important, as it helps to lead light toward the back of the head, like a channel, it captures light that hits the eye from any direction and places it into a steady current of light that leads it to the back where it is packed and taken in to form our light body.
Our eyes do not have whites or pupils. Instead, the entire eye is made out of the colored portion like one single iris of color. By far most of us on Telmaar have turquoise-blue eyes. My husband on Telmaar, Jarkael, has the typical turquoise-blue eyes. (He is my husband on Telmaar but I am looking for a human husband here on Earth. I know that one day my future human husband will read these pages and he will feel compelled to write to me. I am eager to meet him.) Ehreiah our Elder has beautiful yellow eyes. Sahjael's eyes are crimson-purple. And my eyes, as Narkael and also the eyes of Kimael the Elder, are a golden-green, a green with clearly defined golden streaks across it.
The entire eye is the color. And the color is not just a thin layer on top of the eye, but is a layer that has some thickness. The material of the eye is of course also made out of light, and it resembles a pasty oil. The material of the eye reacts to light that touches the eye, and you can see how the colors contort very much like when you see gasoline on the ground with its colors swirling and moving seemingly on its own, and this is one of the things that relays information to us about the surroundings. But we do not see only with our eyes. We see by feeling the surroundings in light, but more about that later.
The eyes have no eyelids and no eyelashes. We cannot close our eyes, and why would we want to? To close one's eyes is symbolic of losing one's consciousness, and consciousness is what matters to us the most, so why lose it? Our eyes are always open.
The back corners of the eyes narrow down and almost meet at the back of the head. The center where light is absorbed sits beneath the back corners of the eyes.
We have white hair that is also made out of light. If you look at our hair you get the sense that we would be thousands of years old. Our bodies and faces do not age, or deteriorate, and it is when you see the hair you get a feeling that we are very old. The hair is able to tell that somehow.
We do not smile or laugh or cry. We don't show facial expressions. In fact, when I incarnate here to my human, then even though I am living in a human body I do not smile or show facial expressions as much, because that is how I am as Narkael. Then some people who have known me before when I was human, and who see me now, they think that I am upset, but hopefully they will just think of me as reserved.
When I incarnate I carry over the special accent of pronounciation that is lovely to hear. Incarnation also changes my human voice to something exceptionally beautiful and angelic. I also remember my Telmaar language when I incarnate. For instance, El-Ra means star. I suspect that El means light. You see that many Angel and Telmaar names are ending with El, such as Gabriel, Hamuel, Razekiel, and Narkael, Kimael, Sahjael. We are light beings so what could be more suitable!
On Telmaar we live in buildings that are - surprise - also made out of light! We construct a vibrational pattern which is then flooded with light, and the light places itself accordingly. All of our buildings are dome shaped. Our science and technology is based on the manipulation of light. That is part of what I came here to Earth to do, and to apply our uses in medical technology with the use of light in the healing arts. Healing something like migraines is very easy for me to do because I am adjusting the vibrational patterns in the human head along which all else aligns that results in the physical body and state of being. We are experts on light technology on Telmaar, and I was a specialist.
The planet we live on is covered in a continuous silicon mineral. The silicon is a gray-purple-blue color and is connected in one piece that covers the planet. It is soft and rubbery and resists breaking off into pieces, so it does not form separate rocks, sand, or dust anywhere on the planet.
If you were humans trying to live there, you would find that the planet is absolutely dark. But we can see in it. There is a black oily liquid which reflects many colors like a soap bubble when you look at it. It exists in the deep cracks of the planet. We do not use it. There are no plants and no animals.
The colors on the planet and in the sky are purple, deep pink, blue, and then the blackness of outer space.
The Elders are eight of the most conscious members of our people. They decide when we need to have a child. Our population is around 10,781 people. We do not overpopulate the planet, and we do not have too few of us. Our Elders are always aware of the balance. The Elders also decide which of us will have children and with whom. We are not strictly men and women, we are and we are not. We do not have genitals, and of course we do not have belly buttons (no umbilical cord of pregnancy) and no nipples or breasts (not mammals we do not breastfeed). We are usually three people when we make a child. Children are made in the Great Dome Of Light, the largest building in our cities. We simply make a copy of the vibrational structure and let light fill it up so that the body forms. It is not a sexual act.
Usually we have two persons who are the biological parents you could say. They use their own vibrational structure to make the child. The third person acts as a midwife you could say, protecting the entry of light into the child's body and ensuring that the creation is done in light. We protect our children tremendously. We shield children from having any access to the outside world, and they are kept indoors and in libraries where they only get to read children's books. When they are older they can take in harsh information about the surrounding world without it harming them. The parents who care for a child are not always its biological parents. Sahjael my friend used to visit me but she now has a son and won't come here, she has to protect him from the harshness of Earth's vibrational information.
We die when we are ready to and it is when we ascend into another place out of light. Our consciousness remains of course. The body is allowed to be recycled into light. We do not have any burial grounds of course. The next place is closer to the Ether. And, not all souls can incarnate to live with us. You have to be conscious enough to live on Telmaar.
Our religion or belief is called The Consciousness of The All. We believe that in all things is consciousness. Imagine if you are in the sea and there are many objects floating around in the ocean, such as coral and fish and whales. If the water can immerse into the objects, there is water through and inside throughout all things in the sea. Some things can immerse a larger amount of water than do others. That is how a stone has some consciousness, but a star has more of it. It is not a matter purely of size, but of the complexity of its creation. The more advanced in creation, the more consciousness is in it. And then, The All, is the one greatest consciousness, the sea, that is immersed in all of things.
The consciousness of a stone is a part of the consciousness of The All, but the stone does not know it. And we on Telmaar believe that the goal of life is to reach toward the Consciousness of The All. If you talk to someone from Telmaar they will talk about Light and Consciousness the most, and maybe about the creative art of vibrational structures.
The Telmaareans know that the universe is contained in the Ether. The Ether is the Great White Room Of Light that all is in. Black space is on the other side of things. The stars are our Elder beings, we believe, that let through light from the Ether, from a rip of the canvas of space if you will.
We the people of Telmaar are gate keepers. I sometimes wonder if this is the pearly gate that is mentioned in the Bible. Namely, we at Telmaar are the most conscious beings there are anywhere in this part of the universe. A gate was built, and behind that gate is the next world. You could almost say that the "high-end people" wanted to live in an exclusive gated community and the rest of us are living on the outside of their walls. This is because the conscious individuals, who are all light beings, want to live without having to feel all the harshness and unconscious and dark that is here in this part of the universe. So a gate was made, and we the people of Telmaar are the ones who are guarding that gate. We are also the ones who "nearly made it through", but the decision to keep us right on the outside of that gate was a deliberate choice that was made. We wanted to, and we were meant to, be on the outside of that gate.
We guard our elder beings who are on the other side of that gate, so that nothing harmful or uncomfortable can get to them from this side of the universe. And that is why, with this gate concerned, we of Telmaar are the most conscious beings there are, in this side of the universe.
We are immortal but we like to live for only a certain number of hundreds of years, before we feel ready to move on to the next world in ascension. Our consciousness brings us there.
Here on Earth, I have always known that I am a Star Person, a human whose soul has incarnated from another planet. I knew about other planets, before the human world had told me about other planets. And I knew about old white dwarf stars that are cold and the size of planet Earth, before the human world had ever told me about those things to exist. But I used to think of my true self as an extraterrestrial, an alien woman. But lately I started to realize more and more that Narkael and her people must be more like Angels. I had known that we are Light Beings, but to start referring to ourselves as Angels was a revelation.
However, the octopus Creator God Ganesha told me that Narkael, my true self, is not an Angel. And not long after, the Angels had told me something fantastic. Namely, me and Jarkael have incarnated to Earth - to earn our wings! We are here on a training mission to pass some tests so that we can ascend into the higher place, probably through those gates, and become full Angels with wings! I was so happy to hear that.
Jarkael was my husband on Telmaar. We were very close. I incarnated to live in a woman in Sweden, and throughout my whole life here on Earth while my human side was growing up, I had always known that Jarkael is living closely with a boy who lives in South America. Only days ago I was told the name of that boy for the first time. The boy is homeless and Jarkael watches over him and helps him to grow up properly, to stay safe and to have the right values. It seems that Jarkael and me will meet, whilst in our respective human bodies. For a while I thought that I might be going to South America to adopt this boy and be his mother. But if he is around my age, it seems that Jarkael was thinking that he and I would fall in love and get married. I resist that idea with some hesitation, because I wanted to find a truly human man here for me to marry, instead. But I have discovered this urge of going to South American to live there for a year and work with a Catholic orphanage. Is that when the boy with Jarkael is going to find me?
The Angels have shown me my future husband. I know what country he lives in. He is a Catholic and he is an art collector. He loves historic art, both paintings and sculptures. He has a sculpture of Adonis and sculptures of Angels. He has Angels painted in the ceiling and on walls. He works with historic and religious old texts. He drives a Renault. I am so eager to find him, and the Angels tell me I am not ready. The Angels have given me things to read first and things to do to prepare. I can't wait for much longer, it feels like I am holding my breath.